6 exercises against significant neck osteoarthritis

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Last updated 21/02/2024 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

6 exercises against significant neck osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the neck can cause neck pain and poor mobility.

Here are six exercises (including VIDEO) for those with neck osteoarthritis that can relieve pain and improve movement. Feel free to share the article with someone who suffers from neck pain.

– Cartilage wear, calcifications and bone deposits

Osteoarthritis of the neck can involve the breakdown of cartilage, calcifications, bone deposits and joint wear - this can lead to tighter space conditions inside the neck and episodic inflammatory reactions. Osteoarthritis of the neck can also increase the incidence of headache and neck-related dizziness.

"The article has been written in collaboration with, and quality checked by, publicly authorized health personnel. This includes both physiotherapists and chiropractors at Pain clinics Interdisciplinary Health. We always recommend having your pain assessed by knowledgeable healthcare personnel."

Here we will show you six exercises against significant neck osteoarthritis - which you can do daily.

Further down in the article, you can also read comments from other readers - as well as watch a great training video with the neck exercises. There you will also find some recommended self-measures that may be suitable for you with osteoarthritis.

VIDEO: 6 Exercises against significant neck osteoarthritis

Here shows chiropractor Alexander Andorff you the six exercises we go through in this article. Below you can see detailed descriptions of how to perform the exercises in points 1 to 6. Click below to watch the video.

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page at FB for daily, free health tips and exercise programs that can help you toward even better health.

1. Standing rowing with elastic

Training with elastic is an excellent way to strengthen the upper back and between the shoulder blades - that is, the platform for your neck itself. Improved function and mobility in this area will also mean more correct posture and mobility for your neck. Many people prefer to train with pilates band (the link opens in a new window).

- Can contribute to improving neck posture

It is true that if you are stick-stiff between the shoulder blades, this will go beyond your neck posture and associated movement. This exercise can thus help you to get a better posture in the neck.

  1. Stand straight up and down.
  2. Attach the elastic to a door handle or the like.
  3. Pull the elastic towards you with both arms - so that the shoulder blades are pulled together.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10 times over 3 sets.

2. Contraction of the shoulder blades

Many people are not aware of how many neck problems actually occur well between the shoulder blades. Reduced joint mobility and tense muscles in this area can seriously affect your neck function - and especially if you have osteoarthritis. This can help reduce muscle tension in the neck.

  1. Start standing.
  2. Slowly pull the shoulder blades backwards until it stops by itself - hold the outer position for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Perform the movement with quiet movements.
  4. Repeat the exercise 10 times over 3 sets.

Too many people are plagued with chronic pain that destroys everyday life- that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say, "Yes to more research on chronic pain diagnoses". In this way, you can make the symptoms of this diagnosis more visible and make sure that more people are taken seriously and get the help they need.

Also read: - 15 Early Signs of Rheumatism

joint overview - rheumatic arthritis

Are you affected by rheumatism?

3. Shoulder lift

This exercise helps to keep the blood circulation to some of the very largest neck muscles- regular exercise will be able to help you relieve tense neck muscles and maintain local blood circulation around the worn joints. 

- Most of the neck muscles attach to the shoulder arch

As I said, not many people know that the majority of the neck muscles attach to the shoulder blades or the upper back. This is precisely why it is incredibly important to keep these going if you want to work towards less neck pain in everyday life. Regular movement and correct use will also minimize the chance of further development of the osteoarthritis condition. It is the nutrients in your blood circulation that act as building material for repairs in worn joints and muscle tissue.

  1. Stand straight up and down with your arms along your side.
  2. Raise one shoulder in a calm and controlled motion.
  3. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side over 3 sets.

Did you know that many people with osteoarthritis report physical improvement through regular exercise in a hot water pool? By exercising in water, there are several exercises that are easier to perform for those with significant osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis of the neck. The warm water also helps keep the blood flowing and relieves muscular neck tension.

Also read: - How Helps Exercise In Hot Water Pool On Fibromyalgia

this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2

Please contact us if you have any questions

Our clinic departments at Vondtklinikkene (click here  for a complete overview of our clinics), including in Oslo (Lambert seats) and Viken (Eidsvoll Sound og Raw wood), has a distinctively high professional competence in the investigation, treatment and rehabilitation of pain in muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. Toe contact us if you want help from publicly authorized therapists with expertise in these fields.

4. Neck flexion (stretching of the back of the neck)

With regular execution, stretching can help keep the muscles in the neck more elastic and movable.But did you know that there are many people who stretch far too hard? The first set of stretching should always be very calm - so that the muscles understand that "now it's time to stretch". Many people with neck osteoarthritis are troubled by significant tension in the neck and tight neck muscles. This stretching exercise can help alleviate some of these ailments.

  1. Sit on a chair.
  2. Contact the head with both hands. Then move your head forward slowly.
  3. You should feel that it stretches gently in the back of the neck.
  4. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds over 3 sets.

Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

fibromyalgid diet2 700px

Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.

5. Lateral stretching (lateral stretching of the neck)

Stretching of the neck

You've probably noticed that the neck arthritis has led to less lateral movement of the neck? This stretching exercise aims at the muscles that we find on the side of the neck - including the levator scapulae and the upper trapezius.

  1. The exercise can be done sitting or standing.
  2. Hold your head with one hand.
  3. Gently pull your head to the side.
  4. You should feel that it stretches gently on the opposite side of the neck.
  5. The exercise is performed for 30 seconds over 3 sets.

In the article below, you will see five customized exercise exercises that can also work for you with osteoarthritis of the neck. Namely, customized exercise exercises are a great way to keep your blood circulation and joint fluid exchange within your joints.

Also read: - 5 Exercise exercises for those with Fibromyalgia

five exercise exercises for those with fibromyalgia

Click above to see these training exercises.

6. Shoulder stretching with a broomstick or cane

This exercise helps you regain movement and mobility in the shoulders and shoulder blades.By using a cane or similar, you will be able to gradually move your hands closer to each other and feel that it extends well into the neck and shoulder blades.

  1. Stand straight up and down - with a broomstick or similar.
  2. Move the shaft behind the back and have one hand high on the shaft - the other lower down.
  3. Move your hands closer to each other until you feel it stretches well.
  4. The exercise is performed on both arms with 10 commute repetitions over 3 sets.

Many people with neck osteoarthritis also have joint wear in other parts of the body - such as the knees. Did you know that osteoarthritis is divided into five different stages - based on how severe the joint wear is? In the article below you can read more about the different phases of osteoarthritis of the knees and how the condition develops.

Also read: - The 5 Stages of Knee Osteoarthritis

the 5 stages of osteoarthritis

Recommended self-help for rheumatic and chronic pain

Soft sooth compression gloves - Photo Medipaq

Click on the image to read more about compression gloves.

  • Toe pullers (several types of rheumatism can cause bent toes - for example hammer toes or hallux valgus (bent big toe) - toe pullers can help relieve these)
  • Mini tapes (many with rheumatic and chronic pain feel that it is easier to train with custom elastics)
  • Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)
  • Arnica cream or heat conditioner (many people report some pain relief if they use, for example, arnica cream or heat conditioner)

- Many people use arnica cream for pain due to stiff joints and sore muscles. Click on the image above to read more about how arnica cream can help relieve some of your pain situation.

More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about rheumatic and chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.

Feel free to share on social media for increased understanding of rheumatism and chronic pain

Very nice if you want to share on social media or via your blog (please link directly to the article). Understanding, general knowledge and increased focus are the first step towards a better everyday life for those with chronic pain diagnoses.

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Our clinicians and clinic departments always aim to be among the top elite in the field of investigation, treatment and rehabilitation of pain and injuries in muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. By pressing the button below, you can see an overview of our clinics - including in Oslo (incl Lambert seats) and Viken (Raw wood og Eidsvoll Sound).


Article: 6 exercises against significant neck osteoarthritis

Written by: Our publicly authorized chiropractors and physiotherapists at Vondtklinikkene

Fact check: Our articles are always based on serious sources, research studies and research journals - such as PubMed and the Cochrane Library. Please contact us if you spot any errors or have comments.

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NEXT PAGE: - This is what you should know about osteoarthritis in the hands

osteoarthritis of the hands

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