Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy (How to Affect Pregnancy)

Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy

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Last updated 24/03/2021 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Fibromyalgia and Pregnancy

Do you have fibromyalgia and are pregnant - or thinking about becoming one? Then it is important to know how fibromyalgia can affect you as a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Here, we will answer a wide range of questions about being pregnant with fibromyalgia. 

Sometimes common fibromyalgia symptoms - such as pain, fatigue and depression - can be due to the pregnancy itself. And because of this, they can be under-processed. It is also the case that the increased stress of having a child can trigger fibromyalgia flare ups - which will make you feel much worse. Regular follow-up of the doctor is important.




We fight for those with fibromyalgia, chronic pain diagnoses and illnesses to have better opportunities for treatment and investigation.

Something not everyone agrees with, unfortunately - and our work is often opposed by those who want to make everyday life even more difficult for those with chronic pain. Share the article, like us on our FB page og our YouTube channel in social media to join us in the fight for a better everyday life for those with chronic pain.

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This article reviews and answers the following questions regarding fibromyalgia and pregnancy:

  1. How does fibromyalgia affect pregnancy?
  2. Does pregnancy-related stress aggravate fibromyalgia?
  3. Can I take fibromyalgia medication when I am pregnant?
  4. What treatments are recommended for pregnant women with fibromyalgia?
  5. Why is exercise and movement so important when pregnant?
  6. What Exercises Can They Do With Fibromyalgia When Pregnant?

Are you wondering something or do you want more of such professional refills? Follow us on our Facebook page « - We relieve your pain»Or Our Youtube channel (opens in new link) for daily good advice and useful health information.

1. How Does Fibromyalgia Affect Pregnancy?

A pregnancy leads to a huge increase in the number of hormones in the body.

In addition to weight gain, the body is in imbalance and a new physical shape is obtained. The first three months of a pregnancy will also often cause nausea and fatigue. As you can see, many people with fibromyalgia will experience an increase in their symptoms throughout pregnancy due to this hormonal imbalance.

Research has shown that women with fibromyalgia may have more pain and symptoms throughout pregnancy compared to those who do not have this chronic pain diagnosis. Not particularly surprising, perhaps, as the body goes through some changes.Unfortunately, the study showed that more people experience that fibromyalgia symptoms worsen during pregnancy. Again, one sees especially a worsening of increased pain, exhaustion and emotional stress throughout the first three months of pregnancy.


Here we want to throw some water on the fire by saying that more people also report improvement of the symptoms during pregnancy, so there is no 100% decision here.


We would like to emphasize that pregnancy yoga, stretching and exercise can be a good way to reduce mental and physical stress throughout pregnancy. In the article below you can see a training program that shows you five quiet exercises.

Read more: - 5 Exercise exercises for those with Fibromyalgia

five exercise exercises for those with fibromyalgia

Click here to read more about these exercise exercises - or watch the video below.

VIDEO: 5 Movement Exercises for Those with Fibromyalgia

Calm and controlled clothing and exercise exercises can help you reduce physical and mental stress in your body. In the video below you can see an exercise program with five different exercises that can help you reduce stress.

Join our family and subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) for free exercise tips, exercise programs and health knowledge. Welcome you shall be!

2. Does Pregnancy-Related Stress Aggravate Fibromyalgia?

We with fibromyalgia know how hard stress can affect our chronic pain diagnosis - and a pregnancy causes a great deal of emotional and physical stress. 

We must also remember that birth itself is a time of extreme stress on mother. Throughout pregnancy, you have major changes in hormone levels in the body - including estrogen and progesterone.

Here it is also important to remember that the time after birth can be extremely heavy - even for those who do not have fibromyalgia - so it is important to be aware that this period can lead to an increase in pain and symptoms.


Too many people are plagued with chronic pain and illnesses that destroy everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page og YouTube channel (click here) and say, "Yes to more research on chronic pain diagnoses".

In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: Fibromyalgia and Pain in the Morning: Do You Suffer From Poor Sleep?

fibromyalgia and pain in the morning

Here you can read more about five common morning symptoms in those with fibromyalgia.

3. Can I Take Fibromyalgia Medications When I am Pregnant?

No, unfortunately, there are no painkillers used for fibromyalgia that can also be used when you are pregnant. Especially ibuprofen can be risky for pregnant women. If you have any questions about the use of pain killers during pregnancy then you should consult your GP.


Fibromyalgia can cause severe pain - especially with flare-ups.

For this very reason, the advice to avoid painkillers when pregnant is difficult to swallow for those with fibromyalgia. Research has shown that use among this patient group is up to four times higher than in other patients.

We recommend the public service Safe Mamma Medicine (the link opens in a new window) at its warmest. Here you can get free advice from professionals about the use of medication during pregnancy.

Many people report worsening of muscle pain in the neck and shoulders during pregnancy - and during long periods of breastfeeding. Popularly called for stress neckYou can read more about this diagnosis in the guest article from Råholt Chiropractor Center and Physiotherapy in the article below.


Also read: - This You Should Know About Stress Talking

Pain in the neck

The link opens in a new window.

4. What Treatments Are Recommended For Pregnant Women With Fibromyalgia?

yogaovelser-to-back stiffness

Knowing one's own body and what one responds well to is essential.

It is so that we respond differently to treatment from person to person - But treatments that are often good for pregnant women with fibromyalgia include:

  • Physical Treatment for Muscles and Joints
  • diet Adaptation
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Yoga

We strongly recommend that physical therapy be performed only by one of the three publicly licensed professions with specialized expertise in muscles and joints - physiotherapist, chiropractor or manual therapist. This recommendation is due to the fact that these three occupations are supported and regulated through the Directorate of Health.

An adapted diet that addresses the energy needs of those with fibromyalgia can also be an important part of feeling better. The 'fibromyalgia diet' follows national dietary advice and guidelines. You can read more about it in the article below.

Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

fibromyalgid diet2 700px

Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.

5. Why Is Exercise And Movement So Important When You Are Pregnant?

Single leg pose

Pregnancy causes major changes in the body - including a more pre-displaced pelvis.

As the abdomen becomes larger, this results in increased strain on the lower back and pelvic joints. The changed pelvic position will gradually cause more and more pressure in the pelvic joints as you approach the due date - and can provide a basis for both pelvic locking and back pain. If you have reduced mobility in the joints in the pelvis, this can also lead to greater strain on the back. Regularly adapted exercise and movement exercises can help you prevent this and keep your muscles moving as well as possible.

Regular gentle exercise and physical therapy can, among other things, result in these health benefits:

  • Improved movement in the back, hip and pelvis
  • Stronger Back and Pelvic Muscles
  • Increased blood circulation to tight and sore muscles

Improved physical function leads to more mobility in the joints, less tense muscles and an increase in serotonin levels in the body. The latter is a neurotransmitter that is particularly associated with fibromyalgia - due to the fact that this patient group has lower levels than normal. Serotonin, among other things, helps regulate mood. Low chemical levels of this in the body may be the cause of depression and anxiety among those with fibromyalgia.


Recommended Self-Help for Rheumatic and Chronic Pain

Soft sooth compression gloves - Photo Medipaq

Click on the image to read more about compression gloves.

  • Toe pullers (several types of rheumatism can cause bent toes - for example hammer toes or hallux valgus (bent big toe) - toe pullers can help relieve these)
  • Mini tapes (many with rheumatic and chronic pain feel that it is easier to train with custom elastics)
  • Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)
  • Arnica cream or heat conditioner (many people report some pain relief if they use, for example, arnica cream or heat conditioner)

- Many people use arnica cream for pain due to stiff joints and sore muscles. Click on the image above to read more about how arnica cream can help relieve some of your pain situation.


Did you know that fibromyalgia is defined as a bleeding rheumatic diagnosis? As with other rheumatic disorders, inflammation often plays a role in the severity of the pain. For this very reason, it is important for you to know about natural anti-inflammatory measures against fibromyalgia as shown in the article below.

Also read: - 8 Natural Anti-Inflammatory Measures Against Rheumatism

8 anti-inflammatory measures against rheumatism

6. Which Exercises Are Suitable For Pregnant Women With Fibromyalgia?

Exercise for pregnant women must be adapted and take into account how far one is in pregnancy.

There are a number of different forms of exercise that are suitable for pregnant women with fibromyalgia - some of the best include:

  • Walking tours
  • Spinning
  • Tai chi
  • Custom group training
  • Exercise with focus on movement and clothing exercises
  • Yoga for pregnant women

VIDEO: 6 Customized Strength Exercises for Those with Fibromyalgia

Here are six gentle and tailored strength exercises for you who have fibromyalgia - and are pregnant. Click on the video below to see the exercises. NOTE: Back pain on therapy balls will of course be difficult to achieve later in pregnancy.

Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel for free (click here) for free exercise tips, exercise programs and health knowledge. Welcome to the family you must be!

Don't Exercise in Hot Water Pool When You Are Pregnant

Exercise in a hot water pool is a form of exercise that is loved by many with fibromyalgia - but here it is important to be aware of that exercise in hot water or hot tub is not good if you are pregnant. Research has shown that it can increase the chance of miscarriage (1) or malformations of the fetus. This applies to water that is warmer than 28 degrees.

Did you know otherwise that there are seven different forms of fibromyalgia pain? This is why your pain tends to vary in both intensity and presentation. Read more about it via the link in the article below, and you will quickly become a little wiser about why you feel the way you do.

Also read: The 7 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain [Great Guide to the Different Pain Types]

the seven types of fibromyalgia pain

Right-click and "open in new window" if you want to continue reading this article afterwards.

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Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news» (Press here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about rheumatic and chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.

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VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel (click here) - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.

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NEXT PAGE: - Fibromyalgia and Pain in the Morning [What You Should Know]

fibromyalgia and pain in the morning

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