Man stays on the left part of the lower back with pain

Man stays on the left part of the lower back with pain

Witchcraft: What is Witchcraft?

Witch shoots in the back often hit the most inconvenient. In the case of witch shoots, it can be experienced that the muscles in the back suddenly go into acute latch with spasm in the muscles, locking in the joints and strong, choking pain that makes you almost have to hold your breath until the worst pain gives way .. Contact us at our Facebook page or use the comment box at the bottom of the article if you have questions.

In this article we will explain in more detail what witch shoots are, symptoms of witch shoots, as well as exercises / training and treatment that can be used for both treating and preventive purposes.


Also read: - These Exercises Can Help You With Acute Low Back Pain

Kneel rolls for the lower back


Witch shoots: A popular expression of acute kink in the back

The expression originates from the fact that it was thought that this must be malicious magic - the pain in the back came as created out of absolutely nothing, and no one if the person who was affected by these acute back ailments had done anything to deserve it. All he had done was work 10 hours straight without a break in the potato field in a forward-bent, twisted position.


In more modern days, witch shoots in the back are still caused by overload, but often due to prolonged sitting and unilateral strain over time. With this static load, possibly one-sided forward bending (up and down), we can risk that the back muscles are overloaded and then the body has its defense mechanisms to avoid damage to other structures, such as backbones, intervertebral discs, than the more dynamic muscles.


Witch shot: When the glass is full and the limit is reached

We all have our capacity limitations. Think of this as an empty glass where some have larger glasses than others. This glass gradually fills up during the day in step with the load - if the glass is completely full, we will get a reaction to this. The water overflows - metaphorically speaking - and we get an acute kink in the back that many call witch shots. Other measures such as rest and stretching in a non-exposed position can lower the water level - and other measures can raise capacity (eg back training and treatment of muscles and joints).


Tired in the back after work? You may be at risk of getting a witch shot

We continue with our glass metaphor. If the glass is almost filled up during a working day, we will be able to feel this when we finally get out of the exposed working position and get home to the sofa. Your back hurts and is tired - and not heck if you have the energy or surplus to train tonight. This can lead to a vicious circle where the capacity of the muscles and joints in the back is gradually lowered.

Since you cannot work out, your capacity will be reduced. If you continue in the same trajectory, without exercise or physical treatment, then you will be able to walk on a bang where your back completely locks. As mentioned, some measures to provide better spine health are:

- Physical treatment
- Muscular needle treatment
- Joint treatment
- Training / specific exercises

Treatment can improve the function of muscles and joints, which in turn causes muscle fibers to be repaired and joints move more properly in everyday life. Many have the good effect of going to a so-called maintenance visit to a chiropractor, physiotherapist or the like.


What happens in the back during witch shoots?

When the capacity is exceeded, you will be able to experience uncontrolled contractions in the affected muscles and significantly reduced movement in the vertebrae. With such sudden contractions in the muscles, it can be felt as if something "chops" and will not let go afterwards - even in non-exposed positions (eg lying on your back). This is because the muscles are screwed on in a kind of defense mechanism to prevent you from continuing to overload it. The body simply does not trust you and has decided to use its VETO right.


This is also what happens in acute neck kink (witch shot in the neck) and acute muscular pain in the shoulder (witch shot in the shoulder). We choose to inform you about this, as we see that many of you apply for 'witch shots in the neck' and 'witch shots in the shoulder'. Which are very popular ways of saying that one has acute neck pain without known cause or acute shoulder pain without known cause of onset.


What can I do even for back pain?

1. General exercise, specific exercise, stretching and activity are recommended, but stay within the pain limit. Two walks a day of 20-40 minutes make good for the whole body and sore muscles.

2. Trigger point / massage balls we strongly recommend - they come in different sizes so you can hit well even on all parts of the body. There is no better self help than this! We recommend the following (click the image below) - which is a complete set of 5 trigger point / massage balls in different sizes:

trigger point balls

3. Training: Specific training with training tricks of various opponents (such as this complete set of 6 knits of different resistance) can help you train strength and function. Knit training often involves more specific training, which in turn can lead to more effective injury prevention and pain reduction.

4. Pain Relief - Cooling: Biofreeze is a natural product that can relieve pain by cooling the area gently. Cooling is especially recommended when the pain is very severe. When they have calmed down then heat treatment is recommended - it is therefore advisable to have both cooling and heating available.

5. Pain Relief - Heating: Warming up tight muscles can increase blood circulation and reduce pain. We recommend the following reusable hot / cold gasket (click here to read more about it) - which can be used both for cooling (can be frozen) and for heating (can be heated in the microwave).


Recommended products for pain relief for back pain

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now


- Treatment of witch shots

First and foremost, we would encourage you to get treatment and expert help (eg physiotherapist, chiropractor or manual therapist) if you suffer from back pain and aches in muscles and joints. There is no point in tormenting yourself when there are experts in this field working on this daily. Together with them you can find out the cause of your pain, get the proper treatment and exercises to keep the pain / problem away. This also reduces the likelihood that you will overload and damage the intervertebral discs (eg, disc disease, sciatica, and disc prolapse) over time or have premature joint changes in the joints (eg, facet arthritis and degenerative changes in the vertebra).
Many people experience clear and rapid improvement of so-called joint adjustments performed by state-authorized practitioners (chiropractor, manual therapist). This is because the muscles that attach to these joints experience an immediate decrease in activity if they are in an acute spasm condition. The joint treatment will also make you move more normally and more correctly.

Massage and trigger point therapy can also help reduce muscle tension and increase blood circulation to the affected area.

- Training, exercises and prevention of witch shots

You may never be able to completely protect yourself from acute back pain, but you can definitely reduce the risk of exercising and doing exercises for the back and core, staying in motion throughout the day and minimizing unilateral stress (static sitting in a poor office chair, for example). You will find a number of great exercises and training suggestions here on our website. Feel free to use the search box in the upper right corner of our website or click on any of the following links:

- 6 Exercises for Acute Lumbar Pain

lumbar Stretch
- 4 Clothes Exercises against Stiff Back

cat and camel clothing exercise for neck back and shoulder


NEXT PAGE: - This You Should Know About Back Pain


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Feel free to contact us directly via Comments Box below or via social media (e.g. vår Facebook-side). We will help you as best we can. Write as fully as you can about your complaint so that we have as much information as possible to make a decision.


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