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Acupuncture Can Relieve Fibromyalgia

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Last updated 16/03/2022 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Acupuncture Can Relieve Fibromyalgia

Good news for those affected fibromyalgia. A major study published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) has shown that acupuncture (needle therapy) can provide pain relief and functional improvement for those affected by this soft tissue rheumatic disorder. Another research study (1) also supported that intramuscular acupuncture can relieve pain for those with fibromyalgia - and that it can help curb the use of painkillers. Otherwise, it is also important to mention that the acupuncture form used in the study we refer to here is not the same as the more alternative Chinese acupuncture form.


- At our interdisciplinary departments at Vondtklinikkene in Oslo (Lambert seats) and Viken (Eidsvoll Sound og Raw wood) our clinicians have a uniquely high professional competence in assessment, treatment and rehabilitation training for chronic pain syndromes. Click on the links or here to read more about our departments.


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Fibromyalgia is a medical, rheumatic disease that is characterized by chronic, widespread pain and increased pressure sensitivity in the skin and muscles. Fibromyalgia is a highly functional diagnosis that involves chronic pain. It is also very common for the person to suffer from fatigue, sleep problems, fibrous mist and memory problems. Symptoms can vary greatly, but characteristic symptoms are significant pain and burning pain in the muscles, muscle attachments and around the joints. It is classified as one rheumatic disorder.


What causes fibromyalgia?

The cause of fibromyalgia is still not completely known. It is believed that there may be hereditary factors in combination with epigenetic influences behind the diagnosis. Possible causes such as infections, trauma and post-traumatic stress have also been mentioned as possibilities.


The connection between fibromyalgia and injuries or infections is also being investigated. Among other things, it is claimed that neck slump is a factor that can be triggering for fibromyalgia pain. Other options mentioned are Arnold-Chiari, cervical stenosis, larynx, mycoplasma, lupus, Epstein Barr virus and respiratory tract infections.


Study: Significant Improvement after 10 Weeks of Treatment

The study compared real acupuncture treatment (where needles were actually inserted) with 'placebo needle treatment' (where no needles were inserted, but only plastic tubes were used instead) - there were a total of 153 participants in the two groups. The patient groups received 1x treatment a week for 9 weeks. In the group that received needle treatment, a 41% improvement was noted after 10 weeks - this effect also remained quite good even 12 months after the end of treatment and a long-term improvement of 20% was reported - one year after the last treatment. This is the first, large study that has measured such a good effect - and the researchers themselves believe that this is due to a good mapping and treatment plan. In other words - very good news for those affected by this disorder.


But it is also important to note that one must be patient with the treatment when one has fibromyalgia - and that it took nine treatments to achieve the improvement they refer to.


How Does Muscular Needle Treatment Work For Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia leads to central sensitization and an increase in nerve signals. This means, among other things, that pain is overreported in the brain and that even minor discomfort and pain can be experienced as very painful. By using muscular needle treatment for hypersensitive muscles, one can experience several physiological effects - including:

  • Desensitization of Pain Signals
  • Less Muscle Spasms and Efficacy
  • Degradation of Injured Tissue and Increased Healing

It is believed that the decrease in pain is partly due to a decrease in the electrical activity inside the muscles - and thus less pain signals that are sent to the brain.


Conclusion: Useful Tool in Fighting Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture and acupuncture are performed by a number of health clinicians, including acupuncturists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and manual therapists - but we think it is important that you find the right therapist and thus help you find one of our recommended therapists in your area if desired.


Needle therapy can relieve pain and help you loosen dysfunctional muscles and soft tissues - which is often a major contributor to fibromyalgia pain. However, we recommend that it be combined with several treatment techniques that are known to have an effect on fibromyalgia - such as physical therapy, joint mobilization and laser therapy.


Self-treatment: What can I do even for fibromyalgia pain?

There are few things that make doorstep miles as high and long as fibromyalgia. On bad days, even getting out of bed can feel like a workout. We recommend that you listen to your body, but that you always try to get some movement and some exercises during the day - your muscles will thank you for it in the long run. Many people experience relief with home exercises adapted to those with fibromyalgia (see video here or below). Others feel that training in hot water pool, yoga or pilates have a positive effect on their tormentors. One can also make use of trigger point / massage balls on a daily basis or acupressure mat (see below). Alternatively, you can also use one combination hot / cold gasket.


Tip 1: acupressure mat (The link opens in a new window)

Fibromyalgia is linked to increased muscle tension and extensive myalgias in the body. The neck and shoulders in particular are often hard hit. We often give tips on the use of acupressure mat as a good self-measure against significant muscle tension. The mat and the included headrest can also work well for relaxation when the body is oversensitive. Click on the image or here to read more about it.



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Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture and Fibromyalgia

Is it dangerous to get acupuncture when you have fibromyalgia?

No, as long as you receive needle treatment from a publicly authorized clinician, this is considered a very safe form of treatment. The most common is that intramuscular acupuncture is performed by a publicly authorized clinician - such as a modern chiropractor. But one must keep in mind that fibromyalgia causes significantly higher muscle activity - and that one can thus become quite numb and tender after treatment.

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