Pain in the back after pregnancy - Photo Wikimedia

Pain and Pain in the Legs After Pregnancy: Can The Cause Be Sciatica?

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Last updated 27/12/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Pain in the back after pregnancy - Photo Wikimedia

Pain and Pain in the Legs After Pregnancy: Can The Cause Be Sciatica?

Reader questions about pain and leg pain that occurred along the way and after pregnancy. What could be the cause? Sciatica? A good question, the answer is that it is very likely that something happened during the pelvic discharge and the birth itself that has affected the seat, hip and pelvis - and that this can lead to irritation or slight pinching against sciatic nerve.


We recommend that anyone interested in this topic read the main articles: - Sciatica og pelvic pain

Read: - Review article: ISJIAS

Pain in the lower back

Here is the question a female reader asked us and our answer to this question:

Female (30 years): Hi. I am a lady of 30 years and have had discomfort / pain in my legs for the past three years. As I remember, it started when I got pregnant with my youngest son. Then began with the fact that it was uncomfortable to cook dinner and had to move the load from foot to foot. This is about 3,5 years ago. 1,5 years ago, I decided seriously to try to figure out where it came from and find a way to get rid of it. Now I am constantly walking with a discomfort in my legs. On a scale of 1-10 I would say that I go constantly on 2/3 so it varies up to 8/9.

When I wake up at night it is around 8 on the scale. I have been through many blood tests and tests but all samples are fine. Been with a physiotherapist and tried yoga which made the body softer but no relief on the legs. Was with a massage therapist and he was surprised at how tight / muscular I had. He had trouble loosening up. These are some of the things that have been checked: - are on medication for metabolism and this has been stable for about 2,5 years.

- no neurological findings in a neurologist
-tested B12 spray since I was at a slightly low level within normal.
- iron deficiency and other blood tests at the doctor. All fine.

What I'm wondering is if you've heard of similar things before and if you can help me further in which direction I can go. Is currently on sick leave and is being investigated for depression. Have taken on the body and psyche to go to hurt. The general practitioner will not go on with my legs until I feel better psychologically to exclude that the pain is mental since all other tests are negative. Feel myself that it is not mental, but I become insecure when all the tests are negative. Hope you guys can give me feedback. Female, 30 years


Reply:  Hey,

You can read more about pelvic solution here:
Read: Pelvic solution

X-ray of female pelvis - Photo Wiki

When you are pregnant, this can lead to changes in the pelvic position and associated structures - which in turn can put a little more pressure on the blood vessels or nerves that go down into the legs. To us, this sounds like it may be related to the back / pelvis - and associated nerve irritation to the lumbar or sacral nerve roots. Could you have been a little more specific in your description of the pain in your legs? Do you sometimes get near electric shock or tingling / herring down your legs?

Has your back / pelvis / seat been examined for dysfunction / misalignment / myalgia?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thomas v /


Regardless, we recommend that you try to train your hip stability - this is very important for your back and pelvis. Perhaps it can also lead to minor sciatic nerve symptoms.


Exercise for stronger hips:

- 10 Exercises Against Bad Hip

the bridge exercise

Measures against sciatica / nerve irritation:

- 8 Good Advice and Measures against sciatica



Female (30 years): Have had an MRI of the lower back and there everything was normal. The neurologist found no neurological findings when I was with him. There he took both such a test that sends current through the nerves to check the speed and one where the neurologist did his own tests. Everything normal according to him. The discomfort / pain is there constantly, but varies in intensity. It feels like a tingling that moves. Under the sole of the foot, behind the legs and halfway up the thigh, I feel it more than the rest of the legs. After a day at work, I have been so tired in my legs that it has felt like they were going to burn up. Gets no electric shock to the legs.
Reply: Hi again, Thanks for the info. Okay, what about the muscles and joints in the hip / seat / pelvis? Have these been evaluated by a physical therapist / chiropractor or manual therapist? Myalgia of the seat and stiffness of the pelvic joints can provide a basis for sciatica / false sciatica, which can nerve symptoms in the legs and leg pain. What about your vein function? Has it been investigated? How else is your heart health?


The spine is important for optimal function

The spine is important for optimal function

Female (30 years): Found a manual therapist who should not be contacted tomorrow. Have not tried it before so it will be tested! Ang isjas or false isjas should the neurologist discover if that had been the case? Or? How to test blood vessel function? Has had a little low blood pressure during pregnancy and is probably a little lower than normal to normal. But heart otherwise it has not been examined. Could there be something I should check up on?

Reply: Okay, that sounds reasonable. A manual therapist or chiropractor should both be able to give you a good joint and muscle assessment. False sciatica cannot normally be detected on electrical measurements. Sciatica, on the other hand, should have been picked up. Yes, blood vessel function can be checked by a specialist - you get a referral from your GP. As is well known, impaired blood circulation is often the cause of leg cramps, cold feet and other 'neurological' symptoms in the legs.

Female (30 years): Thanks a lot for great help! Will investigate further the tips and advice!


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Also read: - The Worst Exercises If You Have Prolapse

leg press


Also read: - THAT'S WHY Promping Is Healthy!

Promping is healthy


Did you know: - Cold treatment can give pain relief to sore joints and muscles? Blue. Biofreeze (you can order it here), which consists mainly of natural products, is a popular product. Contact us today via our Facebook page if you have questions or need recommendations.

Cold Treatment


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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.



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