Exercise for the chest and between the shoulder blades

Stickler Syndrome | What types of exercise and exercises are recommended?

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Last updated 27/12/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Exercise for the chest and between the shoulder blades

Stickler Syndrome | What types of exercise and exercises are recommended?

Reader questions about Stickler's Syndrome from a woman who has had this genetically proven. What types of exercise and exercises are recommended for Stickler's Syndrome? A good question, the answer is that we would like to try to help you with that in this article. Feel free to get in touch via our Facebook Page if you have any questions or input.


We recommend that anyone interested in this topic read the main articles: - Autoimmune diseases


Here is the question a female reader asked us and our answer to this question:

Woman: Hi I have just been told that I have an innate rare diagnosis such as. provides skeletal changes / hypermobility syndrome / inflammation and osteoarthritis of the joints. What exercise / exercises besides pool would you recommend. Have done dance, stepping and aerobics in the past, but it is high intensity exercise that is stressful for joints.




1) What diagnosis has been made?

2) In what way was the diagnosis investigated?

3) Have any diagnostic images been taken? If so, what did they show?

4) What is your age, BMI and physique?

5) Where do you experience pain when exercising with a higher load?


Nicholas v Vondt.net



Discussion with health professionals



1. Stickler syndrome

2. Genetically proven

3. Yes, osteoarthritis of the knees

4. 41, 29 and normal, muscles in the thighs after previous exercise.

5. Pain in knees / feet, hips, pelvis / back. Also has old knee injury in the left knee and fluid in the left foot + partial hip joint right side. Distinct hypermobility in elbows and is generally weak in the upper body.



Reply: Regarding exercise, the following are recommended:

A) Hot water pool training

B.) Ellipse machine / Nordic Walker

C) Swimming with or without floating board

D) Training with elastic - e.g. for the rotator cuff muscles

E) Adapted exercises that are gentle - such as said. Or yoga and / or meditation.


Do you receive free physical therapy and exercise in a hot water pool?


Also read: - 8 Exercises for Sore Back

Pain in the chest

Nicholas v Vondt.net


Kvinne: Great, Thank you so much for the training tips. No, the scheme of free physiotherapy expired at New Year. Train in a hot water pool, but can not afford physiotherapy as a single mother in Stavanger with the expenses this diagnosis gives in addition to another child with disabilities. Must therefore train myself so thanks for the tips. Regarding hot water pool: Yes, that offer is fortunately Stavanger so there I am lucky. Currently self-training there and, but have signed up for NRF which has training with an instructor.



Reply: Good luck. Tell me if there is anything else you are wondering.
Nicholas v Vondt.net



- For info: This is a communication printout from the messaging service to Vondt net via our Facebook page. Here, anyone can get free help and advice on things they are wondering about.


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Also read: - Pressure wave treatment

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Did you know: - Cold treatment can give pain relief to sore joints and muscles? Blue. Biofreeze (you can order it here), which consists mainly of natural products, is a popular product. Contact us today via our Facebook page if you have questions or need recommendations.

Cold Treatment


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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.



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