Herpes labialis - Photo Wikimedia

Herpes labialis - Photo Wikimedia

Herpes Labialis (Mouth ulcer)

Herpes labialis, also called mouth ulcers, cold sores, fever blister, herpes sores, is a form of Herpes Simplex virus infection that occurs on or around the lips. A herpes outbreak can last 2-3 weeks before the wounds gradually heal, but the virus will still lie latent in the facial nerves - and can (in symptomatic people) strike up to 12 times a year at worst. It is common for infected people to have 1-3 outbreaks during the year. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated over the years. You can be completely asymptomatic - but after a herpes virus has taken over the body, it will never leave the body. Herpes outbreaks tend to occur when the immune system is reduced or weakened. Especially in times of high stress, poor sleep and perhaps poor nutrition.


- Is herpes contagious?

Yes, the herpes simplex virus can be transmitted from person to person - for example through close contact, lip contact or sexual intercourse.


- How long does a herpes outbreak last?

A herpes outbreak usually lasts no longer than 2-3 weeks.


- Can one treat symptomatic herpes on the lips?

Yes, you can get acyclovir at the pharmacy, which is applied directly to the affected area. Studies have shown that this gets rid of the infection up to 10% faster than with only natural healing. For more aggressive outbreaks, you can also get antiviral drugs prescribed by your GP.


- Is it common to get herpes outbreaks on the lips?

Yes, a major US study showed that among young adults, 33% of men and 28% of women had 2 to 3 outbreaks in a year. So you're not alone in that, no.


also read: Pain in the lips? You should know this ..

Lip anatomy and structure


  1. Lee C, Chi CC, Hsieh SC, Chang CJ, Delamere FM, Peters MC, Kanjirath PP, Anderson PF (2011). "Interventions for treatment of herpes simplex labialis (cold sores on the lips) (Protocol)". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(10). doi: 10.1002 / 14651858.CD009375. You can read this study by pressing here .