Pain in the heel

5 exercises for heel spurs

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Last updated 25/04/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

5 Exercises against heel spur

Troubled with heel spurs and heel pain? Here are 5 good exercises against heel spurs that provide increased movement, less pain and better function. Please share.


Many choose to combine these exercises with the effective treatment method Shockwave Therapy - which is very effective against plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. Something that is not recommended in the treatment of plantar fasciitis and heel spurs is cortisone injection - as studies have shown that this can aggravate the problem in the long term.


VIDEO: 5 Exercises against heel spurs

In the video above you see five recommended exercises for heel spur and plantar fascitis.

Feel free to subscribe to our youtube channel for free (click here) where you will also find several exercise programs for you who are plagued with foot and heel pain.


Stretching of the calf muscles

Tight and sore leg muscles are often directly linked to both heel pain and Achilles tendon. Those who are affected plantar fasciitis with heel spurs also know that it can lead to changes in gait (including inclination and shorter stride length) which in turn can lead to extra irritation and tightness in the calf muscles, gastrocsoleus - as well as hamstrings. It is therefore recommended that you stretch the back of the leg daily - where you keep the stretch 30-60 seconds and repeats over 3 sets - on both sides. The illustration below is a good way to stretch the back of the leg. This can also be a good way to counteract leg cramps for those who are struggling with it.

Stretch the back of the leg


2. "Toe crunch with towel"

A very good exercise that strengthens the foot and the foot muscles in an effective way - which in turn can relieve the heel region.

Toe crunch with towel

  • Sit on a chair and place a small towel on the floor in front of you
  • Place the front soccer ball just above the start of the towel closest to you
  • Stretch your toes out and grab the towel with your toes as you pull it towards you - so it curls under your foot
  • Hold towel for 1 second before releasing
  • Release and repeat - until you reach the other side of the towel
  • Alternatively you can do 10 repetitions over 3 sets - preferably daily for best effect.


3. Stretching of hamstrings and seat

Landscape hoarding equipment

As mentioned earlier, heel spurs can lead to altered gait and increased irritation in both the calf and thigh muscles. Therefore, the purpose of this exercise is to gain more flexibility in the hamstring muscles - muscles that are known to contribute to bone problems if they are too tight. Lie flat on the floor with your back down, preferably on an exercise mat with support under your neck.

Then bend one leg towards the chest and then grip the back of the thigh with both hands. Stretch your leg in a controlled, calm motion, while pulling your leg towards you. Hold the stretching exercise for 20-30 seconds, while taking deep breaths. Then bend the knee back and return to the starting position. Alternatively, you can use a towel or similar to get extra stretch against the back of the thigh (as illustrated above) - this is also a good way to get a good stretch on the foot muscles.


Repeat the exercise 2-3 times on each side.


4. Toe lift and heel lift

Toe lift and its lesser known little brother, heel lift, are both exercises that are important for the musculature of the arch and foot. The exercises can be performed on bare ground or in the stairs.

Toe lift and heel lift

Position A: Start with your feet in a neutral position and lift up your toes - while pushing down toward the football.

Position B: Same starting point. Then lift your feet up against your heels - here it may be appropriate to lean against a wall.

- Perform 10 repetitions on both exercises above 3 sets.


5. Cloth exercise for plantar fascia

Stretching of plantar fascia - Photo Mrathlef

Sit with the affected leg over the other, then stretch the front part of the foot and the big toe upwards in dorsiflexion while you feel with the other hand on the heel and under the foot - so that you feel that it stretches in the arch of the foot. Clothing 10 times of 10 seconds duration, 3 times a day. Alternatively, you can also stretch 2 times of 30 seconds duration, 2 times a day.


Also recommend using compression sock against plantar fasciitis / heel groove for faster healing:



Anyone with foot pain and problems may benefit from compression support. Compression socks can contribute to increased blood circulation and healing in those affected by reduced function in the foot blade.


Feel free to contact us at YouTube or Facebook if you have any questions or similar regarding exercise or your muscle and joint problems.


- This is what a heel spur looks like:


Recommended exercise products for this exercise routine:

- No, here you can do just fine yourself.


NEXT PAGE: Pressure wave treatment - an effective treatment for heel spurs and plantar fasciitis

pressure ball treatment overview picture 5 700

Click on the image above to proceed to the next page.


Also read: - Pain in the heel? You should know this!

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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.

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