Hip Pain - Pain in the hip

Hip Pain - Pain in the hip

Crocodiles and Glutealendinopathy

Trousers and gluteal endinopathy are conditions in which the tendons of the seat and hip attachment are damaged, painful and / or dysfunctional. A tendinopathy means injury / inflammation / other conditions that have affected a tendon. Triangles are the area on the outside of the hip. Here the tendons attach from two important gluteal muscles (buttock muscles) - namely the musculus gluteus medius and the musculus gluteus minimus. Feel free to contact us at our Facebook page or use the comment box at the bottom of the article if you have questions.


These tendon attachments can be damaged in various ways:


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If the tendons from these muscles are affected by an inflammation, this is called trocar tendonitis. Thus, tendinitis means inflammation of a tendon.



If the tendons that attach to the outside of the hip are damaged then that is the correct name for this trocar tendinosis. Tendinosis means damage in a tendon.



This term is used if you know that there is an injury / tendon condition in the tendon attachments on trocades, but still do not know if it is a tendon inflammation or tendon damage. Tendinopathy is thus an umbrella term that can involve both tendon injury and / or tendon inflammation.


The difference in treatment of tendonitis (tendinitis) and tendon injury (tendinosis)

We've written about before how different the two treatments is and how big consequences it can have for the affected. It is therefore very important to know whether it is actually an inflammation or not - tendon injuries should never be treated with anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory painkillers (eg Ibux and Voltaren), as this stops the natural healing and can help to make the condition chronic. We point out that tendon injuries are much more common than tendonitis. Many tendon injuries are misdiagnosed and treated as tendonitis - although tendonitis, according to recent research, is very rare.


Treatment of trocar tendendinitis / glutealendendinitis

Healing time: Days up to six weeks. Depending on when the diagnosis is made and treatment begins.

Purpose: To curb the inflammation process.

Action: Rest and anti-inflammatory drugs. Possible deep friction massage after the inflammation has subsided.


Treatment of trocar tendendinosis / glutealendendinosis

Healing time: 6-10 weeks (if the condition is detected at an early stage). 3-6 months (if the condition has become chronic).

Purpose: Stimulate healing and shorten healing time. Treatment can reduce tendon thickness after injury and optimize collagen production so that the tendon regains its normal strength.

Measures: Rest, ergonomic measures, support, stretching and conservative movement, downsizing, eccentric exercise. muscle work / physical therapy, joint mobilization and nutrition (we go through these in more detail in the article).


First and foremost, let's consider this statement from a larger study: "Sener spends over 100 days putting down new collagen" (Khan et al, 2000). This means that treating a tendon injury, especially one you have had for a long time, can take time, but seek treatment from a publicly authorized clinician (physiotherapist, chiropractor or manual therapist) and get started with the right measures today. Many of the measures you can do yourself, but in certain more serious cases it can be beneficial Shockwave Therapy, needle and physical therapy.


Treatment of trocar tendinopathy / gluteal endinopathy

As mentioned earlier, it is important for optimal treatment to determine whether there is a tendon injury (tendinosis) or tendonitis (tendinitis), as the treatment is different for the two conditions.


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Conservative treatment of trocar edges and gluteal endinopathy

Acupuncture / Needle Treatment: May loosen myofascial restrictions in the areas around the hip - which may provide some symptom relief.

Physiotherapy and physiotherapy treatment: A physiotherapist can help you set up a workout program and provide symptom-relieving physical therapy if needed.


Chiropractor and Chiropractor Treatment: Like physiotherapists, (modern) chiropractors have a strong focus on rehabilitation training and exercise in their 6-year education, and can thus give you a good exercise program and advice on how to proceed with regard to your pain syndrome diagnosis. Chiropractors also have the right to refer to imaging if this is necessary to confirm the injury.

Low-dose laser: Popularly called 'anti-inflammatory laser' or 'sports injury laser'. Research has shown that this type of treatment can provide faster healing time in tendon injuries, but more research is needed in the area before it can be concluded whether this has any major effect on tendon injuries and other injuries to the hip. But current research is positive.

Massage and muscle work: May increase blood circulation in local sore muscles which may provide symptom relief.

Pressure wave therapy: An effective treatment performed by authorized health professionals (chiropractor, manual therapist and physiotherapist)


Need good advice, steps and tips?

Feel free to contact us directly via Comments Box below or via social media (e.g. vår Facebook-side). We will help you as best we can. Write as fully as you can about your complaint so that we have as much information as possible to make a decision.


Popular article: - Is it tendonitis or tendon INJURY?

Is it a tendon inflammation or tendon injury?

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Trojan edges and glutendinopathy questions:



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