
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

<< Autoimmune diseases

Systemic lupus

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common and severe form of lupus. Systemic lupus is often characterized by butterfly rashes - which are present in over half of those affected by the condition. The disease is a form of autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks its own healthy cells.



Symptoms of systemic lupus

There are a number of symptoms of systemic lupus. This is why it can be difficult to make a diagnosis. Common symptoms of lupus include fever without a specific cause, joint pain and swelling and muscle pain. Common joints that are affected are fingers, hands, wrists and knees. Other relatively common symptoms include fatigue, chest pain when inhaling, dissatisfaction, hair loss, mouth ulcers, seizures, sunlight sensitivity and swollen lymph nodes.


Systemic lupus can also cause symptoms affecting the circulation, heart, lungs, kidneys, reproduction, neurological, systemic and neuropsychiatric problems.


Over 70% of those affected by systemic lupus have skin / dermatological symptoms. Blue. Butterfly rash is a characteristic sign.


Butterfly rash is a characteristic sign of SLE

Another characteristic sign of lupus is "butterfly rash" - which occurs in about half of those with systemic lupus erythematosus. This rash can occur on the face, chest or hands.


Butterfly rash - Photo Wikimedia Commons

Butterfly rash - Photo Wikimedia Commons


Clinical signs

As mentioned above under 'symptoms'.


Diagnosis and cause

It is believed that the cause of lupus lies in epigenetics, genetics and gene alterations. Genes associated with the disease are HLA I and HLA II. Other genes that have been linked to the disease are IRF5, PTPN22, STAT4, CDKN1A, ITGAM, BLK, TNFSF4 and BANK1. The diagnosis is based on symptoms, clinical signs, thorough history and examination. Blood tests are taken and you look especially for blood tests with ANA rash, but it must be remembered that this can also be high on other autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases. A positive ANA blood test can also occur in healthy individuals.


Who is affected by the disease?

Lupus affects women more often than men (9: 1). The most common age for systemic lupus among women is between 45 and 64 years. 70% of lupus diagnoses are systemic lupus erythematosus.



There is no cure for lupus. Immunosuppressive drugs are the main treatment for lupus. In 2011, a new drug was approved by the US FDA for the treatment of lupus - it is called belimubab.


The most common form of treatment for autoimmune conditions is included immunosuppression - that is, drugs and measures that limit and cushion the body's own defense system. Gene therapy that limits inflammatory processes in immune cells has shown great progress in recent times, often in combination with increased activation of anti-inflammatory genes and processes.


Alternative and natural treatment

It is believed that several people suffering from autoimmune diseases use alternative and natural treatment methods. These can be controversial (such as the use of medical cannabis) or more common, such as herbal medicine, yoga, acupuncture, oxygen therapy and meditation.


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Lime - Photo Wikipedia

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