hammer toe

hammer toe

hammer toe

Hammer toe is a condition where a toe is locked in a fixed, bent position. Hammer toe occurs in the second, third or fourth toe and gives a crooked Z-like shape of the toe that cannot be straightened without surgery. These misalignments in the toes can cause sequelae such as sores on the toes and inflammatory reactions in the joints.


- Tight shoes can be a cause of hammer toe

Among the causes of hammer toe we find genetically prolonged toe structure, rheumatoid arthritis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (neurological condition) and wearing tight, ill-fitting shoes for a number of years. The limited space in poorly adapted shoes can cause a gradual failure load that can potentially lead to the diagnosis of hammer toe. It is also believed that the hallux valgus (when the big toe falls inward) and pes planus (flat foot) can also be contributing causes of hammering.


- Tight shoes can aggravate the pain

Due to the shape of the toes (bent) this can lead to friction injuries and wounds when wearing shoes. The tops of the toes then move towards the top of the shoe and can cause blisters and other wounds on the skin. Toe protectors sold at pharmacies can work both protective and relieving for hammer toe problems. It can also be useful to try out different taping techniques with elastic tape (eg kinesiology tape).


- Treatment of hammer toe

The most important measure in the treatment of hammer toe is adapted shoes that do not tighten or put any special pressure on the toes - so that further irritation of the toe joints is prevented. Custom insoles can also help to ensure the best fit and shock absorption. Sports taping or daily use of kinesio tape over affected toe joints can also work positively, both functionally and symptomatically. Toe spreaders is also a popular self-measure - the latter ensures a good distance between the affected toe joints and also puts a positive, light stretch towards the joints.


RELATED PRODUCT / SELF-HELP: - Compression sock

Anyone with foot pain and problems may benefit from compression support. Compression socks can contribute to increased blood circulation and healing in those affected by reduced function in the legs and feet.



- Operation of hammer toe

If the problem is of such a severe nature that the pain and dysfunction goes well beyond daily life, then surgery may be necessary to correct the affected joints. This is considered a last resort, as all surgeries and forms of surgery have some form of associated risk. Such surgeries are considered quite safe, but anesthesia and other factors can never be entirely certain how to respond.


Also read: - Pain in the foot? Read more about what you can do here!

High-heeled shoes can put unfortunate strain on your toes - Photo Wikimedia


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Gout - Photo by Sinew

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