Promping is healthy

5 Reasons Why Promping Is Healthy

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Last updated 27/12/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Promping is healthy

5 Reasons Why Promping Is Healthy

Promping. We do it all and everyone. On the other hand, if you work actively to not do it, or hold it in, your gut may actually be adversely affected by it. Studies have also shown that the gas you hold in will gradually find other exits - for example through the mouth. Which can be a bit tedious if you have a conversation with a person you like.


So .. yeah. Promping is important. Promping is actually vital.


So here are 5 reasons why promoting is healthy and good for you:


1. Less Inflated Stomach


You can not completely escape the fact that the stomach feels bloated from time to time. Even super healthy foods like lentils and beans cause it. Fortunately, the body is equipped with its own pressure relief mechanism - all you need to do is release it. Promping releases the gas that is formed when undigested food reaches the intestines.


If you feel bloated, you can help the gas on the way by lying on your back and pulling your legs up towards your chest. This position is actually called 'Pawanmuktasana' in the ancient Sanskrit language - which can be roughly translated as "A position that sets the wind free".


2. Breathing In Promp Is Good For You! 


You read correctly. Sorry in advance that we equipped the gas tank of a partner or friend with this winning argument. In the prompt we find hydrogen sulfide - and research has shown that inhaling small amounts of this gas can lead to less cell damage. In the long run, this can prevent stroke, arthritis and heart disease.


Isn't biology fantastic?


3. Your Fragrance Smell Tells A Lot About You


If you are a healthy person, then the majority of your proms will not smell particularly bad. This may be an indication that your health is quite good. If, on the other hand, your proms stink of spoilage, rotten eggs and worse - not just in individual cases - then you should actually be a little more aware of your health. This can be a sign of indigestion, gastrointestinal disease or intolerance to certain ingredients.


4. Promp Means Healthy Intestinal Flora


Your gut flora is vital - in fact, recent research has also shown a direct link between healthy gut flora and better brain function; the so-called «gut-brain connection». This flora of friendly bacteria and microbes helps to strengthen your immune system, regulate brain chemicals and control weight.


Of course, you can not see these kind microbes with the naked eye, but they can give you a thumbs up by producing gas and prom. If you prom, this is an indication that they are doing well. In fact, experts have stated that the only way these can be nourished is by eating foods that produce gas - such as beans and lentils. The last sentence here we take with us to the next point:


5. Promp Can Help You With Your Diet

Olive oil

If you pump very rarely, you know that the gut flora does not get the nutrients it needs. That means you need more fiber and carbohydrates, such as:

  • Beans
  • lentils
  • Rough grain products
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Onion
  • Vegetables

So your prompting can tell you when you should make changes to your diet. Probiotic products can also help you to strengthen your gut flora.


Like that! Now you have learned a bit more about promp and why it is so healthy for you. Exciting, right?



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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.



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