Sore throat

Sore throat

Hurt the Strupen | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Sore throat? Here you can learn more about pain in the throat, as well as associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of throat pain and throat problems. Pain from the throat should always be taken seriously, as they - without proper follow-up - can worsen further. Feel free to follow and like us too Our Facebook page for free, daily health updates.


The throat is the area of ​​the throat which consists of the throat and further down towards the esophagus. The average person swallows about fifty times a minute - which is probably quite surprising? Most swallowing movements are autonomous and completely automatic - thankfully. But if the throat becomes painful and sore, these automatic swallowing movements will quickly become more sensitive and create irritation inside the throat.


Sore throat and throat are one of the most common reasons why most people see their GP - and actually rank in front of high blood pressure, back problems and rashes. If you have persistent sore throat, difficulty swallowing or constantly feel sores in your throat, you are advised to contact your doctor for an examination.


The most common conditions and diagnoses that cause irritation, swelling or sore throat are:


In this article you will learn more about what may be causing your throat pain, throat pain, as well as various symptoms and diagnoses of throat disease.


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Cause and diagnosis: Why did I hurt my throat and throat problems?

Discussion with health professionals


Different types of allergies can cause sore throat and throat. Common forms of allergy are pollen allergy, dust allergy, food allergy and allergic reactions after contact with certain types of animals. Typical symptoms may include:

  • sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Sore, teary eyes
  • Sore throat and throat


If these allergens, the things that you are allergic to, come in contact with the inside of the throat and throat, then this can lead to soreness, irritation inside the throat and a persistent itching. In some cases, the symptoms may be so mild that they may be difficult to detect. As mentioned, such allergies can also be triggered by certain types of food - and then stomach problems and abdominal pain can also be part of the clinical picture.


So if you notice any of these symptoms after eating - especially if you have eaten nuts, citrus fruits, wheat or lactose products - then it may be a good idea to have an allergy test.


Bacterial infections (such as streptococci)

If your throat and throat are really, really sore - then it could be due to a bacterial infection caused by streptococci. The two most common bacterial infections that cause such sore throats are inflamed tonsils and streptococci. In other words, it is the bacterial group of streptococci that normally leads to inflamed tonsils.


Contrary to common colds, you will not necessarily suffer from sneezing, tightness and / or coughing if you have tonsillitis. But what you will know is a very sore throat which is rapidly deteriorating and which causes obvious pain when swallowing. It can also lead to bad breath, fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck and neck.


At a clinical examination, performed by your doctor, he may detect a white coating on your tonsils - bacterial accumulations that form due to the fight between the immune system and the bacteria. The doctor will then take a bacterial sample that will disprove or confirm that it is a streptococcal inflammation. The treatment involves a course of antibiotics - but it is important to keep in mind that it can take up to 72 hours in some cases before you notice improvement.


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Woman with the flu

Sore throat and sore throat are not the most characteristic symptoms of the flu - but of course you can also be affected by a flu infection. One way to distinguish between the common cold and the flu - is that a cold often develops gradually at a leisurely pace, while the flu often occurs much more acutely and suddenly.


The symptoms will also be more severe if you have the flu - with associated pain in the body, higher fever, fatigue and malaise. Rest, increased fluid intake and a diet high in antioxidants are what are recommended for the most effective treatment of the flu.


Cancer of the throat

Pain on the front of the neck

Throat cancer is often related to smoking and high alcohol consumption over a long period of time - and especially affects men in their 50s - 70s. Two common symptoms are persistent hoarse voice and sore throat - which does not get better. Other symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, accidental weight loss, difficulty breathing and coughing up blood.


Normally seen in throat cancer, the pain and discomfort in the throat, as well as the throat, does not disappear and go away - plus it gradually gets worse as the cancer cells gain more foothold and worsen. If you experience symptoms like this, you should consult your doctor for a clinical examination. - a special examination involves a camera on a flexible rod that is inserted into the throat to look for swelling, reddish irritation and signs of inflammation.


Also read: - 6 Early Signs of Stomach Cancer

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Kissing disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus - and particularly affects younger men. The disease gets its name from the fact that it can be transmitted via saliva (for example by kissing). Clinical signs and symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Splenomegaly enlarged spleen
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, neck and under the armpits
  • Sore throat
  • Exhaustion


The symptoms may persist for several weeks - or in some, more severe cases, monthly. In fact, it is one of the diseases that gets worse from antibiotics - as it is caused by a virus and not bacteria. There is a specific test to detect the kissing disease called "monospot test" in English, but as mentioned there is no treatment for the virus except that your body has to take care of the problem by itself. Rest, lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as increased fluid intake are important to fight the virus infection.


Sour rebound against the larynx

Discomfort and pain in the throat can be due to acid reflux of stomach acid from the stomach. You can have a separate variant where the stomach acid abuts completely in the throat - which irritates and "burns" the affected areas. Unlike the esophagus, the protective tissue layers have not been able to neutralize acid - which means that stomach acid in this region leads to more damage and irritation than elsewhere.


Common symptoms include:

  • A feeling that you "have something in your throat"
  • Aggravated symptoms
  • Hes voice
  • Reap
  • Sore throat and sore throat


It is especially the right diet that is important to curb stomach acid production. This also involves reducing the intake of fatty foods, sugars, caffeine and alcohol. Dietary changes are the only long-term solution to this problem.


Also read: Study: This Ingredient in Olive Oil Can Kill Cancer Cells

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Pain in the throat, as well as persistent symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, breathing and hosting should always be taken seriously. If you suffer from persistent pain in this anatomical region, contact your doctor for an examination. Any treatment will depend on what is the basis for the pain you have.


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Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat and Cold Gasket): Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals. Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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