inflammation of the prostate

inflammation of the prostate

Enlarged Prostate | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Here you can learn more about enlarged prostate, as well as associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of enlarged prostate. Prostate symptoms should always be taken seriously. Follow and like us too Our Facebook page for free, daily health updates.


The prostate refers to the area below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate gland is a structure that is responsible for producing a fluid that mixes with sperm to form sperm - and is also involved in ejaculation.


In this article you will learn more about what can be the cause of enlarged prostate, prostate problems, as well as various symptoms and diagnoses of enlarged prostate.


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Cause and diagnosis: Why do prostate and prostate problems get enlarged?

Discussion with health professionals

Benign enlargement of the prostate is a common condition in which the prostate gland itself grows to an abnormally large size. It is also important to remember that this is not about cancer - and that it is relatively common among older men. However, it is important to take it seriously and treat it in the best possible way to avoid deterioration.


The prostate gland is a structure found only in men. It is only the size of a walnut and the urethra also passes directly through the prostate. With an enlarged prostate, this can lead to the urinary tract being compressed and compressed - naturally enough, such a compression can lead to urine not being allowed to flood through the urinary tract as usual. If you have extensive problems, then, in the worst cases, it may be necessary to operate on the prostate gland itself.


Risk factors for benign prostate enlargement

After you turn 45, you have a higher chance of getting an enlarged prostate gland. The risk increases as you get older, and almost a third of men over 50 have an enlarged prostate. As you turn a respectable 85 years - then the number increases to 90 percent.


Symptoms of enlarged prostate

The symptoms you experience with enlarged prostate may vary based on the size of the enlargement. If you have benign prostate enlargement, you may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • A feeling that the bladder is never completely emptied
  • Frequent urination
  • Incontinence and that it leaks urine drops after you urinate
  • Weak urine
  • Difficulties in starting a urine jet
  • Increased night urination


These symptoms will usually worsen as the prostate gland enlarges further. You may also experience complications such as urinary tract infections, as well as kidney stones.


Also read: Pain in the prostate?




Diagnosis of enlarged prostate

You are usually diagnosed with enlarged prostate by examining the prostate gland. This examination involves the doctor inserting a finger up through the rectum to examine the prostate - where it is felt if the gland is enlarged or altered in other ways.


Other studies may include:

  • Imaging Diagnostic Assessment: Diagnostic ultrasound, CT or MRI examinations can be used to provide more information on what may be causing the symptoms.
  • Blood tests: An extended blood test can measure whether you have higher white blood cell count or the PSA antibody. The latter is a drug that increases as the prostate gets bigger, but it can also be an indication cancer of the prostate.
  • Urine test: By examining the urine and its contents, the doctor can learn more about what causes you bladder and prostate problems.
  • Urinary tract examination: Your doctor can insert a flexible rod with a small camera into your urinary tract via the tip of the penis - in this way he can also examine the prostate gland from the inside of the body. It may also be relevant to measure the pressure and volume when urinating.


If you have persistent or recurrent symptoms that may indicate prostate problems, we strongly encourage you to contact your doctor for further examination.


Treatment of enlarged prostate

Treatment of enlarged prostate is based on a number of different factors. You choose the treatment method (s) that you think are best suited for you based on your illness history, immune status and personal desires.


Self-treatment against enlarged prostate

If your symptoms and ailments are minimal then it may be enough to make lifestyle changes. This can mean limiting fluid intake before going to bed - and especially limiting alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Your doctor may also check your prostate gland regularly to check the size and shape of your prostate.


A diet with a high content of vegetables - and especially green ones, as well as tomatoes - has shown in research studies that they can have positive effects and lead to less symptoms and reduced chance of worsening due to enlarged prostate. Researchers believe this is due to a number of different types of nutrients in vegetables - and point to antioxidants, among other things.


Medication for enlarged prostate

If you have moderate symptoms then finding help in medication may be helpful. Alpha blockers, a special form of medication, can be used to relax the muscles of the bladder and prostate. Your doctor may also prescribe medication that changes the hormone balance that can reduce the size of the prostate.


Surgery against enlarged prostate

In some cases, the symptoms due to enlarged prostate do not get much better from drug treatment - and then it may be necessary to remove the enlarged part of the prostate gland. We mentioned earlier that a flexible tube can be inserted into the tip of the penis and through the urethra - and then proceed to the prostate. At the tip of this hose you can use electricity to burn away unfavorable tissue. There are also surgical procedures that cut the prostate and dilate the ureter itself to contribute to a stronger urine stream - the latter is only used in very severe cases. Other newer treatment methods may use laser or radio waves to remove enlarged prostate tissue.


Many people respond well to a comprehensive treatment of their bladder and prostate problems. Many people are afraid of being impotent due to prostate surgery, but it is such that side effects only occur very rarely.


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Contact your doctor for a checkup if you are bothered with symptoms as mentioned in this article. It is especially important to have a doctor's examination if you experience symptoms that are gradually getting worse and worse. Remember that it is better to visit the doctor once too much than once too little.


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