Self-measures and self-treatment against fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Mist: What Can You Do Even Against Fiber Mist?

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Last updated 20/03/2021 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Fibromyalgia Mist: What Can You Do Even Against Fiber Mist?

Affected by fibro and feel cloudy in your head at times? Just like you know what you're trying to think about, but that your brain feels hazy? Does attention and concentration fail? It may be fibromyalgia fog. Here you will find self-measures and good advice against this - under the direction of Marleen Rones.


But, what exactly is fibrotic fog?

Fibrosis is a collective term for a number of cognitive problems that can occur in patients with fibromyalgia - translated from Norwegian to English it is called fibrophog. Such symptoms and clinical signs of fibrotic mist may include:

  • attention Problems
  • Confusion - holes in memory
  • Problems with pronouncing verbally - for example finding the right word at the right time
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Reduced concentration


Previously, my co-authors at have written about What scientists believe is the cause of this fibrotic nebula. Namely nerve noise - and as research has shown, such electrical nerve noise is significantly higher in those with fibromyalgia than in those without this diagnosis. Click on the link above to read more about this. In this article, we will talk further about what you can do yourself as a self-measure and self-treatment against fibrous fog.


Also read: - Researchers may have found the cause of 'Fibro fog'!

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Self-treatment against fibrotic fog: What can you do yourself?

Deep breath

The key to relieving symptoms and clinical signs of fibrillation is stress reduction. This is an important step in the process of gaining better memory, improved concentration and attention.


How to improve memory

Here are some good advice and steps on how to gradually sharpen your cognitive senses and improve memory.

  • Being in good physical shape means improved blood flow to our brain which consistently leads to more effective nerve signals.
  • Eat regularly, maintain a stable blood sugar level.
  • Search for mental challenges. Learn something new, do something you have to use your head for. Learning a new language, playing word games, Sudoku and crosswords are just a few examples of this.
  • Find your inner peace. Find time to relax, time to yourself. For example, try yoga, relaxation, chiqong, etc. Many studies have shown a very beneficial effect of yoga on fibrotic fog. This reduces the symptoms.
  • Something you have to remember? Look at it, read it, smell it, hear it; Use all the senses you have.
  • Use the time to your advantage. Learn over time, don't try to take too much at once! Take breaks.
  • Stop postponing things until tomorrow. Is there anything you need to remember to do? Do it while you remember it.
  • Mindfulness; Be in the reach - be present. Do small exercises in mindfulness such as this: direct your attention to what you do when standing and brushing your teeth. Feel how you stand, feel the heat in the bathroom, feel the floor to your feet, feel the water in your mouth, feel the toothbrush, feel for. Don't think of anything else. For example, you can do the same exercise when eating.
  • Our brain remembers better in pictures. If there is something to remember, you can create a picture of just that. Remember, for example, the number 3944 may be your age and the bus you use to take. Connect what you need to remember to something you already know.


Also read: - How Yoga Can Relieve Fibromyalgia


Exercise as medicine

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In order to achieve a good physical shape, we must exercise. Studies are divided around whether fitness training or strength training provides the best results for our brain. So make sure variety and combine both. To achieve good results, we need to train about two to three times a week with moderate to tough training.


After a long period of regular and effective training, we then have visible improvements in the brain; the nerve pathways are denser and more voluminous. This provides more contacts and nerve fibers in our brain that increase efficiency. For those of you who use exercise as medicine for your muscles and joints, this is good news. Now you train both body and mind.


Recommended Self-Help for Rheumatic and Chronic Pain

Many people also experience that pain in joints and muscles can have a negative effect on cognitive function - and that is precisely why it can be good to have access to some good self-help products.

Soft sooth compression gloves - Photo Medipaq

Click on the image to read more about compression gloves.

  • Mini tapes (many with rheumatic and chronic pain feel that it is easier to train with custom elastics)
  • Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)
  • Arnica cream or heat conditioner (many people report some pain relief if they use, for example, arnica cream or heat conditioner)

- Many people use arnica cream for pain due to stiff joints and sore muscles. Click on the image above to read more about how arnica cream can help relieve some of your pain situation.



 Many also use some aids here and there to fight the fog.

  • For example, many post-it labels use something to remember. Great, but you have to remember that if you use too many then the effect may be a bit gone. The one important message then gets lost in the crowd.
  • Is there a meeting you need to remember? Enter it on your mobile - with alarm. Is there anything you need to do during the morning? Enter a reminder in the morning.
  • Do you make shopping lists that you forget to bring to the store? Make a note on your mobile either. It is included anyway.


Also read: 7 Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia in Women


Climate and Pain of Fibromyalgia

Maria Iversen at the Norwegian Arctic University has written her thesis on «Climate and pain in fibromyalgia». She came to the following:

  • The humidity can affect the skin and stimulate the mechanosensory pain receptors, helping to give more pain to fibromyalgia patients.
  • The humidity can affect the transfer of heat in and out of the skin. Temperature can stimulate temperature-sensitive pain receptors and be the cause of more pain among these patients.
  • She also says that patients with fibromyalgia experience more pain at low temperature and high atmospheric air pressure.
  • Maria chose to write about this topic because most studies done on weather changes and rheumatic ailments do not include fibromyalgia patients.
  • She concludes that there is still considerable uncertainty around this topic and that we need more research before we can use the findings in any concrete measures.



This is a little help on the way to lightening the fibrous fog. But feeling that you do not remember as well as before, difficulty concentrating and attention problems is something many people recognize themselves in - so as mentioned above it is not only for fibromyalgia patients this applies. That applies to many of us. And I want to end with what I started with; to reduce stress. Reducing stress is the first and most important step on the road to a better memory. However, the path you choose to take to lower your stress levels is up to you.


Would you like to read more about a daily life with chronic pain? Coping with everyday life and practical tips? Feel free to take a look at my blog



- Marleen Rones



Norwegian Fibromyalgia Association

The book: What is memory - Karlsen

Department of Sports Medicine at the University of Umeå


Also read: This You Should Know About Bipolar Disorder



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VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

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NEXT PAGE: - Research: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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