Training for neck prolapse

5 custom exercises for you with neck prolapse

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Last updated 22/04/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

5 custom exercises for you with neck prolapse

Do you suffer from neck prolapse or disc herniation in the neck? Here are 5 customized exercises for you with neck prolapse and cervical disc disease - the exercises are also suitable for you with weak neck muscles. These exercises (isometric training) are particularly aimed at strengthening the deep neck muscles in an adapted, gentle way with the aim of providing better function, less myalgias and joint pain. Isometric training means exercising without major movements, but rather focusing on activating and engaging the muscles by holding the neck in the same position with different resistance. These are exercises that are also recommended for those with whiplash / neck injury.

PS - You can also see VIDEO at the bottom of the article.


Do exercises and exercises against neck prolapse work?

The answer is YES. One major study published in reputable British Medical Journal concluded that home exercises and physical therapy resulted in significantly greater improvement compared to rest and passive waiting. The study left no doubt that people suffering from prolapse in the neck should try exercise in an adapted way. If you have a diagnosis, it is advisable to talk to a clinician before starting these exercises.


1. Standing rowing

Attach the elastic to the rib wall. Stand with spread legs, a handle in each hand and face to the rib wall. Keep your arms straight out of your body and pull the handles towards your stomach. You should know that the shoulder blades are pulled towards each other.

standing rowing

This exercise is excellent when it comes to activating the muscles within the shoulder blades and around the shoulder blades. Including rotator cuff, rhomboidus and serratus muscles. This also gives a positive effect on the neck, as the shoulder and shoulder blades act as a platform for the neck function.


2. "Double chin" (Training of deep neck muscles)

Neck flexion

A simple exercise that can be done anywhere - for example in the car on the way to work. The double chin exercise can be done lying down, standing or sitting and is performed by straightening yourself well in the back so that you get a normal posture. Then pull your chin inwards without bending your head too far forward towards your chest - in the picture above, the woman bends her head a little too much. Hold the chin in this way for 10-15 seconds before releasing again and resting for about 15 seconds. Then repeat the exercise. For those of you with neck prolapse, we recommend that you start with 4 repetitions over 3 sets - and then increase as you feel that you are getting stronger. For others, you can try 6-8 repetitions over 3-4 sets. The exercise is performed every other day.


3. Isometric lateral flexion (Side bend with own resistance)

Isometric lateral flexion of the neck

Straighten your back and neck until you have a neutral neck position and good posture. Then place one palm on the side of the head, approximately next to the eye / forehead. Apply a slight pressure to the side of the head and press lightly from the neck into the side bending motion of the hand. Note: The neck should not change position. About 10-20% strength and hold down for about 10 seconds before resting for 10-15 seconds between each repetition. Do the exercises over 4-6 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

4. Isometric flexion (forward bending with own resistance)

Isometric neck flexion exercise

The exercise is performed sitting or standing. Straighten your back and neck until you have a normal posture (neutral neck position). Then place one palm on your forehead without changing your neck posture, then apply a slight pressure to your forehead and press lightly with your neck. Think you should lie down about 10-20% effort on this exercise in the beginning - with progression you can gradually increase this strength effort, but stay at a low, safe level for a long time before increasing the load. Hold the pressure for about 10 seconds and then rest for 10-15 seconds. Do 4-6 repetitions in 3-4 sets.


5. Isometric rotation (twisting of neck with own resistance)

Isometric neck rotation exercise

Perform the exercise sitting or standing. Make sure you have a neutral neck position and posture. Then place one palm on the side of the head, approximately next to the eye / jaw. Apply a slight pressure to the side of the head and press lightly with the neck in a rotational motion towards the hand. Note: The neck should not change position, just activate the musculature not move it. About 10-20% strength and hold down for about 10 seconds before resting for 10-15 seconds between each repetition. Do the exercises over 4-6 repetitions in 3-4 sets.


These are fine exercises that should preferably be done regularly for maximum effect - but we remind you that it can take several weeks before you start to notice a clear difference in muscle and neck function.


VIDEO: This is what a neck collapse looks like on MR Survey

In the video below, we go through common findings and radiological presentation of neck prolapse. An interesting video for those who want to understand more about neck prolapse and how they look.

Feel free to subscribe to our Youtube channel (click here). There you will find a number of free exercise programs and videos packed with health knowledge. Welcome to the family!


How often should I do the neck exercises?

It depends entirely on yourself and your health situation. Find out what's right for you in the beginning and build slowly but surely in the future. Remember that exercises can lead to soreness at first, as you actually gradually break down damaged areas (damage tissue and scar tissue) and replace it with healthy, functional soft tissue. This can be a time-consuming but very rewarding process. If you have a diagnosis, we ask you to ask your clinician if these exercises may be beneficial to you - possibly try yourself very carefully. We otherwise encourage you to be on the move and to go hiking in rough terrain if possible - feel free to see ours YouTube channel for more tips and exercises.


Feel free to share these exercises with colleagues, friends and acquaintances. If you would like the exercises sent as a document with repetitions and the like, we ask you Like, share the article and then contact via get Facebook page here . If you have any questions, just give it a go Contact us - then we will answer you as best we can, completely free.


NEXT PAGE: - Pain in the neck? You should know this!

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Hurt i back og neck? We recommend everyone with back pain to try increased training aimed at the hips and knees as well.

Try these exercises as well: - 6 Strength Exercises for Stronger Hips

Hip Training


Also read: - 6 Effective Strength Exercises for Sore Knee

6 Strength Exercises for Sore Knees



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Images: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions / images.

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