the seven types of fibromyalgia pain

The 7 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain

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Last updated 24/03/2021 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

the seven types of fibromyalgia pain

The 7 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is a soft rheumatic pain diagnosis that can provide the basis for several different types of pain. Many people do not realize that these are often divided into different variants.  Here are the 7 types of fibromyalgia pain that you should know about.


In fibromyalgia many of these pains can overlap and the pain picture varies greatly. Here we go through the seven categories of fibromyalgia pain so you can learn more about these. If a friend or family member has fibromyalgia then this article can help you understand more about how this complex diagnosis affects them.


We fight for those with other chronic pain diagnoses and diseases to have better opportunities for treatment and examination - something not everyone agrees with, unfortunately. Like us on our FB page og our YouTube channel in social media to join us in the fight for an improved everyday life for thousands of people.


This article will go through seven types of fibromyalgia pain - Some of them will surely surprise you. At the bottom of the article you can also read comments from other readers and get good tips.


Are you wondering something or do you want more of such professional refills? Follow us on our Facebook page « - We relieve your pain»Or Our Youtube channel (opens in new link) for daily good advice and useful health information.


1. Hyperalgesia

Hyperalgesia is the medical term for defining the increased pain you feel when you have fibromyalgia. 'Hyper' means more than normal and «algesia» is synonymous with smerte.


Research has shown that certain brain parts of those with fibromyalgia interpret pain signals differently - and that these signals are interpreted with a much 'higher volume'. That is, the pain signals are misinterpreted and greatly amplified.


Precisely this is one of the reasons why those with fibromyalgia can often experience stronger pain from aching muscles, nerves and joints than others. Due to this, this patient group is also more dependent on physical treatment, daily mobility exercises and custom training (such as group training in hot water pool).


Read more: - 5 Exercise exercises for those with Fibromyalgia

five exercise exercises for those with fibromyalgia

Click here to read more about these exercise exercises - or watch the video below.


VIDEO: 5 Movement Exercises for Those with Fibromyalgia

Knowing adapted exercise exercises adapted to those with fibromyalgia is very important. The video below shows five gentle exercises that can help you maintain mobility, circulation and relieve pain.

Join our family and subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) for free exercise tips, exercise programs and health knowledge. Welcome!


2. Neuropathic Pain


Many with fibromyalgia are affected by neuropathic pain. This type of pain can cause strange nerve symptoms such as tingling, burning, itching, numbness or tingling in the arms and legs. These symptoms can also be directly painful.


There are a number of treatment measures that can help with such pain - including medication. Physical treatment, custom joints and acupuncture are treatments that can often help relieve neuropathic pain.


Too many people are plagued with chronic pain and illnesses that destroy everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say, "Yes to more research on chronic pain diagnoses".


In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: - 15 Early Signs of Rheumatism

joint overview - rheumatic arthritis

Are you affected by rheumatism?


3. Fibromyalgia headache

headaches and headaches

Those with fibromyalgia usually have more frequent headaches. In fact, it is so common for this patient group to be affected significantly more often by neck-related headaches (stress headaches) and migraines.


This is linked to three factors in those with fibromyalgia:

  • Poor sleep quality (due to night pain)
  • Overactive pain nerves
  • Mental anxiety (chronic pain and poor sleep go - of course - beyond the mental energy)


Again, we see that the common factor in these three factors is hypersensitivity so the brain interprets signals too powerfully. And it is precisely in this main factor that one hopes that a future cure for fibromyalgia may lie.


Also read: - How Helps Exercise In Hot Water Pool On Fibromyalgia

this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2


4. Stomach and pelvic pain

stomach ache

People with fibromyalgia have a 50 percent higher risk of being struck irritable bowel syndrome. This is a digestive condition that is characteristically characterized by abdominal cramps, gas and bloated stomach. Other symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, nausea, a feeling of constant need for toil and uneven stools.


Fibromyalgia can also cause increased pelvic pain, both in the pelvic joints, but also towards the groin and pubic symphysis. Characteristic symptoms can mean more frequent urination and that you are more often 'urinating'.


That is why it is so important to adhere to the 'fibromyalgia diet' and follow national dietary advice. In the article below you can read what the research thinks is the best diet for those affected by fibromyalgia.


Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

fibromyalgid diet2 700px

Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.

Also read: What You Should Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel


5. Widespread and Widespread Muscle Pain

Chronic headache and neck pain

You know the muscle action you have in your entire body when you have the flu? This can be compared to a type of muscle pain that fibromyalgia patients are all too familiar with.


A characteristic feature of fibromyalgia is diffuse and persistent pain in the muscles and soft tissues. These pains are often described as deep pain, tenderness, stiffness or chafing all over the body - including the arms, legs, neck and shoulders.


Many people are most bothered with:

  • Low back pain - which can also irritate nerves and cause radiation to the legs.
  • Pain and tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Pain between the shoulder blades.


Remember that the pain can vary and move and hit several different places in the body. Including arms and hands. In the article below you can see seven good exercises designed to help with osteoarthritis in your hands.


Also read: - 7 Exercises for Hand Osteoarthritis

hand arthrosis exercises



6. Joint pain

chiropractor 1


Joint pain and stiffness are commonly reported symptoms in people with fibromyalgia. This is due, among other things, to tense and painful muscles that limit the ability to move - and thus stiffen.


Unlike inflammatory arthritis, there is usually no inflammation and inflammation of the joints of fibromyalgia. This is one of the ways to distinguish this disorder from rheumatic arthritis or systemic lupus - where you can often see that the person's joints become visibly swollen.


Are you bothered with rheumatic inflammation? Below you can read about eight natural treatment measures - without side effects.


Also read: - 8 Natural Anti-Inflammatory Measures Against Rheumatism

8 anti-inflammatory measures against rheumatism

7. Allodynia

Discussion with health professionals

Is Your Skin Painful By Touching? Have you ever noticed that even a light touch from clothes or a friendly gesture can really hurt? This is allodynia - a pain symptom that surprises many. And that makes attempts at light massage from the elect have failed.


Many describe allodynia as an increased sensitivity in the skin that can be compared to being severely sunburned. Research has shown that this is due to a hypersensitivity reaction due to central sensitization associated with fibromyalgia. In other words, the nerve signals are misinterpreted in the brain and the result is - pain.


Allodynia is a relatively rare pain variant. Apart from fibromyalgia, this pain is only seen in neuropathies, shingles and migraine.


Recommended Self-Help for Rheumatic and Chronic Pain

Soft sooth compression gloves - Photo Medipaq

Click on the image to read more about compression gloves.

  • Toe pullers (several types of rheumatism can cause bent toes - for example hammer toes or hallux valgus (bent big toe) - toe pullers can help relieve these)
  • Mini tapes (many with rheumatic and chronic pain feel that it is easier to train with custom elastics)
  • Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)
  • Arnica cream or heat conditioner (many people report some pain relief if they use, for example, arnica cream or heat conditioner)

- Many people use arnica cream for pain due to stiff joints and sore muscles. Click on the image above to read more about how arnica cream can help relieve some of your pain situation.


Also read: 6 Exercises against Significant Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder

osteoarthritis of the shoulder



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Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about rheumatic and chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.


VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel (click here) - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.


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NEXT PAGE: - This You Should Know About Osteoarthritis In Your Hands

osteoarthritis of the hands

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