Who gets spondyloarthropathy? - Wikimedia Commons
Who gets spondyloarthropathy? - Wikimedia Commons

Who gets spondyloarthropathy? - Wikimedia Commons

Spondylarthropathy / spondylarthritis.

spondyloarthropathies og spondylarthritis can cause a variety of symptoms.


Clips comes from the Latin word Spondylus which means vertebra. Arthropathy is a common term for ailments and diseases of the joints. Arthritis indicates arthritis, ie an inflammatory reaction inside a part of the joint.


What types of spondylarthropathy are there?

The most common is Bechterews (ankylosing spondylitis) which mainly affects the spine. Other types of spondylarthropathies are axial spondylarthritis, peripheral spondylarthritis, reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome), Psoriatic arthritis og enteropathic arthritis.


What causes spondylarthropathy?

The cause varies between the different types of spondylarthropathy. The reason for Ankylosing spondylite (Bechterews) is hereditary / genetic. The gene HLA-B27 (human leukocyte antigen) is estimated to be the main cause of Bechterews.


How is spondylarthropathy diagnosed?

The clinician will base on your patient history and clinical presentation. A physical examination can provide useful information, but the tangible signs can be found via blood samples og imaging diagnostic.


In the first place it will be taken X-rays to see if there are changes in vertebrae, endplates or bones. If the X-rays are negative, ie without findings, it can be requested MR photos, as these are often more accurate and can see early changes.


Last page: rheumatism

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