hip pain on the front

hip pain on the front

Pain On The Front Of The Hip | Cause, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Pain in the front of the hip? Here you can learn more about pain on the front of the hip, as well as associated symptoms, cause and various diagnoses of pain on the front of the hip. Hip pain should always be taken seriously to prevent them from developing further. Follow and like us too Our Facebook page for free, daily health updates.


Hip pain may be due to the hip joint itself, associated tendons, muscle attachments, mucous pouches, and referenced pain from nearby dysfunction (such as stiffness and lower back or pelvic pain). So, as you understand, there are many possible causes and diagnoses that can provide the basis for the pain you experience on the front of the hip. It is important to note that most of the pain on the front of the hip is due to a combination of joint dysfunction (lack of mobility), tense and weak muscles combined with too much static load in everyday life.


In this article you will learn more about what may be causing the pain on the front of the hip, as well as various symptoms, diagnoses and treatment methods.


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Cause and diagnosis: Why do I have pain on the front of the hip?

The anatomy of the hip

The anatomy of the hip

As shown in the image above, the hip is an advanced structure with several complex neighbors. The hip consists of acetabulum (the hip), the head of the humerus (ie the head of the femur that attaches to the hip), ligaments, tendons and several muscle attachments.


The main hip muscles consist of iliopsoas (hip flexor), gluteus medius and minimus, adductor muscles, abductor muscles, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and obturator internus. In particular, the hip flexor and gluteus medius, as well as the quadriceps muscles, are often responsible for pain on the front of the hip.


Like the shoulder, the hip is a ball joint - which means that very high demands are placed on stability due to the fact that the joint has movement in almost all directions. Therefore, there is also a lot that can go wrong.


Diagnoses that can cause pain on the front of the hip

Hip pain is something that can affect everyone - both old and young, as well as women and men. We again note that it is especially the joints and muscles that are behind most cases of pain in the front of the hip. Some of the most common diagnoses that can hurt your front of the hip are:


Adhesive capsulite (frozen hip)

Adhesive capsulitis can affect the hip as well as the shoulder. This is not known to many, as frozen shoulder is significantly more common than frozen hip. You may remember that we mentioned that both the shoulder and the hip are ball joints? This is also the reason why they can be affected by many of the same diagnoses. The diagnosis thus indicates an inflammation inside the hip joint itself - but there is no common inflammation at all that you can only take anti-inflammatory to get rid of. Unfortunately, it is much more resistant than that. The diagnosis can last as long as 1 to 2 years and runs in three phases: Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3.


Stage 1 of frozen hip: The first phase of adhesive capsulite is the most painful part of the diagnosis. The hip's movement and mobility also gradually become less and less, as well as stiffer and stiffer, as it progresses into phase 2. The pain is often located deep within the anterior part of the hip.

Phase 2 of adhesive capsulite: In the second phase of the frozen hip, there is less pain, but the mobility is significantly reduced and lifting the leg up in front of or up to the side becomes virtually impossible.

Stage 3 of the cold hip: Adhesive capsulitis of the hip is also called cold hip. The third phase of cold hip is the phase where the hip begins to "thaw again". In this phase, the pain becomes stronger at the same time as the movement gradually improves. Gradually, the pain will also subside as the hip improves.


Iliopsoas muscle pain

iliopsoas muscle

Iliopsoas is the muscle that is referred to as the hip flexor - it is thus responsible for bending the upper part of the leg up towards you. Musculus iliopsoas consists of iliacus, psoas minor and psoas majus. In modern times, it is referred to as iliopsoas instead of using the singular names of the three muscles.


The hip flexor attaches deep inside the front of the hip before it then passes through the pelvis and further up towards the transverse ridge of the lower back. One of the most common reasons for getting a tense and painful hip flexor is dysfunction of the lower back and pelvis. Use of trigger point balls (link opens in new window) in combination with core muscle training, as well as any treatment by a modern chiropractor or physiotherapist are all measures that can help you to normalize and create normal function in this area.


Iliopsoa mucosal inflammation (bursitis)

Iliopsoas bursitis will see that an inflammation settles in the mucous sac that sits under the iliopsoas muscle itself. As mentioned earlier, iliopsoas is known as the hip flexor - and therefore such inflammation can lead to significant pain in the front of the hip when you try to lift the leg upwards towards you. A bursa (mucous sac) is an anatomical structure that is there to provide shock absorption for the hip, as well as reduce friction and irritation during movement.


A mucosal inflammation typically occurs after a fall on the hip. It is often striking that it is inflamed as it swells up, becomes extremely pressure cold and irritated by touch. As with many other inflammations, the pain can often be present both at night and day.


Labrum injury (damage within the hip)

The bowl into which the hip ball itself attaches is called the labrum. It consists of cartilage and allows the hip ball itself to move freely - but if damage occurs to this cartilage then this can lead to deep, significant anterior hip pain. Such injuries can typically occur with trauma with violent twisting of the hip and significant force in play.


Tendon injury / tendon pain in the front of the hip (trochanteric tendinopathy)

If we have tendon injuries or tendon inflammation in the hip this can also cause pain on the front of the hip. Such tendon injuries can occur due to a gradual overload over an extended period of time or it can also occur suddenly due to an acute malfunction (fall, sports injury, etc.).


Such tendon injuries are usually treated conservatively by a combination of joint mobilization, muscular work, tendon treatment and Shockwave Therapy. The latter is often used by modern chiropractors to break down damaged tissue and cause a repair process in the affected area.


Also read: - What You Should Know About Trocarant Tendinopathy

Hip pain and hip pain



Treatment of front pain in the hip

As mentioned, there are most often functional causes of pain in the front of the hip - and this is where one should focus in the form of treatment and exercise. Pain sensitive tissue often occurs if the function of the hip, back and pelvis is poor enough. Physical treatment, consisting of muscular techniques, stretching and mobilization, can break down this damage tissue and thus provide less pain signals in the area.


Physical treatment of joints and muscles

chiropractor 1

Modern chiropractor and physiotherapist are among the most common professions that treat hip pain. Pain in the front of the hip often has several problems that should be addressed - including reduced joint movement in the lower back and pelvis, as well as significant muscular tissue damage in nearby muscles and tendons - such as the hip flexor, back stretchers and gluteal muscles.


Typical treatment methods consist of joint mobilization / joint adjustment, trigger point therapy (manual deep tissue therapy), pressure wave therapy in combination with gradual training in the form of home exercises.


Anterior hip pain surgery

In modern times, the scalp has become increasingly devoid of focus and rather focused on conservative treatment and training, as research has shown that the long-term effect of the latter is often significantly better than surgical procedures.


Pressure wave treatment of pain on the front of the hip

pressure ball treatment overview picture 5 700

Pressure wave treatment utilizes pressure waves directed at the damaged tissue or calcified soft tissue. The impulses break down damaged tissue and scar tissue - which will then trigger more repair processes and increased blood circulation to the area. Pressure wave therapy is among the best documented and clinically effective treatment methods available. The treatment is also used against calcareous shoulders, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.


Also read: - Have you tried pressure wave therapy?

Pressure wave treatment of plantar fascite - Photo Wiki



Prevention of pain in the front of the hip

Have you not hurt in the front of the hip, but want to prevent it from occurring? We will be able to assist you in this section of the article. You probably won't be surprised when we tell you that this is primarily about training.


Training of core muscles

As is well known, a weak core muscle in the abdomen and back is often the root of all evil - or at least almost. In short, lack of stability muscle in the back and core leads to increased strain on the joints and tendons in both the back, pelvis and hip. Therefore, it is important to set aside time to exercise the core muscles at least 1-2 times a week.


Also read: 4 Exercises against Muscle Nodes in the Back

Man stays on the left part of the lower back with pain


Training of specific hip muscles

Naturally, it is extra important to train the muscles that are particularly relevant to the pain in the front of the hip. In the video below you can see a good exercise program that can help improve hip function and strength.


Video: 10 Strength Exercises Against Painful Hips

Feel free to subscribe Our YouTube channel for free health updates and exercise programs.


Also read: 6 Exercises for Stronger Hip

6 exercises for stronger hips edited 800



We are constantly told - by those who do not like yoga - that we write too much positive about yoga. The reason we write about it is simply because it works and that it is excellent training for everyone of all ages and body shapes.


General training advice

  • If you are uncertain about how to perform certain exercises, you should consult a professional
  • Remember to warm up before your workout and activity that causes heavier workouts
  • Make sure you have enough recovery time after your workouts
  • Exercise varied and focus on both strength and mobility




Pain in the front of the hip is often caused by tense muscles, weak core muscles and hypomobility in the joints. In case of persistent ailments we advise you to contact a modern chiropractor, manual therapist or physical therapist for examination and any treatment.


Do you have questions about the article or do you need more tips? Ask us directly via our facebook page or via the comment box below.


Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat and Cold Gasket): Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals.


Because the muscles around the hip are often very tight with such ailments, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)



exercise bands

Training Tricks - Complete Set of 6x Strengths: The hips are especially suitable for training with training tricks, as you need them to get resistance from the right direction. By using these you can get more out of the workout, as well as strengthen the muscles in the hip which can otherwise be very difficult to make stronger.


Read more here (opens in new window): Training Tricks - Complete Set of 6 Strengths


NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

blood clot in the leg - edited

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