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symptoms you must not ignore

Chest Pain And Sure Vomiting | Cause, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Chest pain and acid reflux? Here you will learn more about causes, symptoms, prevention, and to distinguish between heart attack and heartburn symptoms.


[NOTE: If you suspect a heart attack, contact your doctor immediately]


There is no doubt that chest pain can give you a feeling that you have a heart attack or heart problems - but it can also be heartburn. In fact, pain and discomfort from the esophagus due to acidic abdominal contents may feel quite similar to myocardial infarction and angina.


Now we will, among other things, go through signs and symptoms that separate the two different diagnoses - and learning this can help to calm you down a little more. Knowledge is power - and we will also review methods and measures to prevent your heartburn from getting worse and worse.


However, it is very, very important that a suspicion of a heart attack is taken most seriously and that you seek medical attention immediately. Learning the difference between myocardial infarction and heartburn is a good thing to do after being examined by your doctor.


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In the article, we will review:

  • Where in the body the symptoms occur
  • What the symptoms and pain feel like
  • Whether the pain gets better or worse by changing body posture
  • Prevention
  • Related symptoms
  • Other diagnoses that can cause chest pain
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment of Chest Pain and Heartburn


In this article you will learn more about chest pain, heartburn and acid reflux, as well as various causes, how to recognize the various diagnoses, and possible prevention at this clinical presentation.


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Where is the Pain Located?

Discussion with health professionals

Both heart defects and heartburn can cause pain behind the sternum itself - which makes it difficult to distinguish between the two at times. However, there are some important differences that can help you distinguish between the two.


Chest pain from the heart, usually, radiates to other parts of the body as well. These places include

  • Arms: Especially from the chest and towards the upper part of the left arm
  • Back: From the chest and deep into the back
  • Shoulders: The pain may radiate from the sternum into one or both shoulders
  • neck

Heartburn and acid reflux do not produce such radiating symptoms.


Chest pain due to heartburn can also affect the upper body to some extent, but then the pain will usually stay in and around the sternum. Heartburn also gives a characteristic "burning" feeling of warmth behind the sternum. However, it is worth mentioning that acid reflux in the esophagus can also cause muscle spasms around the esophagus itself which can then lead to pain in the throat, pharynx and upper chest.


Read more: - This Common Heartburn Medication Can Cause Kidney Damage




What Do Breast Pain Feel Like?


Normally, you will be able to distinguish between heart attack and heartburn by knowing what kind of chest pain is involved. Common descriptions if it includes heart failure can be:


  • Pressing pain

  • «Tight as a snare»

  • Heavy as if an elephant is sitting on his chest

  • Deep pain

In contrast, heartburn will normally be described as tender and sharper. Another important way to distinguish between the two is that people with heartburn will often be able to experience a temporary, sharp worsening of the chest pain when they cough or breathe deeply. This difference is unique - as the type of inhalation in case of heart failure will not have anything to do with the symptoms.


Heartburn symptoms are often described as less profound than heart symptoms, and appear to come from the outer layers of the skin rather than the deeper ones. However, they are described as more fiery and sharper in character.


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neck pain 1

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Does Your Body Position Affect Pain?

Pain in the chest

Check if the pain changes in character or if it completely disappears when you change your body position. Muscle problems and heartburn tend to feel a great deal better when you are moving than when you are quiet.


In case of heartburn, you may also notice that the symptoms, due to the gravity that forces the acid back into the stomach, decrease significantly if you rectify a sitting or standing position. In contrast, the symptoms will worsen if you lie down flat or bend forward - and especially right after you have eaten (indigestion).


Heart-related chest pain is not affected by the position your body is in. But they can also come and go a little through the day depending on the cause.


Other Symptoms

By considering other symptoms that may be associated with chest pain, you can distinguish between different types of pain.


Possible associated symptoms of heart problems:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Lightness
  • Numbness in the left upper arm and shoulder
  • sweating
  • Dizziness


Possible associated symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux:

  • A burning sensation in the throat, chest and stomach
  • An acidic taste in the mouth caused by stomach acid and bloating
  • Frequent raping and yellowing sounds
  • Difficulty swallowing


Also read: - How to Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Stroke



Other diagnoses: What kind of diagnoses do chest pain cause?

Cause of chest pain

We have already mentioned heart failure and heartburn as some common causes of chest pain, but they are not the only ones. Here we go through several other possible causes and diagnoses:


  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Asthma
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Blood clots in the lungs
  • shingles
  • High blood pressure
  • Inflammation of the cartilage section at the front of the sternum
  • Chronic pain syndromes - such as Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle pain extending from the back of the chest to the chest (for example, musculus thoracis intercostalis)
  • rib Injury


A blood clot that occurs in the lungs is fatal. If this is suspected, the emergency room must be contacted immediately.



You must always take chest pain most seriously. Talk to your GP about the symptoms you are experiencing. The doctor can then request an ECG (heart test) or a stress test to see if there are any findings that point to heart failure or heart disease. Blood tests and a full medical examination will also be conducted to find out why you have chest pain.


Also read: - 7 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia in Women

Fibromyalgia Female



Treatment, Prevention and Self-Improvement: How to Get Rid of Heartburn and Sure Rebellion?

Vegetables - Fruits and vegetables

If you have chest pain with associated heartburn this can be both treated and prevented. Among other things, preventive and therapeutic measures include the following:


  • Limited caffeine content
  • A healthy and balanced diet with lots of vegetables
  • Cut out the alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat less fat and junk food
  • Acid neutralizing drugs (such as Nexium)
  • weight Reduction
  • Increased physical exercise


We are of the variant that chooses to focus on long-term improvement rather than short-term symptom relief - and therefore asks that you who use antacids take yourself by the neck and do something about your diet and the other factors on the list. As mentioned earlier, prolonged heartburn and regular acid regurgitation can increase the chance of throat cancer and chronic damage to the esophagus.



Diet and prevention are key to reducing heartburn-related chest pain. Remember, however, that chest pain should always be assessed by a doctor - and especially if you have a history of heart defects in the family.


Do you have questions about the article or do you need any more tips? Ask us directly via our facebook page or via the comment box below.


Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)

Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals. Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm down swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


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NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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