pain in the heart

How to recognize a heart attack and heart disease

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Last updated 15/05/2017 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

pain in the heart

How to recognize a heart attack and heart disease.

Here are 8 signs that may indicate impending or ongoing heart attack. Learn to recognize signs of a heart attack today. It can save lives. Feel free to share the article in social media for increased knowledge about these symptoms.


Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that in 2012, as many as 17,5 million people died from such disorders.


- When the heart does not get adequate blood supply

A heart attack is a result of underlying cardiovascular disease - usually caused by arteriosclerosis (plaque) which loosens and thus blocks the heart arteries. Myocardial infarction occurs when one of the main arteries that supply blood, oxygen and other important nutrients to the heart is blocked. This blockage causes the heart to have an insufficient blood supply and thus causes damage to part of the heart muscle and possible cell necrosis.




Since the heart is supplied by several blood vessels, the heart damage will depend on which blood vessel is affected, where it is blocked and in what capacity other blood vessels can take over the blood supply.
This is why myocardial infarction can vary greatly, both in intensity and damage effect. Some may come on very steep, while others may experience some minor pain over several days before the infarction strikes them. Learning and recognizing important signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction can thus be, literally, vital.


Here are 8 characters that you should take most seriously if they persist or worsen - there are often combinations of several of these that can indicate underlying cardiovascular disease:

heart ache chest


1. Density, heaviness or chest pain
Chest pain is a classic sign of heart attack. It is often described by a feeling of discomfort centrally or toward the left side of the chest, lasting anywhere from a few minutes or which can be on and off for several hours or days. This uncomfortable feeling feels like a tight squeeze, pinch or aching sensation in the chest that can spread up the left shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or back.
2. Discomfort in other parts of the body
As mentioned above, it is common to feel discomfort in other parts of the body as well. You often feel pain in the neck, jaw and back (in between the shoulder blades), but it can be painful also under the arm (axilla) and a radiating sensation down the arm. These symptoms are most commonly known on the left side, as it is this side of the body where the heart lies. But be aware that similar pains can also occur on the right side.

3. Difficulty breathing - breathlessness
This symptom may come with or without chest pain. It is often an early sign of a heart attack, and you often feel that you have no breathing even if you have not participated in physical activity.

4. Heart fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
Heartburn is a common symptom in many, and in itself not dangerous, and many have experienced this without having anything directly wrong with the heart - but if you know heartburn in addition to weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath or nausea then it is time and get help, as this may be a sign that the heart is struggling to get enough oxygen.

5. Nausea, indigestion or abdominal pain
If you feel nausea, indigestion or stomach pain without any obvious cause, these symptoms may be due to the present heart attack. Characteristic pain associated with heart attack is called "angina" and may be caused by a blocked artery. If this blockage is aggravated, it is often radiant pain down the stomach that leads to indigestion, nausea and severe abdominal pain. These symptoms may also be due to more common causes, but if there is continuous pain regardless of movement then it is a good idea to call the emergency room for advice and any ambulance pickup.

6. Fatigue - Fatigue
Unusual fatigue, especially in women, can occur during a heart attack or in the days and weeks leading up to a heart attack. The fatigue can come on suddenly and does not appear to be linked to sleep deprivation or any other illness. These symptoms are more common in women and are usually worse towards the end of the day if you have been upright all day.

7. Hosting or wheezing
Persistent hosting or wheezing can be a sign of impending heart failure caused by fluid buildup in the lungs. This is why some people with heart failure can cough up blood mucus. If you start coughing up mucus with blood, contact your doctor or emergency room immediately.

8. Excessive sweating
Moist skin, excessive sweating without exertion - or flu-like symptoms that are not accompanied by fever or infection can also be signs of a heart attack. Heavy sweating most often occurs in the scalp, chest area, armpits, palms or soles of the feet. Women may experience similar symptoms as they go through menopause with hot flashes and night sweats.


Myocardial infarction is life-threatening and requires prompt treatment. If you think you are about to have a heart attack, contact a doctor, emergency room or emergency room. We also recommend that you go to your regular doctor for regular check-ups, exercise regularly and focus on a healthy, varied diet.

ALSO READ: - New Treatment Dissolves Blood Clot 4000x More Effectively!



What can I do even against pain in muscles, nerves and joints?

1. General exercise, specific exercise, stretching and activity are recommended, but stay within the pain limit. Two walks a day of 20-40 minutes make good for the whole body and sore muscles.

2. Trigger point / massage balls we strongly recommend - they come in different sizes so you can hit well even on all parts of the body. There is no better self help than this! We recommend the following (click the image below) - which is a complete set of 5 trigger point / massage balls in different sizes:

trigger point balls

3. Training: Specific training with training tricks of various opponents (such as this complete set of 6 knits of different resistance) can help you train strength and function. Knit training often involves more specific training, which in turn can lead to more effective injury prevention and pain reduction.

4. Pain Relief - Cooling: Biofreeze is a natural product that can relieve pain by cooling the area gently. Cooling is especially recommended when the pain is very severe. When they have calmed down then heat treatment is recommended - it is therefore advisable to have both cooling and heating available.

5. Pain Relief - Heating: Warming up tight muscles can increase blood circulation and reduce pain. We recommend the following reusable hot / cold gasket (click here to read more about it) - which can be used both for cooling (can be frozen) and for heating (can be heated in the microwave).

6. Prevention and healing: Compression noise like that like this can increase blood circulation to the affected area, thereby speeding up the natural healing of injured or worn muscles and tendons.


Recommended products for pain relief in pain

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now

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lumbar Stretch

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6 Strength Exercises for Sore Knees


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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.

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      Hi dentist,

      We have updated the text. Thank you for your feedback. Have a great day.

      Alexander v /


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