Pain in the nose

Dizziness can affect most of us

Dizziness diagnoses: Dizziness and vertigo diagnoses

Here you will find an overview of dizziness diagnoses - ie diagnoses directly related to dizziness and vertigo, here you will also find advice, treatment, exercises and measures for the individual diagnoses.


Being dizzy is one of the most common health problems in the population and is a symptom that the body's balance system is not working properly. There can be many reasons for this. The balance system consists of several centers in the brain that receive and process sensory information from sight, the balance organs in the inner ear and the locomotor system. Dizziness occurs when the brain perceives the information it receives about the position of the body, from our various senses, as contradictory.


What is the difference between vertigo and vertigo?
- Dizziness is a feeling most of us have experienced. You feel unstable and unsteady, and experience a rocking and shaky feeling. Many people feel ears in the head and it can blacken a little before the eyes.
- Vertigo is a more intense and powerful experience that either the surroundings or themselves rotate; a carousel-like feeling (gyratory vertigo). Others experience a rocking feeling, as if on board a boat.


Possible diagnoses and causes of dizziness

There are a wide range of possible diagnoses and causes of dizziness. Among other things, there are a total of 2805 drugs that have listed dizziness as a possible side effect. Here we list some possible diagnoses (click on the diagnosis you want to learn more about):


Diagnoses / causes

Addison's disease

Acoustic neuroma

alcohol poisoning



Arnold-Chiari deformation

Arterial injury or syndrome

Autoimmune diseases (conditions where the body attacks its own cells can cause dizziness)

Inflammation of the balance nerve (also known as vestibular neuritis - is a relatively common cause of dizziness, but is often misdiagnosed in cases where the real diagnosis is actually crystal disease)

Lead poisoning (Poisoning conditions put the body in total imbalance and often lead to dizziness to varying degrees)

Borrelia/Lyme disease

Cervical spondylosis (joint wear in the neck can cause neck-related dizziness)

Chediak-Higashi syndrome

Down syndrome (Down syndrome increases the incidence of vertigo)

Drip in the brain

diver flu

Exhaust Poisoning (Carbon Monoxide)


Fibromyalgia (Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis associated with higher rates of dizziness)


cerebral haemorrhage

Concussion (symptoms after head trauma should be discussed with an emergency room!)


Heart failure

Myocardial infarction

brain cancer

Heart failure

Hip Cancer



altitude sickness

High blood pressure (hypertension)

Internal bleeding

Iron deficiency

Jaw problems and jaw pain

Crystal Disease (BPPV)

Labyrinthitis (inflammation of the auditory organ; labyrinth)

Low blood sugar

Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Joint Restraints / Dysfunction in the neck and upper chest




ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Drug overdose

Meniere's disease


Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

myalgias / miosis

Nervous vestibulocochlear disease

kidney Problems

panic attacks


shock Condition

vision problems

Systemic lupus

Takayasus syndrome

TMD jaw syndrome

ventricular tachycardia

viral infection

Vitamin A overdose (in pregnancy)

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Whiplash / neck injury

Ear conditions


Common causes of vertigo

Your balance is dependent on sensory information from the eyes, balance organs and the body's muscles and joints. Dizziness can therefore be a symptom that can have many different causes. Fortunately, most causes of vertigo are harmless. If your dizziness is accompanied by symptoms such as hearing loss, severe ear ache, visual disturbance, fever, severe headache, palpitations, chest pain or difficulty breathing, consult a physician to rule out underlying disease conditions.


We otherwise encourage you to be on the move and to go hiking in rough terrain if possible - feel free to see ours YouTube channel for more tips and exercises.


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ALSO READ: - 8 Good Advice and Measures against Dizziness



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Try these exercises as well: - 6 Strength Exercises for Stronger Hips

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