Flat foot - Photo Wikimedia

Flatfoot / Pes Planus - Image, measures, treatment and cause.

Flat foot, also known as pes planus or submerged foot arches, is a structural deformity in the foot that can worsen due to overload or lack of intrinsic foot muscle.


Pes planus


It is said that in up to 20-30% of the population, the arch of the foot is not properly developed.

Due to the lack of intrinsic foot muscle (the deep foot muscle), the arch of the foot collapses. Something that can lead to the development of musculoskeletal problems, as this arch and the muscles should normally act as a shock absorber before the strain forces reach the ankles, legs and knees.


Treatment of flat feet involves training of specific support muscles (see here for exercises) and possible sole adjustment by an orthopedist to straighten the arch of the foot - exercises to strengthen the arch of the foot (including tibialis and peroneus) can also help prevent the problem from recurring. It is recommended to walk barefoot on rough terrain, such as beaches, as you must use the muscles actively in such situations. Walking in sandals is also considered better than walking in tight shoes - this is because you have to work with the muscles in the foot to keep the sandals on the foot.


RELATED PRODUCT / SELF-HELP: - Compression sock

Anyone with foot pain and problems may benefit from compression support. Compression socks can contribute to increased blood circulation and healing in those affected by reduced function in the legs and feet.

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Recommended products for pain relief for muscle and joint pain

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Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

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Flat foot - Photo Wikimedia

In the picture we can see that the foot does not have a well developed arch. Hence flat foot.

The picture above illustrates an example of a flat foot. We clearly see the lack of muscle and the development of the arch of the foot. This is called Pes Planus.


Did you know? - A differential diagnosis for foot pain is plantar fascite.



Flat foot: A form of structural deformity in the foot, where the arch of the foot has collapsed.



Make ergonomic changes in everyday life and at work - change shoes and get sole adjustment if necessary.

- Also read: - 7 Good advice and measures against foot pain

Pain in the foot



Go to a musculoskeletal system and get the diagnosis diagnosed - it is only in this way that you know that you are taking the right measures to get well. Doctors, manual therapists and chiropractors can all refer you to public sole adjustment.


Recommended products for pain relief

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now


What are the patient's symptoms?

Feels that the foot is collapsing and the foot is hitting hard against the ground as they walk or run. Can develop plantar fascite or similar diagnoses.


Treatment modalities: Evidence / studies.

A study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Journal in 2005 (Kulig et al) showed that proper sole adaptation can help to activate posterior tibialis and other relevant musculature, so that gradually the correct support musculature is built up for the arch of the foot, thus helping to prevent further development of the flat foot.

Overview - Training and exercises against flatfoot / pes planus:

Exercises / training: 4 Exercises against Plattfot / Pes planus

Toe lift and heel lift

Exercises / training: 5 Exercises against heel spur

Pain in the heel


Also read: - Sore foot (learn about the causes of foot pain and see one long list of diagnoses)


Also read: - 4 Exercises against Plantar Fasciitis

Pain in the heel

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  • Chin-up / pull-up exercise bar can be an excellent exercise tool to have at home. It can be attached and detached from the door frame without the use of a drill or tool.
  • Cross-trainer / ellipse machine: Excellent fitness training. Good for promoting movement in the body and exercising overall.
  • Rubber exercise knit is an excellent tool for you who need to strengthen the shoulder, arm, core and more. Gentle but effective training.
  • Kettlebells is a very effective form of training that produces fast and good results.
  • Rowing Machines is one of the best forms of training you can use to get good overall strength.
  • Spinning ergometer bike: Good to have at home, so you can increase the amount of exercise throughout the year and get better fitness.

Also read:
Pressure wave treatment in the treatment of foot pain (how does pressure wave therapy work in the treatment of foot problems?)

Pressure wave treatment of plantar fascite - Photo Wiki


  1. Kulig, Kornelia et al. (2005). «Effect of foot orthoses on tibialis posterior activation in persons with pes planus. ".With Sci Sports Exerc 37 (two:10.1249 / 01.mss.0000150073.30017.46.


Also read: - 4 Clothes Exercises against Stiff Back

Stretch of glutes and hamstrings


Did you know: - Cold treatment can give pain relief to sore joints and muscles? Blue. Biofreeze (you can order it here), which consists mainly of natural products, is a popular product. Contact us today via our Facebook page if you have questions or need recommendations.

Cold Treatment



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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.

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