Eye Anatomy - Photo Wiki

Glaucoma Treatment and diagnosis.

Glaucoma is an eye disorder that often has no early symptoms. In acute glaucoma, the pressure inside the eye can increase drastically over a short period of time. Symptoms of glaucoma include eye pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches and vision impairment.


These symptoms are severe and must be taken immediate contact with an emergency room or GP for such symptoms, as the treatment must be performed quickly to prevent blindness.


Treatment of glaucoma

Eye pain from glaucoma is treated with eye drops and sometimes with tablets to reduce eye pressure. If this does not work, then eye surgery is most likely necessary.


What can hurt your eye?

Pain in the eye can be due to a number of diagnoses. Make sure that you do not have a sore eye for a long time, rather contact your GP and have the cause of the pain investigated. In most cases, you will be referred to an ophthalmologist.


Eye anatomy and important eye structures.

Before we move on, let's look at the anatomy of the eye. That is, what structures make up your eye. This can be important for further understanding of the article.

Eye Anatomy - Photo Wiki

Eye Anatomy - Photo Wiki

In the picture we see cornea, it anterior chamber, the rainbow with pupil, ophthalmic lens, vitreous, retinas, choroid, sclera, the yellow spot, the blind spot, optic nerve and one of the eye muscles.


Causes of eye pain.

Some possible causes of eye pain or eye pain are blepharitis (Eyelid inflammation), foreign, hordeolum (Stye) glaucoma, glaucoma, cataractscorneal abrasion / corneal injury, corneal infection (Catalyze rides), conjunctivitis (Conjunctivitis), optic neuritis, iritis, sinusitis og uveitis


Time classification of eye pain.

Eye pain can be divided into acute, subacute og chronic pain. Acute eye pain means that the person has had eye pain for less than three weeks, subacute is the period from three weeks to three months and the pain that has a duration of more than three months is classified as chronic.


Investigation of eye pain by medical testing

There are a number of methods used to evaluate and diagnose the cause of eye pain. The methods used depend on the pain presentation and the symptoms of the eye problems.


Among other things, the ophthalmologist uses the following methods.

- Light examination used by the ophthalmologist to evaluate the eye.

- Tonometer (also known as Tono-pen) is used to check if there is an abnormally high pressure in the eye, which can occur in glaucoma, for example.

- Eye drops is used to dilate the pupils so that the doctor has an insight into the eye.



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