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Chronic pain syndrome

Chronic pain syndrome involves chronic pain that persists for over 3-6 months. Chronic pain can have a major negative impact on physical and mental health. Feel free to follow us on Facebook if you want to stay up to date or have questions about this disorder.

Pain is the body's way of warning you of an injury or illness. When the cause of the pain disappears or heals, the pain signals should normally disappear as well - but this is not the case for everyone. For many, chronic pain can become part of everyday life and lead to daily pain - day after day - which can cause heavy strain on the person's physical and mental health.

It is estimated that about 25 percent of people with chronic, long-term pain develop what we call chronic pain syndrome. This syndrome means that you also have other symptoms in addition to the pain, such as depression, anxiety, social deprivation and the like that goes beyond everyday life.

Affected by chronic rheumatism and / or chronic pain syndrome? Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism - Norway: Research and News»For the latest updates on research and media writing about this and other rheumatic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.


Cause: What causes chronic pain syndrome?

Researchers aren't quite sure what causes chronic pain syndrome, but it usually starts with an injury or painful condition, such as:

  • Arthritis or other joint conditions
  • Fractures or fractures
  • Borrelia/Lyme disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Headache
  • Surgery and operations (may give rise to scar tissue in the operated area)
  • Cancer
  • Stomach problems (eg IBS or irritable bowel)
  • Muscle damage or muscle pain
  • Nerve damage or nerve pain
  • over Injuries
  • Back pain
  • Sour rebound / GERD

It is believed that chronic pain syndrome has factors that are both physical and mental. Some experts believe that the reason is that people affected by this condition have a different response in the nerves and glands that deal with stress - which means that they feel pain in a different way.


Pain Relief: How to cure chronic pain syndrome?

Chronic pain can be difficult to treat, but relief is not impossible. Different people have the effect of different things, but recurring pain-reducing measures are things that lower stress levels (yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, etc.) and which increase blood circulation to sore and sore muscles (physical treatment, massage) - as well as adapted joint treatment from a publicly authorized therapist (chiropractor or manual therapist). Self-measures such as self-massage (eg with trigger point balls) towards tense muscles in the shoulders and neck (you know you have some!) and adapted training (preferably in a hot water pool), as well as stretching, can be of great help.

Pain presentation: Symptoms of chronic pain syndrome

Chronic pain syndrome affects both physical and mental health - and can go far beyond the social as well. In addition to the pain symptoms, you can also experience other symptoms - such as:

  • Alcohol and drug problems (including addiction to heavy painkillers)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression and thoughts of suicide
  • Poor quality of sleep
  • Family and marital problems
  • Fatigue and chronic fatigue
  • Irritability and "short fuse"
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Guilt

As mentioned, it is also the case that those with chronic pain syndrome can become addicted to painkillers - as they are constantly looking for a way to calm the pain. Some common addictive drugs are Tramadol, Brexidol and Neurontin (extremely addictive).


Epidemiology: Who gets chronic pain syndrome? Who is most affected?

Chronic pain syndrome can affect both sexes at any age - but it is most common in women. It has also been seen that those with depression and other mental influences have a greater risk of developing the disorder - but here we ask ourselves the question; is it perhaps the opposite order - that they were depressed by the pain and not the other way around?

Exercises and stretching: What exercises can help with chronic pain syndrome?

As mentioned earlier, this is different from person to person and which areas are most affected by pain. Many people experience improvement with yoga, meditation and other exercises that lower their stress levels. Others have the effect of regular stretching of the neck and shoulders, as these tend to stretch extra when you have this disorder. We recommend that you get a good routine that is right for you and that includes daily, customized, neck stretching.

VIDEO: 5 Clothes Exercises Against Stiff Neck

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Try these too: - 4 Stretching exercises against Stiff Neck

Exercises against neck and shoulder muscle tension

Treatment of chronic pain syndrome

aches in muscles and joints

When we talk about the treatment of chronic pain syndrome, it is actually most symptom relief that applies - some treatment methods can be:

  • Physical treatment: This includes treatment measures such as TENS, massage, heat treatment, cold treatment and stretching techniques.
  • Medical treatment: Talk to your GP about which medications and painkillers may be right for you.
  • Muscle Knut Treatment: Muscular treatment can reduce muscle tension and muscle pain throughout the body.
  • Joint Treatment: An expert in muscles and joints (eg chiropractor) will work with both muscles and joints to give you functional improvement and symptom relief. This treatment will be adapted to each individual patient based on a thorough examination, which also takes into account the patient's overall health situation. The treatment will most likely consist of joint corrections, muscle work, ergonomic / posture counseling and other forms of treatment that are appropriate for the individual patient.
  • Pain Relieving Headache and Migraine Mask: Many people experience almost daily headaches with chronic pain syndrome. Masks like this can be both frozen and heated - this means that they can be used for more acute pain (cooling) and more preventive (heating and increased blood circulation).
  • Yoga and meditationYoga, mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation can help lower the level of mental stress in the body. A good measure for those who stress too much in everyday life.

Self-help: What can I do even for chronic pain in the muscles and joints?

As mentioned, it is often the case that we are extra tight in muscles and that pain fibers become more sensitive when we have chronic pain syndrome. We always recommend that self-treatment is one of the main measures in the fight against pain - with regular self-massage (eg with trigger point ball) and stretching can help prevent pain in the muscles and joints.

NEXT PAGE: - This You Should Know About Fibromyalgia


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