Man stays on the left part of the lower back with pain

Man stays on the left part of the lower back with pain

Back Pain: Symptoms and Signs of Back Pain

Back pain after sitting still or hurt in the back at night? Here you can learn more about common symptoms, presentations and signs of back pain.


What Are Common Symptoms Of Back Pain And Back Pain?

The vast majority have experienced back pain and back pain. The causes of back pain are many and some of them are self-inflicted - for example through a lifetime of bad habits. Other possible causes of back pain are traffic accidents, trauma, falls, joint locking, muscle strain or muscle injuries - as well as sports injuries. And although the causes are many and varied, it is often the case that the symptoms overlap.


Common symptoms of back pain can be:

  • Prolonged pain in the middle of the shoulder blades or in the middle of the lower back; especially for prolonged sitting or standing.
  • Inability to stand upright without pain or muscle spasms in the lower back - this is also called lumbago.
  • Persistent murmur, aching and stiffness along the spine from the bottom of the neck all the way down to the tailbone.
  • Back pain that radiates down from the lower back, towards the buttocks, the back of the thighs, calves and all the way down to the foot - a sign of sciatica / isjalgi. Contact your chiropractor or physiotherapist for treatment.
  • Sharp, local pain in the neck, upper back or lower back - especially after heavy lifting or participation in repetitive, physically demanding work.
  • Pain when coughing and sneezing, as well as increased pain in a forward-leaning position - this may be a sign of lumbar prolapse.

Get the help of professionals!

We will be very clear in our speech here. If your car makes a noise or does not work properly - do you go to a mechanic? Yes you do. But do you listen to your body in the same way? No, most likely not. Our best advice is to find a good publicly licensed clinician (the three state-authorized professions that treat muscles and joints are physiotherapists, chiropractors or manual therapists) near you. If it's the finances that stop you, then just be honest with the clinician - then the treatment plan can be more geared towards home exercises and exercise than passive treatment on the treatment bench.



Some serious symptoms of back pain

Some symptoms of back pain are more severe than others. If you experience any of the following symptoms, consult a doctor or emergency physician.

  • You have a fever in addition to the back pain - may be a sign that you have an infection in your body.
  • Sphincter problems anal; you have difficulty holding the intestinal contents. Seek emergency care immediately - this is a sign of Cauda Equina syndrome.
  • Urinary retention and difficulty starting a urinary jet (may be a sign of Cauda Equina Syndrome)


AnThree symptoms that can be severe in combination with back pain are:

  • Prehistory with cancer
  • Prehistory with injury and trauma
  • Prolonged use of steroids and immunosuppressive drugs
  • night Pain
  • Pain that only gets worse and worse over time
  • Unwanted weight loss


Want less stiff joints? Exercise regularly!

Regular training: Research has shown that the most important thing you do is exercise regularly. Exercising regularly increases blood circulation to muscles, tendons and not least; the joints. This increased circulation takes nutrients into the exposed discs and helps keep them healthy. Go for a walk, practice yoga, exercise in a hot water pool - do what you like, because the most important thing is that you do it regularly and not just in the "skipper's roof". If you have reduced everyday function, it is recommended that exercise is combined with muscle and joint treatment to make everyday life easier.


If you are unsure of what kind of training this entails or if you need an exercise program - then you are advised to contact physical therapist or modern chiropractor for setting up a training program customized for you.


Special training with exercise bands can be particularly effective in building stability from the bottom up, especially the hip, seat and lower back - due to the fact that the resistance then comes from different angles that we are almost never exposed to - then preferably in combination with regular back training. Below you see an exercise that is used for hip and back problems (called MONSTERGANGE). You will also find many more exercises under our main article: training (see the top menu or use the search box).

exercise bands

Relevant training equipment: Training Tricks - Complete Set of 6 Strengths (click here to read more about them)




On the next page, we will talk further about tight nerve conditions in the back; called spinal stenosis.

NEXT PAGE (click here): What You Should Know About Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis 700 x


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