6 early signs of laryngitis complete

6 Early Signs of Borreliosis

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Last updated 13/04/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

6 Early Signs of Borreliosis

Here are 6 early signs of Lyme disease from tick bites that allow you to recognize the disease at an early stage and get the right treatment. An early diagnosis is very important to be able to make the right decisions in relation to treatment - and adjustments in everyday life (including getting enough rest and fluids, as well as immune-boosting measures). None of these signs alone means that you have borrrelisoe, but if you experience more of the symptoms, we recommend that you contact your GP for a consultation.


The disease Lyme disease (also known as Lyme disease) is thus due to an infection by the Lyme bacterium. Normally, Lyme's disease is popularly called Lyme disease, but Lyme disease is the correct term. More focus should be placed on research aimed at lyme disease - therefore we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say, "Yes to more research on Velcro." In this way, one can make the neglected patient group more visible and ensure that funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods is prioritized.


We know that the previous signs of Lyme disease can vary from person to person and thus point out that the following symptoms and clinical signs are a generalization - and that the article does not necessarily contain a complete list of possible symptoms that can be affected at an early stage of borellia, but rather an attempt to show the most common symptoms. Feel free to use the comment field at the bottom of this article if you miss something - then we will do our best to add it. We also remind you that of course not all ticks have Lyme disease.


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stretch of the back cloth and bend


1. Circular rash

tick bite

Within one to four weeks of being bitten by a tickle with tick boreria, the affected person will experience symptoms. In up to 80% of cases, you will see a characteristic circular rash around the bite area itself. This rash is called erythema migrans in the professional language.




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2. Fever and chills


Lyme disease is an infectious disease and therefore the body triggers the immune system. One of the methods to try to fight the invaders (the Borrelia bacteria) is by changing the body temperature.

The body raises the body temperature to give guests an unforgiving climate in which they are unhappy. In other words: fever. And as most people who have had a fever have experienced, you can also experience sudden chills in the body or "cold spells".



3. Headache

headaches and headaches

Lyme disease can provide a basis for a headache that is similar to the one you can often experience with the flu. The headache can be oppressive, explosive and sometimes quite intense - at the same time as you feel tired and exhausted.


4. Muscle and joint pain

Another symptom that overlaps greatly with flu-like pain and tenderness in muscles and joints. Lyme disease can cause indefinable and transient pain that moves from one place to the next in the body - everything from the lower leg to the back and thumb.


These pains are due to the ongoing battle between the immune system and the infection that is ravaging your body - and which, among other things, causes inflammatory reactions and hypersensitivity.



Swollen lymph nodes

Sore throat

The lymphatic system is the body's way of clearing away the imperfections we do not want in the body - including dead borrelia bacteria and inflammatory reactions that occur when the white blood cells go into battle against the invasion.


When there is an ongoing infection or disease, the lymph nodes / lymph nodes will swell due to increased content and more waste management. The glands will often also be sore and sore when touched.


6. Fatigue

Chronic fatigue

When the body and the immune system are at war with the borrelia infection, it is precisely this conflict that will be in focus. The body will delegate extra energy and used significant resources to fight the invaders - and this can naturally be at the expense of how you feel in everyday life. A feeling of being exhausted and constantly tired is common with ongoing borrelia infection.



Later stage: If the infection spreads

classic symptoms of Borreliosis 2

If Lyme disease is not detected and treated in the early stages, it can spread to other places on the body (often several weeks to months after the first bite) - including the joints (they can swell), the heart and the nervous system. One can also often see an increased incidence of rash (it can get bigger and spread) and the person affected will often report episodic periods of pain and weakness in the arms or legs. Other symptoms in this phase may include temporary paralysis of the facial muscles (see image above for an example of Bell's palsy), increased incidence of headaches, memory loss and palpitations.



Last phase: Once the infection has spread further over a long period of time

This is - naturally enough - the most serious phase of the disease. The last phase is defined as a phase that occurs due to the fact that no treatment has been received or that the condition has not been detected. This serious phase occurs many months after the tick bite and during this time the inflammation has become extensive in the joints - so extensive that it can cause joint swelling (usually in the knees). The nervous system can also be affected by peripheral neuropathy and impaired sensation in the affected nerves. Problems with the heart can also occur - then in the form of inflammation of the heart muscle fibers and irregular heart rhythm.


So we hope you understand the importance of going to your GP if you experience symptoms after ticks. It is better to go once too much to the GP than once too little.



What can you do if you have Lyme disease?

- Collaborate with your GP and study a plan for how you can stay as healthy as possible, this may involve:

Neurological referral for examination of nerve function

Treatment with a public authorized therapist

Customize everyday life

Cognitive processing

Training programs


Feel free to share in social media

Again, we want to ask nicely to share this article in social media or via your blog (please link directly to the article). Understanding and increased focus are the first steps towards a better everyday life for those affected by laryngitis and chronic pain.


Chronic Lyme disease is a progressive tick-borne encephalitis that can cause severe symptoms such as facial paralysis, nerve damage (neuropathy) and irregular heartbeat. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Lyme disease in the later stages - and that is precisely why we consider it very important that the general public knows about the early symptoms and signs of this disease. We kindly ask you to like and share this for increased focus and more research on Lyme disease (Lyme disease). Thanks in advance for sharing.



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A big thank you to everyone who contributes to promoting increased understanding of tick borne and chronic pain diagnoses!


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