hurt in the legs

hurt in the legs

Pain in Beina | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms, exercises and treatment

Have you hurt your legs? Here you can learn more about leg pain, as well as the associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of leg pain and bone pain. Pain in the legs can be caused by a number of musculoskeletal causes - such as referred pain from the gluteal muscles, tendon injuries, as well as referred pain from nerves in the back (for example back injury). Please note that you will find links to exercises at the bottom of this article.


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Pain in the legs can cause significant pain in everyday life, sports and work. If you have persistent pain and malfunction then we advise you to contact a clinician for examination and any treatment of the problem. You risk that the condition worsens if you do not address the problem with a combination of home exercises, self-measures (for example specially designed compression socks for circulatory problems Link opens in new window) and professional treatment if the pain is persistent.


The most common conditions and diagnoses that cause leg pain are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Shin splints
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Electrolyte Deficiency
  • Meralgia Parasthetics (Burning nerve pain in the upper thigh)
  • Muscle cramps in the leg and thighs
  • sprains
  • Tendonitis in the Achilles tendon or hip
  • circulation Problems
  • Spinal Stenosis (Tight Nervous Conditions in the Back)
  • Tight and dysfunctional thighs and leg muscles
  • Stress fracture of the tibia
  • Referred pain from local muscles in the buttocks, hips and back - for example due muscle strain
  • Referred pain from sciatica og prolapse in the back (this applies when clamping the L2, L3, L4, L5 and S1 nerve roots)


In this article you will learn more about what may be causing your leg pain, down leg pain, as well as various symptoms and diagnoses of such pain.


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Cause and Diagnosis: Why did I hurt my legs and bones?

Discussion with health professionals

Here we will go through a number of possible causes and diagnoses that can lead to pain in the legs - in the thighs, legs, Achilles or all the way down to the feet.



Osteoarthritis of the knee

Joint Wear (Osteoarthrtitis) is common as we get older. This is because natural stress over time can break down some of the cells that make up the joint gap - and in some cases, when this wear becomes large enough, this can lead to local swelling, joint pain and stiffness. It particularly affects weight-bearing joints - and especially hips, knees and ankles.


Physical treatment, exercise, diet, weight loss and compression noise can all contribute to improved joint health.


Shin splints

The retina sits in between the two tibia in the calf; tibia and fibula. Overload or incorrect loading can cause an inflamed reaction in the tissue, which reproduces pain when you put pressure on the foot / ankle. It is this reaction that is called osteomyelitis. Characteristically, this causes pain along the inside of the calf and especially affects those who run a lot. Other risk factors for being affected by this diagnosis are flat feet, stiff arches and incorrect footwear.


Intramuscular needle therapy aimed at the leg muscles, pressure wave therapy and home exercises are all involved in active treatment for this condition.


Read more: - 4 Exercises for Osteomyelitis

Shin splints


Diabetic neuropathy

sugar flu

Diabetes (diabetes) can cause major problems with the regulation of blood sugar in the body. High blood sugar over a long period of time - as well as a diet that causes large fluctuations in these values ​​- can cause nerve damage. This is called diabetic neuropathy - and first affects the nerves that send signals to the hands and feet.


Diabetic neuropathy can cause numbness, tingling and nerve pain in the toes, feet, fingers and hands. Such nerve pain can provide a basis for burning, sharp and aching pains in the legs.

Deep vein thrombosis

With deep vein thrombosis one refers to blood clot in the thigh or calf. Characteristic symptoms of blood clots in the legs can include bone pain, swelling of the leg or thigh and the skin may become reddish, as well as hot when touched. Such blood clots can be fatal if parts of it loosen and then get stuck in the brain or lungs.


Such blood clots are often detected using diagnostic ultrasound and clinical examination. Medications and any surgery can be used to relieve symptoms or to remove the clot itself. It is also important to focus on a healthy diet and to stay active if this diagnosis has been established.


Also read: - Have You Tried Pressure Wave Therapy?

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Electrolyte Deficiency

back extension

Electrolytes are essential for fluid balance and nerve impulses in the body. If there are deficiencies or imbalances in the electrolytes in the body this can cause cramps in the legs and legs. If you are regularly bothered by such cramps then this may indicate that you have a poor diet or that you are not good enough to stay hydrated.


Meralgia Parasthetics

This diagnosis is a nerve condition that can give you a painful burning sensation, numbness or tingling on the outside of the upper thigh. There has been an increased risk of being struck among pregnant, overweight, those wearing tight clothing or those who have undergone groin operations. There is no direct cure for these nerve pain.


circulation Problems

There are a number of diagnoses and reasons why some have reduced circulation. Reduced blood circulation can result in increased incidence of both leg and foot cramps. Such cramps can be counteracted by physical activity, stretching, compression clothing (for example compression socks) and physical treatment.

Tight Muscles in Thighs and Legs

Pain in the leg

The leg muscles and muscles in the thighs and legs can cause pain in the legs. In particular, the muscles of hamstrings, quadriceps, gastrocsoleus and quadratus plantae are often involved in such symptoms and pain.


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Fibromyalgia Female

Spinal Stenosis (Tight Nervous Conditions in the Back)

Lumbar spinal stenosis

Tight nerve conditions in the lumbar spine can cause nerve cramping of lumbar nerve roots. These nerve roots send nerve signals down to the thighs, calves, ankles and feet - so this can result in both sensory and motor malfunctions. This means that one can experience decreased sensation in the skin, numbness, power failure and muscle loss (with prolonged lack of nerve signals).

Such clamped nerve conditions may be due to bone growths in the spine itself (osteophytes) that push into the spinal cord itself or nerve roots in the affected area. Characteristically, going for longer walks is almost impossible for this patient group - due to the fact that a feeling of a 'pressure in the back' builds up which only releases when they bend forward or rest.


Lumbar disc prolapse (lumbar disc disorder)

Lumbar prolapse can cause many of the same symptoms as spinal stenosis - but the cause is due to damage to an intervertebral disc and not osteophytes. In such a disc disorder, the soft mass (nucleus pulposus) has passed through the outer wall (annulus fibrosus) of the intervertebral disc - this is called a prolapse. If this prolapse presses on a nerve root then this is called prolapse with nerve root affection.


It is worth mentioning that one can have prolapse without experiencing sensory or motor symptoms - as long as the prolapse does not put pressure on the nerves.


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Symptoms of Pain in the Legs

lay and leg heat

The symptoms you experience in your legs may vary depending on what is the actual cause of the pain you are experiencing. These are some of the most common symptoms you may experience in leg pain:

  • swelling: Swelling of the leg with red and painful skin can be a sign that you have a circulatory problem - or possibly a blood clot - such symptoms must always be examined by a doctor.
  • Muscle weakness: In the absence of nerve signals to the muscles, one may find that the muscles fail or that they do not feel as strong as before. Over time, due to lack of nerve signals, this can cause muscle loss (muscle fibers become smaller and weaker).
  • Nerve pain that goes down one leg - or in some cases, both legs.
  • numbness: This can mean, among other things, that you do not feel touch in certain areas of the skin - due to the nerves that are to send or receive signals from this area being damaged or pinched.
  • parasthesias: A burning or tingling sensation in the legs.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Heat dissipation.


Neuromuscular symptoms that can be seen in certain diagnoses may include:

  • Muscle wounds in the thighs, the leg muscles and the foot muscles.
  • Back pain and leg pain at the same time.


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Treatment of Pain in the Legs


The treatment you receive will depend on what causes the pain you experience in your legs. This may include:

  • Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist is an expert on exercise and rehabilitation due to injuries and pain in the muscles, joints and nerves.
  • Modern Chiropractic: A modern chiropractor uses muscular techniques in combination with muscular work and instruction in home exercises to optimize the function of your muscles, nerves and joints. For foot pain, a chiropractor will mobilize the joints in your back, hips, treat muscles locally in the thighs, legs and soles of the feet, as well as instruct you in home exercises to stretch, strengthen and promote better function in your legs - this can also involve the use of pressure wave therapy and dry needle (intramuscular acupuncture).
  • Shockwave Therapy: This treatment is normally performed by authorized health professionals with expertise in the treatment of muscles, joints and tendons. In Norway this applies to chiropractor, physiotherapist and manual therapist. The treatment is carried out with a pressure wave apparatus and an associated probe that sends pressure waves directed into that area of ​​damage tissue. Pressure wave therapy has a particularly well-documented effect on tendon disorders and chronic muscle problems.


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It is important to take all pain seriously - due to the fact that persistent pain can lead to dysfunction and worsening symptoms as time goes on. Particularly reduced strength and muscle wasting are two of the most serious symptoms that can be experienced by persistent pain in the legs. It is therefore important that you address the problem and seek out clinics for investigation and any treatment.


It is also important to train your legs and feet just like the rest of the body. In the link below you will find some exercises that you can try.


Also read: - 4 Exercises against Plantar Fascitis

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Do you have questions about the article or do you need any more tips? Ask us directly via our facebook page or via the comment box below.


Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)

Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals. Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm down swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


compression socks overview 400x400

Compression Socks (Unisex)

The socks improve blood circulation to the legs and feet - and can be used every single day. And then we not only talk about training, but also for you who work in the store, as a waiter or as a nurse. The compression socks can provide you with the extra help you need to get back to a daily life without bone pain.


Read more here (opens in new window): Compression Socks (Unisex)


Visit if necessary Your Health Store to see more good products for self-treatment

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NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

blood clot in the leg - edited

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