blood clot in the leg - edited

This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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Last updated 03/05/2020 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

A blood clot can be fatal. The problem is that it does not always necessarily produce clear symptoms until it is too late. Read this to learn more about early signs and symptoms of blood clots in the bone, arm, heart, stomach, brain or lungs.


Not serious until it loosens - then it can be fatal!

  • A blood clot that has not loosened is not dangerous
  • But if a blood clot loosens and travels through the veins to the heart and lungs - then it can have fatal consequences
  • Most blood clots are found in the legs - but it is important to remember that this tells something about how your artery and venous condition is

A blood clot is an accumulation of blood that has changed from its normal fluid-like state to a significantly denser gel-like substance. When a blood clot forms in one of your veins, it will not always disappear on its own - this is when life-threatening situations can arise.


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the term when a plug is formed in one of the main veins of the body. The most common is that this occurs in one of the bones, but it can also form in the arms, lung or brain.


A blood clot is not dangerous until it comes loose. But if it differs from the venous passage and travels through the veins to the heart, brain or lungs then it can block all blood supply - this can provide the basis for a heart attack or stroke.


1. Blood clot in the leg or arm

The most common site that is affected by blood clots is the calf. A blood clot in the leg or arm can have varying symptoms, including:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Ømhet
  • heat dissipation
  • Discoloration (eg paler and 'bluish')
  • Must take breaks as you walk

The symptoms will vary depending on the size of the blood clot - which is why you can actually have almost no symptoms and still have a smaller blood clot. Other times, there may be only a slight swelling in the leg with mild pain. If the blood clot is larger, the whole leg may swell and this can cause severe pain.


It is not common to have blood clots in both legs or arms - the chances are greater that you have a blood clot if the symptoms are isolated to a leg or an arm.


2. Blood clot in the heart

Having a blood clot in the heart can lead to pain in the chest and a feeling that there is pressure there. Feeling 'light-headed' and shortness of breath can also be symptoms of a blood clot in the heart.


3. Blood clot in the abdomen / stomach

Persistent pain and swelling can be symptoms of blood clot anywhere in the abdomen. However, these can also be symptoms of food poisoning and gastric virus.


4. Blood clot in the brain

A blood clot in the brain can cause sudden and unbearable headaches, often in combination with other signs of ischemic stroke, such as difficulty speaking and visual disturbances.

5. Blood clot in the lungs

A blood clot that loosens and attaches to the lungs is called pulmonary embolism. Symptoms of this condition are:

  • Sudden breathlessness that is not caused by exercise
  • Chest Pain
  • Uneven heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood

When to contact your doctor

If you experience symptoms that may be a blood clot, contact your GP or other physician immediately. Get in touch for an investigation, as - as mentioned - a blood clot that loosens can have fatal consequences. You are also advised to wear compression socks regularly. stretch the thigh and calf muscles, as well as use a foam roller - as this can be involved in improving your blood circulation. Below you see 5 good foam roller exercises that can help you loosen up tight thighs and calf muscles:


VIDEO: 5 Foam Roll Exercises against Bad Bones and Legs

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By the way, did you know that recent research has found a potential way to dissolve and harm blood clots? And that it can be as much as 4000 times more effective than current treatment? Anyway this is not wagered on (!) You can read more about this on the next page. We recommend that you also read the article "How to recognize a stroke".


NEXT PAGE: Study: This Treatment Can Dissolve Blood Clot 4000x More Effectively!



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