the 5 stages of osteoarthritis

The 5 Stages of Kneartrose

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Last updated 25/04/2023 by The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health

The 5 Stages of Kneartrose

Did you know that osteoarthritis in the knees is divided into five stages depending on how extensive it is?

Knee osteoarthritis means joint wear and tear in the knee and can involve major functional problems, as well as pain. as joint health deteriorates.


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The Pain Clinics: Our Interdisciplinary and Modern Clinics

Our clinic departments at Vondtklinikkene (click here for a complete overview of our clinics) has a distinctively high level of professional expertise in the investigation, treatment and rehabilitation of knee diagnoses. Contact us if you want the help of therapists with expertise in knee pain.


- Let's take a closer look at the 5 stages of knee osteoarthritis

This article will go through the five different stages of osteoarthritis of the knees. At the bottom of the article you can also read comments from other readers, as well as watch a video with exercises adapted to those with knee arthritis. We divide knee arthritis into the following stages:

  • Stage 0
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4

Each of the stages has unique characteristics and symptoms. Read more about it below.


TIP: Many people with osteoarthritis like to use specially adapted compression gloves (link opens in new window) for improved function in hands and fingers. These are especially common among rheumatologists and those who suffer from chronic carpal tunnel syndrome. Possibly there is also toe pullers og specially adapted compression socks if you are bothered by stiff and sore toes - possibly hallux valgus (inverted big toe).


Also read: This You Should Know About Osteoarthritis of the Knees

osteoarthritis of the KNEES



Relief and load management in knee osteoarthritis

We want to make an important point before we go through the various stages of osteoarthritis (joint wear and tear). Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently due to long-term overload or incorrect loading. This is precisely why it is so important to give your knees a break and a breather when you start to feel symptoms. Knee compression supports are an individual measure that is easy to use in everyday life - and which can contribute to improved blood circulation and stability for the knee joints. The increased support can also be nice to have in periods where you know you will put more stress on your knee (for example, longer walks). In addition to this, we also recommend gentle knee training when using mini ribbon knitting (smaller elastics especially developed for training hips and knees).

Tips: Knee compression support (The link opens in a new window)

Click on the image or link to read more about the knee compression support and how it provides relief for painful knees in everyday life.

Stage 0

Jumping and knee pain

Stage 0 of knee osteoarthritis means that the knee has normal joint health and shows no signs of osteoarthritis or joint destruction. In order to be in stage 0, the knee must also function with full movement and without pain during movement.


Treatment: Prevention of developing osteoarthritis is most important when you are in stage 0 and have good knee health. Such prevention is primarily about strengthening the muscles that relieve the knees. The most important muscles for relieving sore knees are found - surprisingly for many - in the hip muscles, buttocks and thighs; as documented by research (1). In the two videos below you will see examples of good exercises.


VIDEO: 10 Strength Exercises for the Hip (Click below to start the video)

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page at FB for daily, free health tips and exercise programs that can help you toward even better health.

VIDEO: 6 Exercises Against Significant Knee Arthrosis (Osteoarthritis of the Knees)

Here are six exercises that take into account those affected by osteoarthritis of the knees. Regular use of such exercise exercises is essential to maintain local blood circulation, minimize leg exercises and improve meniscus health. The exercises can also be used preventively.

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Chronic Pain in Everyday Life

Too many people are plagued with chronic pain that destroys everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say: "Yes to more research on chronic pain diagnoses". In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.


Also read: - 15 Early Signs of Rheumatism

joint overview - rheumatic arthritis

Are you affected by rheumatism?


Stage 1

Runners - patellofemoral pain syndrome

In stage 1 of knee osteoarthritis one can see small degenerative changes in the knee joint. These changes in wear may involve minor calcifications and slight changes in the joints where the legs meet.


Neither at this stage will you necessarily experience pain or discomfort in the knees. Certainly not because of the knee brace itself, but the muscles and tendons around can of course hurt like many others.


Treatment: Exercise and preventive rehabilitation exercises are key to preventing stage 1 to later stages. Again, as mentioned in the previous section, it is especially the training of the hips, seat and thighs that you should focus on if you want to relieve the knees. If you find it difficult to train in the traditional way - then we can also recommend training in hot water pool.


If you have increased incidence of osteoarthritis and joint wear in the family, dietary supplements such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin may also be appropriate in combination with knee exercises.


Also read: - How Helps Exercise In Hot Water Pool On Fibromyalgia

this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2

Stage 2

running knees

Stage 2 of knee osteoarthritis is still referred to as a mild release of joint wear in the knees. With imaging, such as X-rays, you will now be able to see greater joint wear and calcifications in the knee joint - but the cartilage will still be intact and fresh. When we talk about good cartilage health, we refer, among other things, to the meniscus and the distance between the shins and the femur. At a normal distance, these legs will not lie against each other and rub, and there will be a normal joint fluid content (synovial joint fluid) in the knee joint.


This is normally the stage of osteoarthritis where the first pains and symptoms (due to the osteoarthritis itself) appear. Typical symptoms and pain at first can be painful in the knees after walking or going on a jog, as well as increasing stiffness in the knee when not used for several hours. Squatting or bending your knees can also become more difficult.


Treatment in Stage 2

Again, training and prevention will play a very important role - and especially to prevent joint wear and tear from getting worse. If you find it difficult to get started with exercise and exercises, then we strongly recommend that you consult a physiotherapist to get started with the right exercises. By strengthening the muscles around the joint, knee stability increases - which reduces the chance of further joint damage.


Obesity is also a problem that contributes to more wear and tear in weight-bearing joints - and that is precisely why weight loss is important if you have an elevated BMI (body mass index). If you find it difficult to get started with exercise and exercises, we strongly recommend that you consult a physical therapist to get started on the right exercises.


En knee compression support (opens in new window) can be a useful tool to help stabilize the knee while increasing local blood circulation. Many people also start taking painkillers and NSAIDS when they start experiencing knee pain, but due to the risks involved with long-term use - such as stomach ulcers, cardiovascular problems, kidney damage and liver problems - this is not something we recommend. In this case, such drug use must take place under the strict supervision of your GP.


Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

fibromyalgid diet2 700px

Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.


Stage 3

knee pain and knee injury

In stage 3, the knee brace has become moderate and the joint wear is now starting to become quite extensive. This means that the space conditions inside the knees have been clearly narrowed and that the cartilage shows clear signs of injury (including being squeezed flatter than normal).


It is normal at this stage that osteoarthritis of the knee begins to become painful - and that even common activities such as walking, bending down, jogging lightly or getting on your knees cause pain. Due to greater joint wear, you can now also start to notice swelling around and in the knee joint itself if there has been a lot of strain and activity.


Treatment in Stage 3

Once again, we will go in the ring and strike a blow for training - under the right framework. It's the only way you can strengthen the muscles around the knee that relieves the actual joint structures - and if it came in pill form, then absolutely everyone would have taken that pill! But since it requires a lot of effort, it is not always as easy.


At this stage, your doctor may begin to vaccinate with cortisone injections. Cortisone is a steroid that, when injected into the joint, can (in many cases) help to reduce the pain in the knee joint. However, research has shown that the effect usually subsides after two months and that in the long term such cortisone injections can lead to worsening joint damage (2). Stronger drugs may also be suggested, but unfortunately the more powerful a preparation is, the more side effects it has.


Ginger can be recommended for anyone who suffers from rheumatic joint ailments - and it is also known that this root has one a host of other positive health benefits. This is because ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Many people with osteoarthritis drink ginger as a tea - and then preferably up to 3 times a day during periods when the inflammation in the joints is extremely strong. You can find some different recipes for this in the link below.


Also read: - 8 Incredible Health Benefits Of Eating Ginger

Ginger 2



Stage 4

Wounds to the kneecap

Stage 4 is the fifth and most extensive stage of osteoarthritis - people who are classified in this category have normally seen great pain and discomfort when walking or moving on the knee joint. The pain is due to the fact that the actual joint distance inside the knee joint at this time has been significantly reduced and reduced - which also means that almost all the cartilage is worn away and which leaves a stiff, almost immobile, knee joint.


The reduced space conditions inside the knee means that there is considerable friction and friction between different anatomical structures - which only helps to aggravate the pain and symptoms. The function is often so reduced that the patient can hardly move without severe pain - and therefore drastic treatment methods are often considered at this time.


Surgery and Prosthesis?

Knee prostheses, either semi-dentures or full dentures, are a last resort for people with such extensive knee arthritis. In such a surgical procedure, the surgeon will remove the entire injured joint and then replace it with a plastic or metal prosthesis. Side effects of such an operation can include infections and blood clots. The rehabilitation period usually takes several months - and means that you must be very strict in doing the given training exercises you have received.


Even if you end up with a knee prosthesis, it's important to emphasize that you still need to focus on measures that contribute to good knee health - such as maintaining normal weight and specific exercise. Maybe you can contact a local physiotherapist or modern chiropractor if you are unsure what kind of exercises you should do?


Recommended Self-Help for Rheumatic and Chronic Pain

Soft sooth compression gloves - Photo Medipaq

Click on the image to read more about compression gloves.

  • Toe pullers (used to separate the toes and thus prevent bent toes - such as hallux valgus, bent big toe)
  • Mini tapes (many with rheumatic and chronic pain feel that it is easier to train with custom elastics)
  • Trigger point Balls (self-help to work the muscles on a daily basis)
  • Arnica cream or heat conditioner (many people report some pain relief if they use, for example, arnica cream or heat conditioner)

- Many people use arnica cream for pain due to stiff joints and sore muscles. Click on the image above to read more about how arnica cream can help relieve some of your pain situation.


Also read: - 7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Eating Turmeric


More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about rheumatic and chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.


VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.


We sincerely hope that this article can help you in the fight against rheumatic disorders and chronic pain.


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NEXT PAGE: - Research: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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