pain inside the hand

pain inside the hand

Pain Inside Hand | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms, exercises and treatment

Do you have pain inside your hand? Here you can learn more about the pain in the hand, as well as the associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of hand pain and hand pain. Pain in the hands can be caused by a number of musculoskeletal causes - such as nerve pinching, referred pain from the forearm muscles and tendon injuries. We remind you that you will find exercises at the very bottom of this article.


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Pain inside the hand can cause you to experience weakness in the grip and that you cannot do as much physical as before. This can be devastating for both hobbies and work - so we strongly advise you to take action if you experience persistent problems with your hands. You run the risk that the condition will worsen if you do not get help with investigating and treating the problem.


The most common conditions and diagnoses that cause irritation, pinching or pain in the hand are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Guyenstunnel syndrome
  • Karpaltunnelsyndrom
  • Lateral epicondylitis (may cause pain to the hands)
  • Medial epicondylitis (also known as golf elbow)
  • Referred pain from local muscles
  • Referred pain from prolapse of the neck (this is the case when pinching the C6, C7, C8 or T1 nerve roots)
  • Rheumatic arthritis


In this article you will learn more about what may be causing your hand pain, pain in the palm of your hand, as well as various symptoms and diagnoses of such pain.


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Cause and diagnosis: Why have I hurt my hand and hand pain?

Discussion with health professionals

DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis

DeQuervain's tenosynovitis is a diagnosis that causes swelling, inflammation and thickening of the tendons that surround the tendons on the top of the thumb. This can cause pain inside the hand and in the wrist.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a diagnosis that is caused by median nerve compression - that is, pinching of the median nerve inside the palm itself on the front of the wrist. This can lead to pain in the front of the wrist, numbness and tingling in the palm and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome tends to develop gradually over time - and to get worse and worse if you do not address the problem.


Typical symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome may include:

  • Muscle weakness in the hand and decreased grip strength
  • Numbness and tingling in the hand
  • Pain in the hand and the front of the wrist


Muscle pain from the forearm or local muscles

Muscles in the forearm - including the muscles responsible for bending the wrist backwards (the wrist extensors) - can provide the basis for pain that goes down and inside the hand. With repetitive loads, over time, build-up of damage tissue can occur in the affected muscles and tendon tissue.


Rheumatic arthritis

Rheumatic arthritis is an autoimmune, rheumatic disease in which the body's own immune system attacks the cells that provide support to the joints. This leads to pain inside both hands in those with rheumatoid arthritis - it is important to emphasize that this affects both hands and not just one hand. Rheumatic hand pain is often described as throbbing, aching and worse in the morning.


Also read: - 15 Early Signs of Rheumatic Arthritis

joint overview - rheumatic arthritis


circulation Problems

Like all organs and structures in the body, the hands need a constant supply of blood to function normally. In the case of blood circulation diseases, this circulation can be reduced and thus both pain and numbness can occur inside the palms. This may be due, for example, to an inflammation of the blood vessels due to infection, injury or autoimmune conditions.



Pain inside the palm can be caused by bone damage (eg fracture), joints or even nerves in the hand. The hand contains a number of small bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves. Some of the most common causes of such pain are due to sore muscles and overuse problems - without sufficient capacity in the muscles to do the repetitive activity one performs. The hands are involved in just about everything we do of physical activity, so it can be very devastating to be affected by such pain and malfunctions.


Fun fact: Like the underside of the sole, the palms have the thickest skin on the body. This is evolution's way of adapting to the fact that we use our hands a lot.


Trigger finger and trigger thumb

Trigger finger or trigger thumb gives a distinctive clicking sound as your finger or thumb bends down towards the palm of your hand. This condition can cause pain and stiffness inside the hand. It is not uncommon for those affected by this diagnosis to end up operating on the affected tendon - but Mar has also seen in studies that pressure wave therapy may be an option to avoid surgery.


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Symptoms of Pain inside the Hand


The symptoms you experience from the pain inside your hand may vary depending on what is the actual cause of the pain you are experiencing. Here are some of the most common symptoms you may experience from pain in your hand:

  • Swelling
  • Muscle weakness and reduced grip strength
  • Numbness
  • parasthesias: A burning or tingling sensation inside your hand.
  • Redness of the skin
  • heat dissipation


Neuromuscular symptoms that can be seen in certain diagnoses may include:

  • A bluish discoloration on the lips and fingernails
  • Muscle wasting in the hand muscles
  • Neck and hand pain at the same time
  • Weakness inside the hand muscles
  • Stiffness of joints on the mornings


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Treatment of Pain inside the Hand

chiropractor 1

The treatment you receive will depend on what causes the pain you experience inside your hand. This may include:

  • Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist is an expert on exercise and rehabilitation due to injuries and pain in the muscles, joints and nerves.
  • Modern Chiropractic: A modern chiropractor uses muscular techniques in combination with muscular work and instruction in home exercises to optimize the function of your muscles, nerves and joints. In case of hand pain, a chiropractor will mobilize the joints in your hand, treat muscles locally in the hand and forearm, as well as instruct you in home exercises to stretch, strengthen and promote better function in your hands - this can also involve the use of pressure wave therapy and dry needle (intramuscular acupuncture ).
  • Shockwave Therapy: This treatment is normally performed by authorized health professionals with expertise in the treatment of muscles, joints and tendons. In Norway this applies to chiropractor, physiotherapist and manual therapist. The treatment is carried out with a pressure wave apparatus and an associated probe that sends pressure waves directed into that area of ​​damage tissue. Pressure wave therapy has a particularly well-documented effect on tendon disorders and chronic muscle problems.


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It is important to take all pain seriously - due to the fact that persistent pain can lead to dysfunction and worsening symptoms as time goes on. Particularly reduced grip strength and muscle wasting are two of the most severe symptoms that can be experienced by persistent pain within the hand. It is therefore important that you address the problem and consult a clinic for examination and any treatment.


It is also important to train your hands like the rest of the body. In the link below you will find some exercises that you can try.


Also read: - 6 Effective Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Wrist Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Do you have questions about the article or do you need more tips? Ask us directly via our facebook page or via the comment box below.


Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat and Cold Gasket): Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals. Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


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NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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