hallux-valgus-leaning big toe

Acute pain in the big toe: What is the possible diagnosis and cause of the pain?

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Last updated 27/12/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

hallux-valgus-leaning big toe

Acute pain in the big toe: What is the possible diagnosis?

Reader questions about acute pain in the big toe from a reader who struggles to walk and walk on his / her feet. What is possible diagnosis? A good question, the answer is that we would like to try to help you move forward in the investigation process. Feel free to get in touch via our Facebook Page if you have any questions or input.


We recommend that anyone interested in this topic read the main articles: - Sore foot og gout


Read: - Review article: Sore foot

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Here is the question that a male reader asked us and our answer to this question:

Male (47 years old): Hi, I have now several times suffered acute pain in the big toe (right leg) and the ankle becomes stiff, also feel the tingling in the knee sometimes. It hurts to walk. But hurts all the time, if I sit still too. Helps to keep the leg high. It usually lasts from one to three weeks. Where it begins gently and gradually gets worse, before it gets better again. The foot and ankle get swollen and red, and feel it quiver when I sit still. I can also add that I have some bad blood vessels in my legs. On both legs.

In my job I stand and walk all day. Max 15 min I sit down per day. So when I get home I have to lie down and stay in bed until the next day. I've been to my doctor with this, but he did not find out anything. And did not give me an appointment with a specialist. Do you have a theory about what this can be, and any advice on how it can be improved, or make it work. Have read a bit online myself, but not something that I can find. the closest is probably gout… but I do not feel sick and do not have a fever.




Reply: Hey,

As you describe your problem, it sounds like there may be several factors - there gout or hallux valgus is one of several possible diagnoses. What worries us first and foremost, and which must be ruled out, is that this is due to heart symptoms / ailments. This especially considering that your ankle and foot swell up - and especially if this occurs on both sides.


The first thing that needs to be examined is blood pressure and complete heart examination. Have you been through this recently or do you feel this is under good control from your GP?


Other things that need to be investigated are mechanical causes - therefore we recommend that you consult clinics with a referral right (chiropractor or manual therapist) to investigate any defects, biomechanically, in the foot / ankle / leg and knees. It may certainly be relevant to have an imaging examination (eg X-ray or MRI examination)


Alexander v / Vondt.net


Discussion with health professionals


Male (47 years old): Thanks for reply! I have received a doctor's appointment and will be examined in more detail with regard to heart problems. Have a family history of heart attack and cholesterol problems (I'm pretty big myself), but have not been checked for this to a greater extent before.


Also read: - 5 Exercises for Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus

RELATED PRODUCT / SELF-HELP: - Hallux Valgus Support

Plagued with hallux valgus (crooked big toe) and / or bone growth (bunion) on the big toe? Then this can be part of the solution to your problem!


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Did you know: - Cold treatment can give pain relief to sore joints and muscles? Blue. Biofreeze (you can order it here), which consists mainly of natural products, is a popular product. Contact us today via our Facebook page if you have questions or need recommendations.

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Photos: Wikimedia Commons 2.0, Creative Commons, Freemedicalphotos, Freestockphotos and submitted reader contributions.



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