crystal flu

How to recognize the signs and symptoms of crystal disease

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Last updated 22/04/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

How to recognize the signs and symptoms of crystal melanoma

Here you will find clinical signs and symptoms of crystal disease. The information here can make it easier to recognize the signs and symptoms of crystal disease. Feel free to share the article in social media for increased knowledge about these symptoms.

What is crystal sick?

Crystal sickness, also called benign postural dizziness, is a relatively common nuisance. Crystal sickness affects as many as 1 in 100 in one year, according to research. The diagnosis is also often called benign paroxysmal position vertigo, abbreviated BPPV. Fortunately, the condition is fairly easy to treat for skilled practitioners - such as ENT doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and manual therapists. Unfortunately, it is not common knowledge that this is a diagnosis that responds very well to specific treatment measures (such as Epley's maneuver that often cures the condition of 1-2 treatments), as many stay on for months with the condition.


woman with crystal sickness and dizziness

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What Causes Crystal Sickness?

Crystal sickness (benign postural dizziness) is due to accumulations inside the structure we call the inner ear - this is a structure that gives signals to the brain about where the body is and in what position it is. fluid called endolymph - this fluid moves depending on how you move and thus tells the brain what is up and down. The accumulations that can occur are called otoliths, a form of small "crystals" made of calcium, and it is when these end up in the wrong place that we get symptoms. The most common is that the rear archway is hit. Incorrect information from these can cause the brain to receive mixed signals from the eyesight and the inner ear, thus causing dizziness in certain movements.


Discussion with health professionals

What Are Common Symptoms Of Crystal Sickness?

The most common symptoms of crystalline or benign postural dizziness are vertigo, dizziness caused by special movements (eg lying on one side of the bed), a feeling of being 'light headed' and nauseous. The symptoms may vary from person to person - but the characteristic symptom is that it is always produced through the same movement, often a twist to one side. Thus, it is common for people affected by crystal sickness to describe the condition as they turn in bed to a side or roll over to the right or left.


Symptoms can also occur when the person tiltes their head back, such as at the hairdresser or at certain yoga positions. A dizziness caused by crystal sickness can also produce nystagmus (the eyes move back and forth, uncontrolled) in the eyes and always last less than one minute.


  • Job-related dizziness - e.g. when turning to one side of the bed - always the production only towards one side
  • Nystagmus - uncontrolled eye movements
  • The dizziness attacks always last less than one minute
  • Feeling of being 'light-headed' or nauseous


How common is crystal sick?

Studies have shown that as many as 1.0 - 1.6% of the population are affected by crystal melanoma annually. Approximately 20-25% of all dizziness presented at clinics and treatment facilities is due to this diagnosis. The condition becomes more common the older you get and the condition has its highest incidence in those over 60 years - here it is estimated that as many as 3-4 out of 100 are affected by crystal melanoma each year.


What are the risk factors and reasons why you get crystal sick?

The most common cause of crystalline or benign postural dizziness among those under 50 is head trauma or Head Injury - this does not have to be extensive direct damage or the like, but can also occur if the person has received whiplash or whiplash, e.g. in the event of a fall or car accident. If you are affected by migraine attacks then you also have a higher chance of being affected by crystal sickness. As mentioned earlier, higher age is a risk factor and may also be due to age-related wear of the balance system. Other, more rare causes, are certain medications and a higher incidence of postural dizziness has also been seen after dental consultations.


How to diagnose crystal disease - and how to diagnose position-related dizziness?

A clinician will make the diagnosis based on history and clinical examination. The symptoms of crystal melanoma are often so characteristic that a clinician will be able to estimate the diagnosis based on the anamnesis alone. To make the diagnosis, clinicians use a special test called "Dix-Hallpike" - this is often very specific and is developed specifically to diagnose crystal disease / positional dizziness.


Dix-Hallpike test for crystal sick

In this test, the clinician quickly brings the patient from sitting to supine position with his head twisted 45 degrees to one side and 20 degrees backwards (extension). A positive Dix-Hallpike will reproduce the patient's dizziness attack along with characteristic nystagmus (rapid flick of the eyes back and forth). This symptom is often very easy to see, but can also be less obvious - it may be helpful for the clinician to equip the patient with so-called Frenzel glasses (a kind of video glasses that record the reaction).


Other diagnoses that may be misinterpreted as crystal sick

The key finding in diagnosis is positive Dix-Hallpike and that the symptoms are produced by the patient turning from one side to another. Other differential diagnoses that can mimic crystalline illness are orthostatic hypotension (postural low blood pressure) and virus on the balance nerve (vestibular neuritis). Migraine-based vertigo can also cause symptoms similar to crystal sickness. It is also important to exclude reduced cardiac function as a possible cause of prolonged dizziness. Cervicogenic (neck-related) dizziness is also a common differential diagnosis.


What Is Common Treatment For Crystal Sickness?

Wait and see: Crystal disease is, as mentioned, a job-related dizziness that is considered "self-limiting" as it often lasts for 1-2 months before it disappears. But those who seek help can receive significantly faster help, as often only one or two treatments are required to correct the diagnosis of a publicly licensed, knowledgeable practitioner. Chiropractors, manual therapists and ENT doctors are all trained in this form of treatment. Crystal sickness can persist for much longer than 2 months, and considering how troublesome this diagnosis is, we recommend that you get treatment and get rid of the problem as soon as possible.


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