broken twig

Chronic Pain in the Body and Moderate Spinal Stenosis

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broken twig

Chronic Pain in the Body and Moderate Spinal Stenosis

Reader questions from a reader with chronic pain in the body and moderate spinal stenosis. The pain is now in the entire body from head to toe, but started first in the lower back. We advise readers to read about spinal stenosis to understand what it means.

Reader: Chronic pain throughout the body

Hi! I am a lady of 47 years. Will try to make my story short, but it's not easy. About 6 years ago, it all started with my lower back pain and the more I went the worse it got. At that time, I was working as an extra guard at a nursing home. When the day was over I was in pain as I drove home. And that day was ruined.

But at that time I was much better the next day. I have always loved walking and we have 2 dogs that I loved to walk with. But since I got more sore in the back from going far, I took MRI of the lower back. It showed moderate spinal stenosis. Was a spine surgeon and he was rude. Only concerned about why I was disabled and why I took it and included it. And that I had to walk more.

Well, then time passed - after 2 years things got worse and the pain in the lower back became pain in the whole back. And after that it only went down to the fact that today I have pain or rather great pain in absolutely the whole body from the tip of the toe to the fingertips. The hands have the same symptoms as that of carpal tunnel syndrome. But has now, after many years of struggle, been examined by both the neurologist and the rheumatology catalog at Haukeland. But they have not given me any diagnosis or explanation as to why I am in such great pain.

Or why my fingers are swollen and my hands are sore and at night lazy at the same time as I wake up with great pain in my hands. Now my legs are also starting to get lazy at night. And I keep getting new symptoms and more and more pain. I have used and tried countless medications for neuropathic pain - probably the whole list. I am now on strong medication which means that I do not have to lie down and laugh at pain.

As of today, it is my cohabitant who does everything in the house. I go for short walks and do stretching and some yoga exercises that I can do and feel good for the body. I have also been referred for spinal stenosis surgery which has worsened on MRI - and a prolapse. But now the arms have become much worse and everything feels inflamed and very painful to do something with the hands / arms. It is even with painkillers.

And yes when I go a little too far my legs fail and they will not work. I have only received a long message yet with a bit of a picture of the disease. And I have no idea what you can advise me on. But I now wrote this to you…'s answer:

Thank you for your inquiry. Uff da! This didn't sound good! Are there signs of stenosis in the neck as well? Any signs of cervical myelopathy?



No stenosis in the neck. But I have results in writing from MRI and X-ray - was some osteoarthritis in the back. And lots of other things. Gets a little too far to write. I was at the neurologist at Haukeland last time. Yes and apart from the fact that they referred me for surgery for stenosis downstairs, she started talking about sweating in her hands, etc. if she was going to give a lecture.

I almost had to laugh. Trying to explain to a 47-year-old lady about anxiety and nervous reactions and in that way hint that that was what I had. Yes… no, I have been met in such a negative way mostly when I come and go - feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. But I think she said it about sweat in her hands and the way she said it. Like a child who does not know what it is. And besides, there are no such symptoms at all I have. She showed a picture of her fingers when they were very swollen. It goes up and down a bit.'s answer:

Realize well that you are frustrated and bang your head against the wall as you say. Do you know when the surgery for your back will be? With all your pain, you will probably have to make a total change in your everyday life - this also applies to the fact that you need physical treatment and help with gradual, progressive training.



No, I don't know the card I'm going to have surgery. Or if at all. Has been referred to Hagavik Os in Bergen. I was there 4 years ago and was then rejected. After all, quite a bit of osteoarthritis has been detected in the back and thinks that it may be a bit why the hands are swollen. Starting and getting really hurt in the elbow joints also shoulders.'s answer:

We struggle a little to understand what you want? It seems that you believe and hope that there is a simple solution to your problem - but the truth is that you have to change your lifestyle completely and completely. This involves movement in everyday life, changed diet, physical treatment and gradual training / rehabilitation training.
The operation against spinal stenosis can (perhaps) help you to remove the pressure from the nerves in the lower back - but it becomes very important that you take the training after the operation in all seriousness. An operation is not risk-free and there is no guarantee of success. The time after surgery will be the time you can invest in your own long-term health. Go to and a physical therapist and get help to set up a training plan with gradual increase in relation to exercise load.



Thanks for the help.


NEXT PAGE: - Body pain? This is why!


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