sound therapy

7 Natural Ways to Reduce Tinnitus

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Last updated 27/12/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

sound therapy

7 Natural Ways to Reduce Tinnitus

Are you or someone you know tormented by tinnitus? Here are 7 natural ways to reduce and reduce tinnitus - which can improve quality of life and energy.


1. sound therapy

Studies have shown that sound therapy can reduce tinnitus and help people rest or concentrate without the annoying beeping sound in the background. There are two main ways that sound therapy can be used to treat tinnitus. The first is through small hearing plugs (they look like hearing aids) that emit so-called "white sound" - this forms a background sound that shuts out the constant tinnitus. The second method is by combining music, background sounds (eg ceiling fan or sound from a water purifier in an aquarium) and the like inside the person's bedroom.

sound therapy


2. Avoid alcohol and nicotine

Alcohol and nicotine can aggravate the type of tinnitus that is directly linked to blood circulation. So we recommend everyone with a ringing ear to quit smoking and cut down on alcohol intake.

No smoking

3. Drink coffee

Previously it was thought that caffeine aggravated the symptoms of tinnitus, but recent studies have shown that this is not true - in fact, research has concluded that it can reduce symptoms and actually prevent tinnitus from occurring at all.

Drink coffee

4. Get enough zinc and nutrition

Patients suffering from tinnitus often have low levels of zinc in their blood. Dietary supplements in the form of zinc have shown a positive effect on patients with tinnitus symptoms - provided they already had too little of this. Magnesium, vitamin B and folate are other supplements that have proven effective against tinnitus in the absence of these.

Autoimmune diseases

5. Ginkgo biloba

This is a natural herb that has been shown to attenuate tinnitus symptoms. This is probably most likely its behavior that increases blood circulation and thus leads to lower blood pressure and piping in the ears. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before trying this supplement.

Ginkgo biloba

6. Electric biofeedback

This is a relaxation technique where the patient is connected to a machine that measures temperature, muscle tension and heart rate via electrical sensors. Then the patient will be exposed to certain stress stimuli and the like - to then try and control his bodily reaction. In other words, the person can train the body not to react so strongly to stress that aggravates tinnitus.

Biofeedback therapy

7. Cognitive therapy

A psychotherapist can help you deal with symptoms and ailments from the ear canal. For as we know, severe tinnitus can lead to poor concentration, reduced sleep quality and personality disorders. Cognitive therapy does not want to get rid of the ear lobe, but rather to learn to live with it and thus not aggravate it with unnecessary anxiety.


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Get treatment now - don't wait: Get help from a clinician to find the cause. It is only in this way that you can take the right steps to get rid of the problem. A clinician can assist with treatment, dietary advice, customized exercises and stretching, as well as ergonomic advice to provide both functional improvement and symptom relief. Remember you can ask us (anonymously if you wish) and our clinicians free of charge if needed.

Ask us - absolutely free!

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