eye pain

eye pain

Eye Pain (Eye Pain)

Eye pain and eye pain can affect everyone. Eye pain and eye pain can affect visual function and quality of life. Here you will find good information that allows you to understand more about why you get pain in the eyes and what you can do about it. Eye pain can be caused by, among other things, temporary irritation due to foreign body, sinusitis / sinusitis (sinusitis), eyelid inflammation (blepharitis) and trauma. Feel free to contact us on Facebook if you have any questions or input.


Note: Make sure that you do not have a sore eye for a long time, rather contact your GP and have the cause of the pain investigated. In most cases, you will be referred to an ophthalmologist.


What is meant by eye pain and eye pain?

When we talk about pain in the eye, we mean an abnormal condition where the affected person experiences a feeling of discomfort, irritation, sensitivity, inflammation / inflammation, soreness or pain in the eye / both eyes or the eye area. Such symptoms can be due to a long list of diagnoses and conditions - some of them mild, but others may be more severe. Eye pain / symptoms may occur due to infection, trauma or pathological causes.


Eye anatomy and important eye structures

Before we move on, we need to look at the anatomy of the eye. That is, what structures make up your eye. This can be important for further understanding.

Eye Anatomy - Photo Wiki

Eye Anatomy - Photo Wiki

In the picture we see the cornea, the anterior chamber, the rainbow with pupil, eye lens, vitreous, retina, varicella, tendon, the yellow spot, the blind spot, the optic nerve and one of the eye muscles.


Possible causes and diagnoses of eye pain

Sinusitis / sinusitis / clogged sinuses (gives characteristic pressure and pain behind the eye)

Blepharitis (Eyeliditis)

Wrong strength on lenses

Foreign bodies in the eye



Gray Star (Cataract)

Herpes Zoster


Headaches due to clogged sinuses

Corneal Inflammation (Keratitis)

corneal Infection

Corneal wear / corneal damage

Ingrown eyelash


Optic nerve (inflammation of the optic nerve)


tension headache

Trigeminal neuritis / trigeminal neuralgia

Dry eyes

Eye catarrh (conjunctivitis)


Rare but very serious diagnoses


Skin cancer

Subarachnoidal bleeding SAH

Temporal arthritis


eye neoplasm

Note: We point out that it is better to have things investigated instead of waiting. An early diagnosis can mean a great deal for the prognosis and treatment of the condition. It's not "tough" to walk around with pain and symptoms - it's just stupid.

Time classification of eye pain

Eye pain can be divided into acute, subacute og chronic pain. Acute eye pain means that the person has had eye pain for less than three weeks, subacute is the period from three weeks to three months and the pain that has a duration of more than three months is classified as chronic. If you have had eye pain for a long time, we recommend that you contact your GP as soon as possible.


Investigation of eye pain by medical testing

There are a number of methods used to evaluate and diagnose the cause of eye pain. The methods used depend on the pain presentation and the symptoms of the eye problems. The ophthalmologist uses the following methods, among others:


- Light examination used by the ophthalmologist to evaluate the eye.

- Tonometer (also known as Tono-pen) is used to check if there is an abnormally high pressure in the eye, which can occur in glaucoma, for example.

- Eye drops is used to dilate the pupils so that the doctor gets a good insight into the eye.


Other commonly reported symptoms and causes of eye pain and eye pain

- Pain in the eye of lenses

- Pain in the eye of PC and PC monitor

- Eye pain after alcohol

- Sore eye after cataract surgery

- Sore eye after stroke

- Sore eye after solar eclipse

- Sore eye after lash extension

- Eye pain when I look up

- Eye pain when I look down

- Sore eye when watching TV or TV screen

- Eye pain when I look to the right

- Eye pain when I look to the side

- Sore eye when I look to the left

- Sore eye and it flows

- Eye pain and sinusitis

- Eye pain and migraine

- Sore eye and temple

- Eye pain and blurred vision

- Eye pain when moving

- Eye pain when blinking

- Sore eye with cold

- Eye pain in bright light

- Eye pain due to allergy

- Sore eyes when I read

- Sore eyes and fever

- Eye pain and headache

- Sore eyes and nausea

- Sore eyes and shady

- Eye pain and stress

- Sore eyes and dizziness

- Eye pain due to new glasses or contact lenses


Treatment of eye pain and eye pain

Treatment of eye pain / symptoms requires a thorough examination and diagnosis - before then treating the underlying disease, cause or condition that gives rise to these symptoms. Some diagnoses are easy to treat, but others may require far more comprehensive treatment and still have an uncertain prognosis with regard to how the condition will develop further.


Exercises and training for eye pain

Children can train away so-called "lazy eye" if they start early enough. This training - often with an eye patch to activate the eye that is not strong enough - should be carried out in collaboration with an ophthalmologist - and it is important that you follow the instructions and the number of times to do these to the letter. This can have a lot to say for the child's future vision and visual function.


Also read: - 7 Wonderful Health Benefits of Eating Avocado

avocado 2


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