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Research: Two Proteins Can Help Diagnose Fibromyalgia

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Last updated 11/05/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Research: Two Proteins Can Form the Basis for Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

Could this be the start of an effective diagnosis of fibromyalgia? The research study "Insight into the biological pathways underlying fibromyalgia by a proteomic approach," was recently published in the research journal Journal of Proteomics and revealed some very exciting research findings that may be crucial to what we hope can be a good way to diagnose fibromyalgia sometime in the future.


Fibromyalgia: An almost impossible diagnosis to diagnose with current knowledge - but pain research can change that

As is known Fibromyalgia a chronic pain diagnosis that causes significant pain in the muscles and skeleton - as well as poorer sleep and often impaired cognitive function (for example, memory and fibrous mist). Unfortunately, there is no cure. Recent research, such as this research study, however, offers hope in an otherwise painful and difficult everyday life for this patient group - who for many decades have experienced being looked down upon and "trampled on" by ignorant people around them. See link to the study at the bottom of the article. (1)



Many people with fibromyalgia know how frustrating it can be to go through a near-infinite and poorly organized investigation. Many people report that they feel ill-treated and that they often feel that they are not believed. What if we could change that? Wouldn't that be great? That is why it is so important that we fight together to inform doctors and other health professionals about recent research findings in fibromyalgia and other chronic pain diagnoses. We also hope that you, who read this, will fight by our side for a fairer treatment and investigation of people who are in this situation.


Too many people are plagued with chronic pain that destroys everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say: "Yes to more research on fibromyalgia". In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: - Researchers may have found the cause of 'Fibro fog'!

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- The study showed higher content of two proteins linked to inflammation and oxidative stress

The research study was published on 17 July 2018 and was primarily based on extensive blood tests. These showed that those with fibromyalgia had significantly higher levels of the proteins haptoglobin and fibrinogen - in comparison with the healthy control group. Very interesting findings, as this can help lay the foundation for a better and more effective diagnosis for those who are examined for fibro or other chronic pain diagnoses.


The cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, but one is becoming wiser

As is well known, the very cause of fibromyalgia, a soft tissue rheumatic disorder, is unknown. But it is known that many factors seem to contribute to the diagnosis of the disease. Among the two most common factors, we find oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between free radicals (harmful, reactive oxygen species) and the body's ability to reduce these - therefore it is extra important to follow what we have chosen to call fibromyalgia diet (high levels of antioxidants) that help to limit these reactions.


The complexity of various factors contributing to fibromyalgia has led to significant difficulties in developing treatment modalities and effective investigations for the disease. - we ourselves have been in contact with people who have spent a full five years before the diagnosis has been made. Think about what psychological stressors such an extensive and lengthy process imposes on a person who already has enough to cope with his chronic pain? Such patient stories are one of the main reasons why we at Vondt.net are actively involved and are willing to fight for this group of people on a daily basis - join us at to like the FB page og Our YouTube channel Today. It also emphasizes the importance of finding biochemical markers, such as in this study, which can provide a basis for good diagnostic procedures and, not least, new treatment methods.


Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.


The research study: This means the findings

Proteomics - The study of proteins

When studying proteins, and often large quantities of them simultaneously, this is called proteomics. You haven't used that word many times before, have you? The technique is therefore to identify and measure proteins and their properties in blood samples. The research method allows researchers to analyze proteins on a massive scale in a given blood sample.


The researchers wrote in the study that "this can help us gain insight into biological reactions that may be related to the development of fibromyalgia - and to map specific protein codes that can help us improve and develop diagnostic methods for this diagnosis".


The results of the analysis

The blood samples used for the proteomics analysis were obtained early in the morning - after the participants had fasted since the day before. The reason for using fasting before analyzing such blood samples - is that the values ​​may otherwise be affected by natural fluctuations in the blood values.



The protein analysis identified 266 proteins - 33 of which were different in those with fibromyalgia versus the others in the control group. 25 of these proteins were found in significantly higher levels in those with fibromyalgia - and 8 of them were significantly lower compared to those who did not have a fibromyalgia diagnosis.


Incredibly exciting results that we hope and believe can provide a good basis for the development of a new method for diagnosing fibromyalgia. We delve deeper into what the researchers found in the next section.


Also read: This You Should Know About Fibromyalgia



Altered immune response in those with fibromyalgia

As mentioned earlier, elevated levels of the two proteins haptoglobin and fibrinogen are seen among those with fibromyalgia - compared with the control group in the research study.


The haptoglobin protein has antioxidant properties that fight oxidative stress. One of the reasons why this is elevated in fibromyalgia patients may be because they have more inflammatory reactions in the body and soft tissue - and thus the body must have a higher content of these to lower the inflammation and limit muscle loss.


It was also seen, based on the protein signatures of the fibromyalgia group, that these two proteins can potentially form the basis for biochemical markers that can be used to help make this diagnosis.

We think this sounds wonderfully exciting!


Also read: 7 Tips To Endure With Fibromyalgia


More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.


VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.


We really hope this article can help you in the fight against fibromyalgia and chronic pain.



Feel free to share in social media

Again, we want to ask nicely to share this article in social media or via your blog (feel free to link directly to the article). Understanding and increased focus is the first step towards a better everyday life for those with fibromyalgia.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain diagnosis that can be extremely devastating to the person affected. The diagnosis can lead to reduced energy, daily pain and everyday challenges that are far above what Kari and Ola Nordmann are bothered with. We kindly ask you to like and share this for increased focus and more research on the treatment of fibromyalgia. Many thanks to everyone who likes and shares - maybe we can be together to find a cure one day?



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A big thank you to everyone who helps promote increased understanding of fibromyalgia and chronic pain diagnoses.


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  1. Ramriez et al, 2018. Insight into the biological pathways underlying fibromyalgia by a proteomic approach. Journal of Proteomics.


NEXT PAGE: - 7 Tips for Enduring Fibromyalgia

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