Pain in the shoulder joint

Pain in the shoulder joint

Inflammation of the shoulder

Inflammation of the shoulder can occur due to several causes. Typical symptoms of inflammation of the shoulder are local swelling, reddish irritated skin and pain on pressure. An inflammation (mild inflammatory response) is a normal natural response when soft tissues, muscles or tendons become irritated or damaged. When tissue is damaged or irritated, the body will try and increase blood circulation to the area - this leads to pain, local swelling, heat development, reddish skin and pressure soreness. The swelling in the area can also lead to a pinching of tendons or muscle attachments, which we can see in so-called 'impingement syndrome'. These symptoms will vary in intensity depending on the damage or irritation in the tissue. It is important to distinguish between inflammation (inflammation) and infection (bacterial or viral infection).


Causes of inflammation of the shoulder

As mentioned, inflammation or inflammation is a natural response from the immune system to repair an injury or irritation. This may occur due to overuse (without sufficient stability muscle to perform the task) or due to minor injuries. Here are some diagnoses that can cause inflammation or inflammation of the shoulder:


Arthritis (Arthritis)

Osteoarthritis (the pain depends on which joints are affected)

Myalgia / muscle dysfunction

nerve Irritation

rheumatism (the pain depends on which joints are affected)

Subacromial bursitis (Shoulder mucosal inflammation)


Who is affected by inflammation of the shoulder?

Absolutely everyone can be affected by an inflammation in the shoulder - as long as the activity or load exceeds what the soft tissue or muscles can withstand. Those who increase their training too fast, especially in weightlifting, racquet sports (tennis and squash) and especially those with high repetitive loads. Too weak support muscles (rotator cuff and back muscles, among others) in combination with dysfunction in joints can also be a contributing factor to the development of an inflammatory reaction in the shoulder.


Anatomy of the shoulder joint


Inflammation of the shoulder can be very bothersome and can lead to pain and problems also in nearby structures. If an inflammation occurs then you have to keep in mind that in most cases it is self-inflicted (overuse or repetitive movements that you are not used to in combination with lack of training of the supporting muscles for example?), And that you are smart in hearing after what your body is trying to tell you. If you do not listen to the pain signals, the condition or structure can be chronically damaged. Our advice is that you seek active treatment (eg chiropractor, physiotherapist or manual therapist) for the problem.


Symptoms of inflammation of the shoulder

Pain and symptoms will depend on the extent to which the shoulder has an inflammatory reaction. We remind you again that an inflammation and an infection are two completely different things - if you get a severe inflammatory reaction with heat development, fever and pus in the area, then you have an infection, but we will go into more detail in another article. Typical symptoms of inflammation include:

- Local swelling

Reddish, irritated skin

- Painful when pressing / touching


Diagnosis of inflammation of the shoulder

A clinical examination will be based on a history / anamnesis and an examination. This will show reduced movement in the affected area and local tenderness. You will not normally need further imaging - but in certain cases it may be relevant with imaging to check if an injury is the cause of the swelling or possibly also blood tests.


Imaging diagnostic examination of inflammation in the shoulder (X-ray, MRI, CT or ultrasound)

An X-ray may exclude any fracture of the shoulder or arm. One MRI examination can show if there is any damage to tendons or structures in the area. Ultrasound can examine whether there is tendon damage - it can also see if there is fluid accumulation in the area.


Treatment of inflammation of the shoulder

The main purpose of treating inflammation in the shoulder is to remove any cause of the inflammation and then let the shoulder heal itself. As mentioned earlier, an inflammation is a completely natural repair process where the body increases blood circulation to the area to ensure faster healing - unfortunately it is the case that sometimes the body can do a slightly excessive job and it may then be necessary with icing, anti- inflammatory laser and possible use of anti-inflammatory drugs (we remind you that overuse of NSAIDS can lead to reduced repair in the area). Cold treatment can provide pain relief for sore joints and muscles, also in the shoulder. Blue. Biofreeze (opens in a new window) is a popular natural product. One should always try conservative treatment for a long time before resorting to invasive surgery (surgery and surgery), but in some cases this is the only way out. Direct conservative measures can be:


- Physical treatment (treatment of nearby muscles can provide pain relief and increased blood circulation)

- Rest (take a break from what caused the injury)

- Nedising / cryotherapy

- Sports taping / kinesio taping

- Exercises and stretching (see exercises further down in the article)


Also read: - Therefore You Should Avoid Cortisone Injection

cortisone injection



Exercises for inflammation of the shoulder

One should try to cut out too much weight-bearing exercise if one is afflicted with inflammation in the shoulder - at least until the worst has been healed. Replace weightlifting with cardio, elliptical machine or exercise bike. Also make sure that you stretch your arm, neck and back. We also recommend that you try calmly on these kind neck exercises.


Related article: - 7 Exercises for Sore Neck

Woman stretching neck and shoulder blades on therapy ball


NEXT PAGE: - Shoulder pain? You should know this!

Pain in the shoulder joint 2


What can I do even against pain in muscles, nerves and joints?

1. General exercise, specific exercise, stretching and activity are recommended, but stay within the pain limit. Two walks a day of 20-40 minutes make good for the whole body and sore muscles.

2. Trigger point / massage balls we strongly recommend - they come in different sizes so you can hit well even on all parts of the body. There is no better self help than this! We recommend the following (click the image below) - which is a complete set of 5 trigger point / massage balls in different sizes:

trigger point balls

3. Training: Specific training with training tricks of various opponents (such as this complete set of 6 knits of different resistance) can help you train strength and function. Knit training often involves more specific training, which in turn can lead to more effective injury prevention and pain reduction.

4. Pain Relief - Cooling: Biofreeze is a natural product that can relieve pain by cooling the area gently. Cooling is especially recommended when the pain is very severe. When they have calmed down then heat treatment is recommended - it is therefore advisable to have both cooling and heating available.

5. Pain Relief - Heating: Warming up tight muscles can increase blood circulation and reduce pain. We recommend the following reusable hot / cold gasket (click here to read more about it) - which can be used both for cooling (can be frozen) and for heating (can be heated in the microwave).

6. Prevention and healing: Compression noise like that like this can increase blood circulation to the affected area, thereby speeding up the natural healing of injured or worn muscles and tendons.


Recommended products for pain relief in pain

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now


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- Pressure wave treatment of plantar fascite

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Questions about shoulder inflammation:

Question: Woman, tennis enthusiast, 20 years old. Right shoulder inflammation I think, but how can I tell if I have shoulder inflammation / shoulder inflammation?

In most cases, pain from joints and muscles is misinterpreted as 'inflammation'. This is a simplification of the problem which shifts the responsibility away from the person affected - and which suggests that it is not that person's fault. This is normally not the case - and most people have probably overworked themselves (eg walking for several hours when you normally sit in the office all week) or done other things before they get such a pain presentation. The fact is that it is usually due to too little stability muscles, often in combination with stiff and dysfunctional joints in the thoracic spine and neck - it is important that these joints move sufficiently. A public health authorized clinician (chiropractor, physiotherapist or manual therapist) will be able to help you diagnose your ailment and any treatment.


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(We try to respond to all messages and questions within 24-48 hours. We can also help you interpret MRI responses and the like.)


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