typing on a laptop

typing on a laptop

Write with us!

Do you want to write articles for us as a guest writer - or do you want a complementary answer regarding your problems? Maybe you have information about health conditions or your own experiences that others can benefit from? Our offer to be a guest writer on our site is very popular and we hope you will also be part of our team in the future - in this way we can help as many as possible and spread important information to as large an area as possible.


A good example of a successful guest post came from Ida Christine. It was called "Living with Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME)»(Click on the link to read it) and got a broad and positive response in social media. Ida Christine also reported that she had received many personal support messages and thanks from people who were in a similar situation as her.


Or do you want a thorough response from a physiotherapist or chiropractor about a musculoskeletal problem you are plagued with? By writing as detailed as possible (the more information you write the more accurate we can be in our response) and using the form, as well as the template below, you are guaranteed a comprehensive response from a publicly authorized chiropractor or physical therapist. Please note that the service is completely free.


3 steps to submit a post

1. Copy the template below (select it and press «copy» or Ctrl + C, then «paste» (Ctrl + V) in the text printer. Another option is to copy the template into Microsoft Word and then - when you are done - paste it back into the text editor below.

2. Answer the questions in the template (remember to write as detailed and as much information as possible - do not use "yes", "no" or single words. The reason we ask you to be detailed is that even the smallest thing can be a important pointer in relation to your problem and how we best solve it). You can choose to remain anonymous when submitting.

3. The template (copy and paste in the text editor below):

Age / Gender: Fill in information here

Current - your pain situation (supplementary about your problem, your everyday situation, disabilities and where you are in pain): Fill in information here

Topical - pain location (where is the pain): Fill in information here

Topical - pain character (how would you describe the pain): Fill in information here

How do you stay active / in training: Fill in information here

Previous imaging diagnostics (X-ray, MRI, CT and / or diagnostic ultrasound) - if so, where / what / when / result: Fill in information here

Previous injuries / trauma / accidents - if yes, where / what / when: Fill in information here

Previous surgery / surgery - if yes, where / what / when: Fill in information here

Previous investigations / blood tests - if yes, where / what / when / result: Fill in information here

Previous treatment - if so, what kind of treatment methods and results: Fill in information here

Other (additional information) -







  • Use the template above to submit questions and inquiries
  • One-syllable answers and short descriptions can mean that your inquiry cannot be answered adequately - so make sure you write as detailed as possible
  • Remember to fill in the title of the post and the desired display name (your name), as well as category (category)
  • If you want to remain anonymous then just fill in a false name and false age

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