this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2

How To Help Exercise In Hot Water Pool Against Fibromyalgia

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Last updated 03/05/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health


How To Help Exercise In Hot Water Pool Against Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that can make exercise difficult. Did you know that many people with fibromyalgia have a good effect from exercising in a hot water pool? The reasons for this are many - and we will go into more detail on these in this article.


Deep and severe pain in the muscles and joints is often part of everyday life for those with fibromyalgia. That is why we have focused on developing measures and treatment methods that can contribute to pain relief. Feel free to comment if you have more good input.


As mentioned, this is a patient group with chronic pain in everyday life - and they need help. We fight for this group of people - and those with other chronic pain diagnoses - to have better opportunities for treatment and assessment. Like us on our FB page og our YouTube channel in social media to join us in the fight for an improved everyday life for thousands of people.


In this article, we consider exercise in a hot water pool as a natural painkiller for fibromyalgia - and why it has a good effect for those with chronic pain disorders and rheumatism. At the bottom of the article you can also read comments from other readers, as well as watch a video with exercises adapted to those with fibromyalgia.


Exercise in a hot water pool has a number of good health benefits - including these eight:


1. Customized training in gentle surroundings

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Water has an uplifting effect - which makes hip exercises and the like easier to perform, without putting too much strain on muscles and joints. When we train in a hot water pool, we reduce the chance of strain injuries and "mistakes" that can occur in more traditional forms of training.


Hot-water pool training, like yoga and pilates, is gentle exercise, which is particularly suitable for those with stronger variants of fibromyalgia and soft-tissue rheumatism. It is a great arena for gradually building up the capacity of the muscles so that it can withstand more and more as you get stronger.


Too many people are plagued with chronic pain that destroys everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say: "Yes to more research on fibromyalgia". In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: - Researchers may have found the cause of 'Fibro fog'!

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2. Hot water increases blood circulation

Joints, nerves and muscles need nourishment - and this they get through the blood circulation. Exercise and exercise have the general ability to increase the circulation of blood throughout our body. By exercising in the hot water pool, many people with rheumatism and fibromyalgia report that this effect is enhanced and that they experience that circulation reaches deeper into the aching muscle fibers, tendons and stiff joints.


The heat in the water contributes to the blood vessels opening up and the circulation flowing more freely than when the mentioned years are more constricted. In chronic pain disorders, one often has a tired tendency to "tighten up" - even when there is no need for this, and it is by dissolving in these deep muscular knots that hot water pool training comes into its own.


Also read: - Researchers Believe That These Two Proteins Can Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Biochemical research


3. Reduces stress and anxiety

It is documented through research that those with fibromyalgia have higher incidence of «nerve noise». This means that muscles, tendons, connective tissue, nerves and even the brain are in high tension throughout much of the day. Getting calm and learning methods to reduce such nerve noise, stress and anxiety therefore becomes extra important for someone with such a chronic pain diagnosis.


The warm water often works mentally soothing when it is due to heated currents through the pool. Stress and hustle are also easier to put aside when you are in your right element - namely the hot water pool.


Other measures that can help reduce stress in everyday life and contribute to increased energy are a customized diet with a healthy energy base, grant of Q10, meditation, as well as physical treatment of joints and muscles. These have shown that together (or on their own) they can contribute to increasing energy in everyday life. Maybe you can dedicate 15 minutes to meditation after the end of the workday, for example?


Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.


4. Improves sleep quality

sleeping problems

Are you affected by sleep problems? Then you are not alone. It is very common for those with chronic pain to have difficulty getting to sleep, and they often wake up repeatedly through the night due to pain.


Exercise in a hot water pool can lead to improved sleep quality and easier sleep. The behavior of hot water pool training consists of several factors, but some of the most important is that they reduce muscle tension, nerve noise in the brain and thus lower the overall overactive electrical activity in the body of those with fibromyalgia.


There are medications to numb the pain and get you to sleep, but unfortunately many of them have a long list of side effects. Therefore, it is important that you are also good at using your own treatment in the form of walks in the woods, hot water pool training, as well as the use of trigger point treatment for sore muscles and swimming.


Also read: Self-measures against the Fibromyalgia Mist

Self-measures and self-treatment against fibromyalgia


5. Low load on sore joints

hip pain on the front

Many people with fibromyalgia find that high-intensity exercise (such as running on hard surfaces) can cause worsening fibromyalgia symptoms. In fibromyalgia, such responses become significantly stronger than in many others due to an oversensitivity in the body's immune system and the autonomic nervous system.


Hot water pool training is performed in water - which means that the training is of low load on your muscles and joints. High strain on joints can, in many cases, lead to inflammatory reactions in those with fibromyalgia and hypersensitivity - which in turn leads to joint pain and associated muscle ailments.


Therefore, exercise in hot water is especially suitable for rheumatics and those with chronic pain.


Also read: This You Should Know About Fibromyalgia



6. Increases muscle and joint mobility

cervical neck prolapse and neck pain

Tight muscles in the back and neck? Exercise in a hot water pool is an excellent way to increase mobility in the spine and neck, as well as contribute to greater mobility in the muscle fibers.


It is the warm water and gentle exercise that are particularly effective when it comes to contributing to improved neck and back movement. This is precisely why this form of exercise is suitable for symptom relief and functional improvement.


If you have questions regarding treatment methods and assessment of fibromyalgia, we recommend that you join your local rheumatism association, join a support group on the internet (we recommend the facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: News, Unity and Research«) And be open with those around you that you sometimes have difficulty and that this can go beyond your personality temporarily.


7. Contributes to better heart health


When you regularly have severe pain, it can be difficult to get enough activity - and this can have a negative impact on your heart health. In the hot water pool you can work out relatively intensely and get up your heart rate without being uncomfortably sweaty.


Exercise in a hot water pool is a gentle form of cardio exercise that contributes to improved cardiovascular health. This helps reduce the chance of heart disease - such as heart attack and blood clots.


8. You meet friends who understand you and your suffering

Nordic walking - walking with spells

Hot water pool training always takes place in groups - often with as many as 20 or 30 pieces. With so many people with the same disorder, you meet a good understanding of what it is like to be in a pain situation like the one you are in. Maybe you meet a future good friend at the training too?


Also read: 7 Tips To Endure With Fibromyalgia


More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.

We also really appreciate if you want subscribe for free to our Youtube channel (click here). There you will find a number of good exercise programs adapted to rheumatics, as well as health science videos.


VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.


We really hope this article can help you in the fight against fibromyalgia and chronic pain.


Feel free to share in social media

Again, we want to ask nicely to share this article in social media or via your blog (feel free to link directly to the article). Understanding and increased focus is the first step towards a better everyday life for those with fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain diagnosis that can be extremely devastating to the person affected. The diagnosis can lead to reduced energy, daily pain and everyday challenges that are far above what Kari and Ola Nordmann are bothered with. We kindly ask you to like and share this for increased focus and more research on the treatment of fibromyalgia. Many thanks to everyone who likes and shares - maybe we can be together to find a cure one day?



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A big thank you to everyone who helps promote increased understanding of fibromyalgia and chronic pain diagnoses.


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NEXT PAGE: - Research: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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