

Hurt in Milten | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Sore in the spleen? Here you can learn more about pain in the spleen, as well as the associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of spleen pain. Spleen pain should always be taken seriously. Follow and like us too Our Facebook page for free, daily health updates.


The spleen is an organ that you find on the upper, left side of the abdomen - under the lower ribs. Here it lies well protected from any trauma and physical stress, but nevertheless there are several more causes that can lead to pain and symptoms from the spleen.


It is responsible for producing white blood cells that are used to fight infections and inflammation, as well as cleaning out old red blood cells that are damaged.


We primarily talk about four diagnoses that can cause spleen pain:

  • Infection or inflammation of the spleen
  • Splenomegaly enlarged spleen
  • Spleen cancer
  • Cracked spleen

However, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of different causes of enlarged spleen and that this is always due to underlying disease. In this article you will learn more about what might be causing your spleen, as well as various symptoms and diagnoses.


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Cause and diagnosis: Why did I hurt the spleen?

stomach ache

Splenomegaly enlarged spleen

If the spleen is enlarged, this can give rise to pain in the spleen - and then more specifically in the upper, left side of the abdomen below the ribs. As mentioned earlier, an enlarged spleen never occurs without a basis for this through other diseases - such as infections, viruses, bacteria, cancer or blood diseases.


Such an enlargement typically occurs when the spleen has to do more than normal - which means that it has to break down more red blood cells than usual.


Enlarged spleen and kissing sickness

Mononucleosis, better known as kissing disease, is caused by a virus (the Epstein-Barr virus) that is transmitted through saliva - hence the name. So you can get the kissing disease by kissing someone else who has mononucleosis, but it can also be transmitted through someone coughing or sneezing on you. Kissing disease is a contagious disease, but far less so than the flu.


In later stages of severe cases of kissing disease, an enlarged spleen may occur due to the ongoing viral infection. If the infection persists for a long time, then also increases the chance that the spleen will rupture - which can cause life-threatening internal bleeding.


Other symptoms of the kissing illness may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Soft and swollen spleen
  • Sore throat (which does not improve with antibiotics
  • Fatigue
  • Rashes on the skin


Splenomegaly and leukemia

Leukemia is a form of blood cancer that normally occurs in the bone marrow and causes an abnormally high number of white blood cells. One might think that a solid content of white, anti-inflammatory blood cells must then be fine? But, unfortunately, that is not the case. One of the reasons for this is that the white blood cells formed by this disease are incomplete and damaged - and thus lead to a poorer immune response.


Enlarged spleen is one of the most characteristic symptoms of this type of cancer.


Other symptoms of leukemia may be:

  • Pale skin
  • Fatigue and fatigue
  • Fever
  • Enlarged liver
  • Get bruises almost out of nowhere
  • Increased risk of infections


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Medicinal anthrax pain

Pills - Photo Wikimedia

A variety of medications can lead to negative side effects in the spleen. This is because different mechanisms in the pills can cause a change in how the immune system or the liver works.


Such medications can lead to a temporarily enlarged spleen and associated spleen pain - but it is important to note that these should disappear shortly after stopping the medication that gave rise to this side effect.


Liver disease

The spleen and liver are partners - and if you have reduced liver function, this can lead to the spleen being given extra work tasks and having to work extra hard. As mentioned earlier, this can lead to the spleen becoming overactive and enlarged.


Other causes of enlarged spleen

There are also a number of other diagnoses that can cause an enlarged spleen - including:

  • Liver Tissue (Cirrhosis)
  • Bacterial infections
  • Heart failure
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • Spleen cancer that has spread from other organs
  • Lupus
  • Malaria
  • Parasitic Infections
  • Rheumatic arthritis


Also read: - 6 Early Signs of Stomach Cancer




Cracked spleen

spleen 2

First and foremost - a ruptured spleen is a life-threatening condition that causes internal bleeding that seeps into the abdominal region and between your other organs. If a spleen is suspected, the patient must immediately go to the hospital and the emergency room.


A spleen can rupture if the stomach is exposed to severe trauma or direct physical contact - which can occur in:

  • Car accidents
  • Fall from a bicycle with trauma under the rib from the handlebars to the bike
  • Sports injuries due to tackles
  • Violence


However, as mentioned earlier, a spleen can also burst due to illness. This is because certain types of diseases cause the spleen to swell and thus become so large that it risks breaking through the protective layer of tissue that surrounds the body itself. Some of the most common conditions that can cause a spleen are:

  • Blood disorders (such as lymphoma or anemia)
  • Malaria
  • Infectious kissing illness (mononucleosis) can lead to acute fractured spleen


Symptoms of cracked spleen

A ruptured spleen usually causes acute, severe abdominal pain - but not in all cases. The extent of the pain intensity and the position of the pain are directly related to how much the spleen has ruptured and how much bleeding there is from the organ.


Pain in the cracked spleen can normally be felt in the upper, left part of the abdomen below the ribs - but also as referred pain up to the left shoulder. The latter is due to the fact that the nerves that go to the left shoulder originate from the same place as the nerves that innervate and give signals to the spleen.


Other symptoms that may occur due to internal bleeding are:

  • fainting
  • Confused state of mind
  • Frequent heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightness
  • Signs of shock (anxiety, discomfort and paleness of the skin)
  • Blurred vision


As mentioned, a broken spleen can be fatal, so if there is suspicion, the person must contact the ambulance or emergency room immediately.


Also read: - 9 Early Signs of Celiac Disease



Spleen cancer

Cancer of the spleen normally occurs only due to metastasis - that is, due to the spread of cancer from other places in the body or organs. It is very rare for this organ to be affected by cancer - but in cases where it does, it is due to the spread of a lymphoma or leukemia.


Given that most cancers that can affect the spleen are cancers that spread from other parts of the body, and especially lymphomas, it is extra important to understand various risk factors for developing this type of cancer. There is therefore an increased risk of cancer of the spleen due to lymphoma by the following factors:

  • You're older
  • You're a man
  • You have a long history of infections
  • Family history of lymphoma
  • Problems with weakened immune systems


Symptoms of cancer of the spleen

The most common symptoms of splenic cancer include:

  • Fatigue and fatigue
  • Fever
  • Enlarged spleen (which can actually be twice as normal)
  • Abdominal pain in the upper, left region
  • night Sweating
  • Weakness
  • Accidental weight loss


Other clinical signs may include:

  • You feel exhausted
  • You get bruises easily
  • Chills in the body
  • Frequent infections
  • Lack of appetite


However, it is worth mentioning that one can have such symptoms without having spleen cancer, but if you experience fever, night sweats and accidental weight loss you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment of splenic cancer may involve surgical removal of the spleen, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.




Spleen pain should always be taken seriously. If you suffer from persistent pain in this anatomical region, contact your doctor for an examination. Any treatment will depend on what is the basis for the pain you have.


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Recommended self help

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Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat and Cold Gasket): Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals.


Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm down swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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