Iliopsoas bursitis (hip, groin mucosal inflammation) - Photo MendMe

Iliopsoas bursitis (hip, groin mucositis).

Inguinal mucositis, also known as iliopsoas bursitis, is a condition that can cause severe pain, reddish swelling and inflammation towards the inside of the hip, towards the groin, in the hip flexor.

Iliopsoas bursitis can occur after a single trauma (fall or accident) or repeated microtraumas (such as prolonged exertion). Mucositis of the groin can also occur from something as simple as using the area a lot, for example, football players may be exposed to groin problems.


The position of the ground mucus bag is exposed to trauma or frictional injuries. As you can see in the picture below, it lies directly against the hip flexor, iliopsoas, on the inside of the hip, towards the groin - the mucous sac is called iliopsoas bursa.

Iliopsoas bursitis (hip, groin mucosal inflammation) - Photo MendMe

Iliopsoas bursitis - Photo MendMeShop

What is a slimy bag / bursa?

A bursa is a fluid-filled 'mucus sac' found in various parts of the body. These mucous sacs are designed to reduce friction between different layers of tissue - thus they are typically located in areas that may be prone to such frictional damage.


Iliopsoas bursitis symptoms

The area can become hot, painful and reddish in the skin - a clear swelling will usually also be present. In other words, it will feel like an inflammation in the groin and inside of the hip, and the pain is in most cases also present at night. In certain cases (for example in the absence of treatment) the inflammation can become septic, and is then called septic iliopsoas bursitis.



Iliopsoas bursitis treatment

  • Get diagnosed with your doctor.
  • NSAIDS and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory laser treatment - among other things, several report that they benefit from it unique home treatment product TENDLITE (click here to read more! Note - They are often sold out, but constantly bring in new ones. The manufacturer also ships to Norway!). 
  • Tendlite is a form of laser treatment you can perform even in your own home - they also go a long way in recommending it on a number of other musculoskeletal diagnoses.
  • Click here to read more (or buy the product).

  • Rest. Avoid suspicious causes.
  • Support and possibly sports tape or kinesio tape to prevent further irritation.
  • Light stretching of relevant muscles - such as piriformis.
  • If there is no improvement, consult a doctor or emergency room.
  • Cortisone injection may be necessary in some cases.


DDX. a differential diagnosis of iliopsoas bursitis is bursitt bursitt.



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Spinning ergometer bike: Good to have at home, so you can increase the amount of exercise throughout the year and get better fitness.


Also read:
- Pain in the pelvis (learn about different causes of pelvic pain and what you can do to get rid of them)


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Eat blueberries - Photo Wikimedia Commons

Did you know? - Blueberries have a natural anti-inflammatory effect and can also have an analgesic effect.

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Other sources:
- (learn everything you need to know about neck prolapse)
- (a search index for recommended chiropractic clinics)


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