stomach ache

13 Foods to Avoid in Ulcerative Colitis

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Last updated 18/03/2022 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

13 Foods to Avoid in Ulcerative Colitis

Are you or someone you know affected by the intestinal condition ulcerative colitis? Here is a list of 13 food products that can cause the disease to worsen. Please share.

Information about ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease. In Ulcerative colitis, the immune system attacks antibodies in the gastrointestinal tract and causes an inflammatory process - this can occur in the lower part of the colon and rectum - Unlike Crohn's disease which can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from the mouth / esophagus to the rectum.


1. alcohol

Beer - Photo Discover

All forms of alcohol can lead to the onset of ulcerative colitis. This is because alcohol can both irritate the intestinal areas, but also lead to increased inflammation.

2. Dried fruit

3. Carbonized beverage (added CO2)

Red wine

Many forms of wine are added carbon dioxide.

4. Spicy food

5. Nuts

nut Mix

Nuts can be hard to break down and can cause irritation as well as increased inflammatory processes.

6. Popcorn

7. Refined sugar

sugar flu

8. Sorbitol products (most types of chewing gum and a variety of sweets)

9. Caffeine


Caffeine and ulcerative colitis are unfortunately not a good combination.

10. Seeds

11. Dried beans and peas

12. Foods with a high sulfur content (Brussels sprouts, turnips, kohlrabi and the like)

13. Lactose milk products

Greek yogurt with berries

Milk, yogurt (with lactose) and other milk products can lead to increased bowel activity in someone suffering from ulcerative colitis.


Do you know of several products that negatively affect those with ulcerative colitis? Please comment in the field below - we would greatly appreciate it.


Related theme: Ulcerative colitis - An autoimmune disease!

Crohn's disease



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5 replies
  1. Bernt Brudvik says:

    I have ulcerative colitis and have had it for many years. There are three things I have cut out - it is red meat, beer and brown liquor. Hope this is helpful for some!

  2. Marit Bjørgen says:

    Fish and chicken. Stress has a major impact on the gut flora and such as well.

  3. María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/> <br/> This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/> <br/> Maria has a very funny sense of humour. says:

    Anyone else struggling with the stomach? Struggling especially with dinner, eating a little too, I have to run to the bathroom. Anyone have tips and advice?

    • Submitted responses says:

      Camilla: I struggle a lot with that too. Reacts specifically to lactose and too much gluten. Uses lactose-free and gluten-free where possible.

      Unni: Then try and mix a tablespoon of potato flour with water. About half a glass. Responds to lactose and smoked foods. Must use lactose free and keep away from smoked foods. Try drinking biola and buy lactic acid pills at the pharmacy. Also noticed that too much pork aggravates the stomach. Withstands poor fat, sugar, acidic things and acid (carbonic acid). As for nuts, it is also very different from person to person. In my case, I can't eat nuts that irritate my stomach.

      Solveig: Stay away from sugar, coffee, dairy products and use probiotics as well. There are probably many types - I use Bio-dophilus (8 billion lactic acid bacteria).

      Nadine: Take an intolerance test. I found that the cause of stomach pain was two powerful intolerances. Didn't realize it was just the two foods because I ate them everyday.

      Chris: I struggle with milk protein, gluten and everything else. General indigestion. Occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation. So daily. Nuts are sweet, fresh vegetables and pork the same. No one can tell me why and it's frustrating. Has diabetes, FM, thin-fiber neuropathy, etc. autoimmune diseases.

  4. Robert says:

    Can recommend as much fish as possible, I myself only eat fish for all meals from mackerel in tomato to saithe, cod, trout and salmon. The sweet potato and spinach can and are recommended. Nuts, pizza, a lot of bread do not work for my stomach at least, nor a lot of banana - one goes well.
    Stress is no no. Activity helps and for the stomach, walk at least half an hour every day. Has mild to moderate Ulcerative Colitis.


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