Animal Chiropractor Harriet Havnegjerde

animal Chiropractic

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Last updated 08/06/2019 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

Animal Chiropractor Harriet Havnegjerde

animal Chiropractic

"Chiropractic on our animals should be as natural as chiropractic on ourselves." -Harriet Havnegjerde, animal chiropractor


The animals often go very far to satisfy their owners, and it is natural for them to hide that they have hurt somewhere. Therefore, in too many cases it may take a long time before we notice that something is wrong. For example, a horse will first try other ways to use / relieve its body, rather than showing that it goes and feels for example a lock. In this way, secondary problems and strain injuries can occur, which is often what a horse owner discovers - and thus treats, first. - even though the main problem is in a completely different place.


- Chiropractic as prevention

By using chiropractic as part of a preventive program around your horse, it will potentially save your horse a lot of mistakes - and skew.


It can seem damaging, it can help your horse get a better starting point for building strong and agile; which in turn will help the horse to become healthier, healthier and have a better shelf life. A horse who is in regular training / competition should be checked at times by a chiropractor as often as 1-2 times a month.


Horses that are only raced on a hike and hobby basis, I recommend that you check about once a year. Then the chiropractor will make an individual recommendation for what is right for your horse, depending on what is appropriate for other treatment, workouts, etc.

animal Chiropractic

- Important with comprehensive cooperation

For me it is important as far as it is possible for both veterinarian, trainer, chiropractor and horse owner / rider to work together and find a scheme that works for the individual.


The same will be the case with dogs as well, and for many it may be even more difficult to detect if your dog is getting a little crooked or using it a little differently than before; after all, we don't sit on them the way we do on our horses. I have had several cases lately where very distressed dog owners have come to me, who have actually thought they have had to kill their dogs because they have so clearly hurt, limp and have poorer quality of life than before, without that it is something to find on x-ray etc. Then it turns out that they have some proper locks, and after only a few treatments with me they have been "themselves again".


This shows how important chiropractic is to our animals as well and how incredibly rewarding my job is. I am very fortunate to be able to work on helping those who may need it most.


- Animal chiropractor Harriet Havnegjerde

¤ Follow Harriet on Facebook here


Also read: Therapy riding - Horseback riding is therapy for body and mind!

Therapy riding - Photo Wikimedia

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