Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain in Wrist (Wrist Pain)

Do you have wrist pain that goes beyond your grip strength?


Wrist pain can cause severe pain, numbness, numbness and loss of strength. Sore wrists and wrist pain must always be taken seriously - as it may be due to nerve pinching, tendon damage and other malfunctions that do not necessarily improve on their own.


Prolonged nerve irritation or nausea can, among other things, cause permanent muscle loss (disappearance of muscle fibers) - and thus cause significant problems with simple tasks such as opening jam jars and grabbing things. If the median nerve gets pinched inside the wrist, this is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


However, the most common and common causes of wrist pain are due to overuse of the forearm and tendons in the forearm, as well as the elbow - this can be treated conservatively with a physiotherapist or modern chiropractor.


Scroll below for to watch two training videos with effective exercises which can help you relieve wrist pain, reduce nerve irritation and normalize your muscle strength.



VIDEO: 4 Exercises against Nerve Clamping in the Wrist

Nerve irritation or nerve nausea are two possible causes of your wrist pain. However, we note that lack of mobility in the wrist and muscle tension in the forearm are the two most common causes of the nerve getting trapped inside the wrist.


Here are four exercises that can help you resolve these tensions and loosen up the tight nerve conditions. Click below to see the training program.

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VIDEO: Strength Exercises for the Shoulders with Elastic

A well-developed and well-functioning musculature of the shoulders can lead to direct relief on the wrists. This is because improved muscle function in these areas will contribute to increased blood circulation in your hands - which loosens up in pain-sensitive muscles and tendons. We especially recommend specific elastic training to achieve this - as shown below.

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Also read: 6 Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (nerve nausea in the wrist) is a relatively common cause of wrist pain - but we remind you that it is especially tight muscles and malfunction in tendons and joints that account for the majority of pain in the wrist.


What can I do even against pain?

1. General exercise, specific exercise, stretching and activity are recommended, but stay within the pain limit. Two walks a day of 20-40 minutes make good for the body and aching muscles.


2. Trigger point / massage balls we strongly recommend - they come in different sizes so you can hit well even on all parts of the body. There is no better self help than this! We recommend the following (click the image below) - which is a complete set of 5 trigger point / massage balls in different sizes:

trigger point balls


3. Training: Specific training with training tricks of various opponents (such as this complete set of 6 knits of different resistance) can help you train strength and function. Knit training often involves more specific training, which in turn can lead to more effective injury prevention and pain reduction.


4. Pain Relief - Cooling: Biofreeze is a natural product that can relieve pain by cooling the area gently. Cooling is especially recommended when the pain is very severe. When they have calmed down then heat treatment is recommended - it is therefore advisable to have both cooling and heating available.


5. Pain Relief - Heating: Warming up tight muscles can increase blood circulation and reduce pain. We recommend the following reusable hot / cold gasket (click here to read more about it) - which can be used both for cooling (can be frozen) and for heating (can be heated in the microwave).


Recommended products for pain relief

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)


What are common causes and diagnoses of wrist pain?

It is important to understand that having temporary pain in the wrist is usually caused by temporary irritation or overload on the muscles and joints. In particular, the wrist flexors (the muscles that bend the wrist forward) and the wrist extensors (the muscle that bends the wrist back) are among the most common causes.


Below we provide you with a list of some possible causes and diagnoses of wrist injuries:


Osteoarthritis of the hands and fingers

Osteoarthritis is also known as osteoarthritis. Such joint wear can lead to gradual degradation of cartilage, bone calcification and joint destruction. This leads to poorer joint mobility and more irritation inside the wrist. You can read more about osteoarthritis of the hands here .


The best way to prevent such negative development of joint health is by strengthening local muscle and performing regular exercise that maintains improved blood circulation. Click the link below to learn more about what you can do yourself in the form of exercises to prevent the negative development of the hand function.


Also read: 7 Exercises Against Hand Osteoarthritis

hand arthrosis exercises


DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis

This diagnosis typically causes pain in the thumb and associated part of the wrist - but can also refer to pain upwards in the forearm. The pain usually builds up gradually, but the aggravation itself can occur quite suddenly.


Classic things that cause pain in DeQuervain's tenosynovitis include clenching your fist, twisting your wrist or grasping things. The pain you experience is usually due to overload of the wrist scenes at the base of the thumb. Repetitive tasks and congestion are among the most common reasons for developing this diagnosis.


Treatment of the condition may include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory laser therapy, relieving wrist support and home exercises.


wrist Fracture

If the pain in the wrist occurred shortly after a fall or similar trauma, then you must also consider that there may have been an injury to one of the small bones in the hand or wrist. If you have pain that persists after a trauma with associated swelling and redness of the skin, you should contact your doctor or emergency physician as soon as possible.


Muscle or tendon pain from the wrist bends or wrist stretchers

Muscular pain from the wrist flexors or wrist flexors is one of the most common causes of wrist pain. These muscles attach both down at the wrist and in the elbow - more specifically, the flexors in the medial epicondyle attach to the elbow and the stretchers are attached to the lateral epicondyle.


These two conditions are called medial epicondylitis (golf elbow) and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), respectively. The treatment usually consists of pressure wave therapy, intramuscular needle therapy and associated specific home exercises. Read more about tennis elbow in the link below.


Also read: What You Should Know About Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis Elbow


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Nerve Clamping in the Wrist)

On the front of the wrist, there is a natural tunnel that guides multiple nerves and arteries into your hand for optimal function. The main nerve that goes through here is called the median nerve. Squeezing this nerve can cause pain in the hand, numbness and reduced muscle strength. The diagnosis is known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Effective efforts are often needed to address this problem of conservative measures in the form of laser therapy, home exercises and physical therapy. But the results are usually good - and make it possible to avoid surgery in most cases. However, some of the more serious cases will require surgery to relieve the nerve.


Referred pain from the neck (neck prolapse or nerve irritation) or shoulder clamping

In the neck we find the nerves that send power and signals down to your arms and hands. By compressing or squeezing one or more of these nerves, we will be able to experience the radiating pain and numbness of the affected nerve.


The most common cause of such nerve irritation in the neck is called brachial plexopathy or scalenii syndrome - and means that the scalenii muscles (in the neck pit), nearby neck and shoulder muscles, as well as associated joints do not work properly. The consequence is that the nerve is partially pinched and thus gives off nerve pain.


Another possible cause of pain down the arm from the neck is disc injury - such as neck prolapse.


Also read: You should know this about Prolapse in the Neck

You should know this about neck prolapse


Trigger finger (Hook finger)

Do you have a finger that you have difficulty straightening? Is your finger bent like a hook? You may be affected by the trigger finger - also known as the hook finger. The condition is due to tenosynovitis in the associated tendon of the affected finger. The diagnosis is usually due to congestion without sufficiently good hand strength.

The suffering is a clear sign that you need to take better care of your hands - and we strongly encourage you to get started with exercises such as said and to seek professional help from a physical therapist or modern chiropractor.


Also read: - Inflammation of the wrist?

Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


MR of Wrist

Wrist MR - Coronal plane - Photo Wikimedia

MRI description of MRI Examination for the Wrist

Here we see a normal MRI image of the wrist in a coronal plane. In the picture we see the ulna, radius, extensor carpi ulnaris tendon, scapholunate ligament, carpal bones in the hand (scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, hamate, trapezoid, trapezoid and capitate) and metacarpal bones (nos. 2-4). Incidentally, some interosseous musculature is also seen.



Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (KTS)

MRI of carpal tunnel syndrome

MRI Description of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In this axial MRI image, we see fat infiltration and elevated signal around the median nerve. The elevated signal indicates mild inflammation and makes it possible to diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There are two possible forms of carpal tunnel syndrome - hypervascular edema or nerve ischemia.


In the image above we see an example of hypervascular edema - this is indicated by elevated signal. By nerve ischemia the signal would be weaker than normal. Read more about carpal tunnel syndrome here .


Clinically proven effect on hand pain relief in carpal tunnel syndrome (KTS)

An RCT research study (Davis et al 1998) showed that chiropractic treatment had good symptom relief effect. Good improvement in nerve function, finger sensory and general comfort was reported.


The methods modern chiropractors use to treat KTS often include customized wrist and elbow joint mobilization, muscle / trigger point work, dry needling, pressure wave therapy and / or wrist support (splints).


Exercises and Training for Wounded Wrist 

At the beginning of this article, we showed you two exercise videos with good exercises that can help you relieve and reduce wrist pain. Have you already tested them? If not - scroll up the article and try them out now. Write down which exercises are difficult to perform and what you experience of pain or discomfort along the way.


This information can be particularly helpful in determining the best treatment plan for you further. It also provides specific answers to problem areas that you have and what exercise exercises you should focus on to optimize the chance of improvement.


Below you will find an overview and list of exercises we have published in connection with counteracting, prevention and relief of wrist pain, wrist pain, stiff wrists, wrist osteoarthritis and other relevant diagnoses.


Overview: Exercise and exercises for wrist pain and wrist pain

6 Effective Exercises against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

8 Good Exercises for Tennis Elbow / Lateral Epicondylitis



Prevention: How can I avoid getting hurt in my wrist?

There are a number of good ways and methods that can be followed to reduce the chance of getting hurt in the wrist. 


Daily Heating Exercises 

Do stretching exercises of hands and fingers before starting work, and repeat this throughout the work day. This helps maintain blood circulation and muscle mobility.


Ergonomic Adaptation of the Workplace

If you work a lot on data in your work there then you need to facilitate comfortable working conditions - otherwise it is only a matter of time before the strain injuries occur. Good workplace adaptations include a raise-lower desk, a better chair and wrist rests.


Make sure your hands are not bent backwards for most of the day, for example if you have a computer keyboard that is not in the correct position in relation to your working position. Gel-filled wrist rest, gel-filled mouse pad og ergonomic keyboard are among concrete measures that can help you (Affiliate links - Amazon).



References and Sources
  1. Davis PT, Hulbert JR, Kassak KM, Meyer JJ. Comparative efficacy of conservative medical and chiropractic treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1998;21(5):317-326.
  2. Punnett, L. et al. A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Workplace Health Promotion and Occupational Ergonomics Programs. Public Health Rep. , 2009; 124 (Suppl 1): 16–25.


Frequently asked questions about pain in the wrists


Do I have an overloaded wrist?

It is impossible to give an accurate answer without a clinical examination, but if you are struggling with wrist pain and you are one of those who performs large amounts of repetitive movements at work or everyday, then you may have an overloaded wrist (or two congested wrists).


The first recommendation would be to cut down on repetitive movements that go hard beyond the wrists (eg excessive use of tablet, PC or smartphone), and then perform light exercises and stretches for the hands and wrists.


What movements do we have in the wrist?

You have forward bending (flexion), back bending (extension), a mild degree of rotation (about 5 degrees in terms of pronation and supination), as well as ulnar deviation and radial deviation. Below you can see an illustration of these.

Wrist movements - Photo GetMSG

Wrist movements - Photo GetMSG


Why do you hurt your fingers and wrists?

As mentioned in the article above, there can be several causes of both finger and wrist pain. The most common causes are failure or overload, often in connection with repetitive movements and unilateral work. Other causes may be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, trigger finger or referenced pain from nearby muscle-, joint or nerve dysfunction.


- Related questions with the same answer: Why do you get pain in the wrists ?, What is the cause of wrist pain ?, What is the cause of pain in the wrists?


Can children get hurt in the wrist?

Children can also get hurt in the wrists and the rest of the musculoskeletal system. Although children have a much faster rate of recovery than adults, they can still be affected by dysfunction of the joints, tendons and muscles.


Sore wrist when touched? Why is it so painful?

If you have pain in the wrist when touching then this indicates dysfunction or Damageand Pain is the body's way of telling you this. Feel free to note if you have swelling in the area, blood test (bruises) and the like.


Use icing protocol (RICE) in case of a fall or trauma. If the pain persists, we recommend that you consult a clinic for examination.


Wrist pain when lifting? Cause?

When lifting, it is virtually impossible not to use the wrist flexors (wrist flexors) or wrist extensors (wrist stretchers). If the pain is located to the wrist, then there is a chance that you have an overloaded muscle and strain injury. Karpaltunnelsyndrom is also a differential diagnosis.


- Related questions and search phrases with the same answer: Wrist pain under strain?


Wrist pain after exercise? 

If you have a sore wrist after exercise, this may be due to overload or incorrect loading. Often it is the wrist flexors (wrist flexors) or wrist extensors (wrist stretchers) that have become overloaded. Other muscles that may be affected are the pronator teres, triceps or supinatorus.


Rest from causative exercise and eventual icing may be appropriate measures. Eccentric exercise to increase muscle capacity is also recommended.


- Related questions with the same answer: Wrist pain after cycling? Wrist pain after golf? Wrist pain after strength training? Sore wrist after cross-country skiing? Sore wrist when exercising forearms?


Pain in the wrists during push-ups. Why do I get pain when I do that exercise?

Answer: If you have pain in the wrist during arm bends may be due to overload of the wrist extensors (wrist stretchers). The hand is held in a backward bent position when performing arm bends / push-ups and this puts pressure on the extensor carpi ulnaris, brachioradialis and extensor radialis.


Try to avoid too much strain on the wrist detectors for a two week time and focus on eccentric training of the wrist pullers (see video here ). Eccentric exercise will Increase your load capacity during training and bends (push-ups).


- Related questions with the same answer: Wrist pain after bench press?


Wrist pain at night. Cause?

One possibility of wrist pain at night is an injury to muscles, tendons or mucositis (read: olecranon bursitis). It can also be one strain injury.


In the case of night pain, we recommend that you consult a clinician and investigate the cause of your pain. Don't wait, get in touch with someone as soon as possible, otherwise you could risk deteriorating further. Karpaltunnelsyndrom is a possible differential diagnosis.

Sudden pain in the wrist. Why?

The pain is often related to an overload or incorrect load that has been done in the past. Acute wrist pain can be caused by muscular dysfunction, joint problems, tendon problems or nerve irritation. Feel free to ask questions in the comments below, and we will try to respond within 24 hours.

Pain lateral to the wrist. Why?

Pain laterally on the wrist may be caused scaphoid joint restriction or muscle dysfunction in hand pullers or hand benders.


It may also be due to extended load failure, which in turn has resulted in a strain injury to one of the muscle or tendon attachments in the area. You will find an overview of myalgias here  or our article about muscle knots.


Pain on the wrist. Cause?

There may be several causes of pain on the wrist, but the most common are joint restrictions in the wrist or myalgias in nearby muscles. Both hand pullers (such as one extensor carpi radialis longus myalgia can cause pain on the wrist) and hand bends (for example flexor carpi radialis) can refer pain to the wrist.


Other causes of pain on the wrist may be Osteoarthrtitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, nerve irritation or ganglion cyst.


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(We try to respond to all messages and questions within 24-48 hours. We can also help you interpret MRI responses and the like.)
5 replies
  1. Julie says:

    Been bothered with the wrist for over 2 years. It comes and goes, it hurts to touch, a door handle, write, and I can not bend my hand straight up. What could it be?

    • Alexander v / vondt.net says:

      Hi Julie,

      Here we have to ask you some questions to be able to answer your question properly - but if we were to say what it indicated at the moment then there are hints of either Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or lateral epicondylitis (can cause aches and pains in the hand and wrist).

      1) How long have you had these ailments?

      2) Do you have a repetitive job with a lot of data / PC work etc.?

      3) Do you regularly train strength or other forms of exercise?

      4) You mention that you can not bend your wrist upwards - is this because it hurts or because the movement just stops?

      PS - Regardless of your answers, so can these exercises be current.

      Looking forward to helping you further, Julie.

      Alexander v / Vondt.net

  2. Wenche says:

    For a long time (several months) I have had sudden pain on the outside of my wrist. It can also happen at night. This also means that the little finger cannot bend in the normal way. That is, it "jerks" when I bend it. I have not had pain in the elbow, but shoulder on the same side. Shoulder has now become less mobile than the other, and I get pain when I, for example, stretch that arm, and intense pain with sudden movement, for example, have to stretch and grab something. I do not need painkillers (due to shoulder) / but it is annoying / annoying. I applied Voltaren today on my wrist, but I do not need it every time. I'm not swollen. I have myalgia in the neck / shoulder / back that "comes and goes" (over many years). Context? I have not been to the doctor for the ailments except myalgia. Help?


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