Gluteus medius muscle parties - Photo Wikimedia

Gluteus medius myalgia / trigger point

The gluteus medius is the muscle with a pain pattern on the back of the seat and towards the lower back - it can occasionally cause symptoms on the back of the thigh. This can occur if it becomes overactive, tight and dysfunctional. A gluteus medius myalgi or gluteus medius muscle knot, which is sometimes called gluteus medius syndrome. Regularly self massage, stretching, exercises and any examination / treatment by a musculoskeletal expert (chiropractor, physical therapist, manual therapist) are all examples of measures that can help you get rid of myalgia.


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What can I do even for muscle pain?

1. General exercise, specific exercise, stretching and activity are recommended, but stay within the pain limit. Two walks a day of 20-40 minutes make good for the whole body and sore muscles.

2. Trigger point / massage balls we strongly recommend - they come in different sizes so you can hit well even on all parts of the body. There is no better self help than this! We recommend the following (click the image below) - which is a complete set of 5 trigger point / massage balls in different sizes:

trigger point balls

3. Training: Specific training with training tricks of various opponents (such as this complete set of 6 knits of different resistance) can help you train strength and function. Knit training often involves more specific training, which in turn can lead to more effective injury prevention and pain reduction.

4. Pain Relief - Cooling: Biofreeze is a natural product that can relieve pain by cooling the area gently. Cooling is especially recommended when the pain is very severe. When they have calmed down then heat treatment is recommended - it is therefore advisable to have both cooling and heating available.

5. Pain Relief - Heating: Warming up tight muscles can increase blood circulation and reduce pain. We recommend the following reusable hot / cold gasket (click here to read more about it) - which can be used both for cooling (can be frozen) and for heating (can be heated in the microwave).


Recommended products for pain relief in muscle pain

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now


Did you know?
- Often stiff and dysfunctional joints (also read: joint pain - joint locks?) be a partial cause of myalgia, as the limited joint joint can also have a negative effect on muscular function. Chiropractors and manual therapists are experts in helping with such joint dysfunctions.


Old pillows? Buying new?

New pillows of a special material may also be helpful in case of recurrent myalgia - if you are considering investing in one then recommend several studies this pillow.

This type of pillows is almost impossible to raise in Norway, and if you find one, they usually cost the shirt and some more. Instead, try the pillow via the article we link to above, it has a lot good shooting goals and people are happy.


Here is an illustration showing the muscle attachments of the gluteus medius muscle:

Gluteus medius muscle parties - Photo Wikimedia

Gluteus medius muscle attachments - Photo Wikimedia

Gluteus medius, also known as musculus glutaeus medius, attaches to the ilium- then attaches it to the tuberculus majum on the femur. The nerve supply of the gluteus medius comes from the gluteal nerve L4, L5, S1. The gluteus medius is an abductor that can be trained with, among other things, lateral leg lifts using therabands.



Here you can see an illustration that shows the trigger point pain pattern (referenced pain from muscle knot) to the gluteus medius:

Gluteus medius myalgia trigger point pain pattern - Photo Wikimedia

Gluteus medius myalgi trigger point pain pattern - Photo Wikimedia

Gluteus medius can also cause pain and numbness down the back of the thigh and leg, so-called false sciatica  - as well as contributing to low back and hip pain. Needle therapy (intramuscular needle therapy) can be useful against such myalgias.


Recommended products for pain relief in muscle pain in the gluteus medius (part of the gluteal muscles)

Biofreeze spray-118Ml-300x300

Biofreeze (Cold / cryotherapy)

purchase now

- Use discount code Bad2016 for 10% off!


Exercise and movement are good for body and soul:

    • Chin-up / pull-up exercise bar can be an excellent exercise tool to have at home. It can be attached and detached from the door frame without the use of a drill or tool.
    • Cross-trainer / ellipse machine: Excellent fitness training. Good for promoting movement in the body and exercising overall.
    • Kettlebells is a very effective form of training that produces fast and good results.
    • Spinning ergometer bike: Good to have at home, so you can increase the amount of exercise throughout the year and get better fitness.

Concept 2 rowing machine - Photo Amazon

Concept 2 rowing machine Model D (Read: "Buy rowing machine online? Cheaper? YES."

Also read:

- Can a special pillow really prevent headaches and neck pain?

- Headache (Learn more about the causes of headaches and what you can do to get rid of it)

- Pain in the muscles and trigger points - (Why do you really get sore muscles? Learn more here.)

- Pain in the neck (Why does some get hurt more in the neck than others?)

Also read: - AU! Is it Late Inflammation or Late Injury?

Is it a tendon inflammation or tendon injury?

Also read: - 8 good advice and measures against sciatica and sciatica


- (learn everything you need about neck prolapse, including treatment and preventative exercises)

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