Pain in the Body

Are you plagued with body aches? Do the muscles in the body work and cause you pain even at the slightest movement? In this article, we will try to help you find the harmony you and your body once shared. Among other things, the article will go through:

  • Self-treatment against Pain in the Body
  • Causes and Diagnoses of Pain in the Body
  • Image Diagnostic Investigation
  • Treatment of Pain in the Body
  • Exercises and Training for Pain in the Body (including video)
  • Vulnerability (including a good portion of humor)

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If you have extensive muscle pain and pain throughout your body, we want to emphasize that it is never too late to grasp aching muscles, sore tendons, high-sensitivity nerves and stiff joints. But the journey is not necessarily easy.

Although malfunction of muscles, nerves and joints are among the most common causes, we must not forget that there may also be more serious and underlying causes for your entire body to work. In the article we will also talk about more serious diagnoses like Fibromyalgia, lung disease, the consept of rheumatism, cancer or polyneuropathy. Pain in the body can occur on both the left and right side - which can give indications of where the pain comes from.

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Self-treatment when the body aches and hurts

It can be tempting to lie down on the couch when your body is playing on a team, but that is not always the smartest thing to do. One of the best things you can do is keep moving - at your own pace. Especially walks in the woods and fields are among the best you can do.

Others make use of trigger point / massage balls against sore muscle knots when the body aches - or the use of cooling muscle gel such as Biofreeze But fortunately we are not like all men, so many prefer one heat pack to start blood circulation around painful soft tissue.

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Who is hurt by the body?

Everyone can be unlucky enough to be affected by a aching and painful body. It is not necessarily that you have done something wrong, but having said that, for example, very heavy work can turn into pain later in life - in the same way that too much inactivity can also lead to pain in the carcass.

Body anatomy: The skeleton

As you understand from the anatomy of the body, there are many structures that will work at all times. Maybe it is not so strange that you have hurt sometimes?

Anatomy of the body - the skeleton

Muscles in the Body

In this picture you see an overview of some of the different muscles in the body.

Anatomy of the body - The muscular system

Causes and Diagnoses of Pain in the Body


Arthritis / arthritis

Osteoarthritis (the pain depends on which joints are affected)

Bechterew's disease (Ankylosing spondylitis)


Car Accident

Borrelia (tick bite disease)



Headache-free Migraines (can cause pain in the body without headaches)

Hypoxia (Too little oxygen)

Influenza (can cause pain and pain in the body)

Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome


Lung disease

muscle tension

Myalgia / myosis

whiplash Injury

Neuropathy (nerve damage may occur locally or further away)

Excessive exercise

panic attacks

Polymyalgia rheumatism



viral infection


Rare causes of body pain:

Infection (often with high CRP and fever)

cancer Pain

Cancer spread (metastasis)


Diagnostic examination of the body

There are four main types of imaging diagnostics:

CT examination
MR Survey

In some cases, your doctor or clinician (chiropractor or manual therapist) may need to refer you to an imaging diagnostic examination. This may be because there is suspected muscle, spinal or tendon damage, as well as to map your joint health or look for nerve cramps.

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Treatment for Pain in the Body

The treatment you receive depends on the very cause of your pain. If we start with muscle and joint pain then there are three publicly authorized professions that treat such ailments:

Physical therapist
manual therapist

We always recommend that you only go for assessment and treatment at publicly authorized professions, as these have protected titles and that you thus know what to expect. These therapists often use a combination of muscle work and joint treatment - in combination with needle treatment, laser therapy and pressure wave treatment if they also have expertise in this.

Find a Treat

Do you want help finding a recommended clinician near you? Contact us here and we will do our utmost to help you.

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Exercises and Training against Pain in the Body

Sometimes it may be good to know some exercises that are good for the whole body. In the video below, we show you some exercise exercises that can help you loosen up your tense muscles and stiff back.

VIDEO: Exercises against Tight and Painful Back Muscles

In the video below shows chiropractor Alexander Andorff produce five nice exercises that are suitable for those who feel that their back is in the tightest layer.

Feel free to subscribe Our Youtube channel for more free exercise programs and videos like this one.

Optionally, you can find more exercises and training programs here:

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Violence advice against Pain in the Body

We choose to include some old women's advice against body aches that people actually believe in - please don't try these yourself. We start with something as uncomfortable as nettle. One submitter claims that she lay down in a fuel field for a few minutes - and that she claims that this keeps the gout away for up to two years. The same woman also says that she often gets whipped with nettle (!) On both knees and back where the gout is worst.

We are not convinced and maintain our advice that you should seek out a chiropractor rather than a fire extinguisher.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Pain in the Body

Feel free to use the comment box below to ask questions like these.

It hurts my body after drinking alcohol.

Many people are not aware that one can be intolerant to alcohol - and that the pain you experience in the body may be due to your body interpreting the alcohol as toxins and that it struggles to break it down effectively. You can simply call it a mild alcohol poisoning.

Has often hurt the body when changing weather. What could it be?

When the weather changes, we also get changes in the barometric air pressure. Research has shown that rheumatism in particular is affected by weather changes, but it can also affect people without a rheumatic diagnosis. Perhaps you have noticed that you often get hurt in the head in advance of a real change of weather?

I hurt my body and freeze. What is the cause?

The fact that your body works in the way you describe may indicate that you may have an infection or that you have been infected with a virus. The most well-known cause of this type of pain is our beloved flu virus, but there are also a number of other viruses that can also cause the same presentation of symptoms and pain. As is well known, these can give you a fever - which leads to the temperature changes you experience. Allergies are also a common cause of body aches and colds.

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  1. Kalichman et al (2010). Dry Needling in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain. J Am Board Fam MedSeptember-October 2010. (Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine)
  2. Bronfort et al. Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain. A Randomized Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine. January 3, 2012, vol. 156 no. 1 Part 1 1-10.
  3. Images: Creative Commons 2.0, Wikimedia, WikiFoundy, Ultrasoundpaedia, LiveStrong
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