Pain in the chest

Pain in the chest

Nausea | Cause, diagnoses, symptoms and treatment

Suffering from nausea? Read more about symptoms, cause, possible diagnoses, dietary advice, treatment and how to prevent nausea here in this article. Nausea is a feeling of nausea in the body and often in the stomach that makes it feel like you have to vomit. The condition can have many different causes and can often be prevented.


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In the article, we will review:

  • Causes of nausea
  • Diagnoses that can cause nausea
  • When should you seek emergency medical help
  • Treatment of nausea
  • Prevention of nausea and malaise


In this article you will learn more about nausea, as well as various diagnoses and possible treatments for this clinical presentation.


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Causes and Diagnoses: Why am I nauseous?

Discussion with health professionals

The symptoms and clinical signs vary according to the actual diagnosis behind the nausea you experience. Some people are very sensitive to movement (read: get easily seasick or hate spinning teacups at the amusement park) and others to certain types of food. One of the most common causes is due to medical side effects - or that it is a symptom of an underlying medical diagnosis.


Now we will go through some of the possible causes and diagnoses that can cause nausea. These include:


Heartburn and Acid regurgitation

Cause of chest pain

Acid reflux is caused by the contents of the stomach being forced back into the esophagus from the stomach. Naturally, this burning sensation can also give rise to nausea and feeling unwell.


Read more: - This Common Heartburn Medication Can Cause Kidney Damage



Infections and Viruses

kissing sickness 2

Both bacterial and viral infections can make you nauseous. Bacterial infections in the stomach, often due to food poisoning, can cause you to become unwell and vomit. Influenza virus infection is an example of a virus-based infection that can cause a general feeling of nausea.


Medications and Medications

Pills - Photo Wikimedia

Many drugs and medications have a wide range of side effects - and the stronger the drugs (for example chemotherapy) the more stressful the side effects can be experienced. Interactions between different medications, if one is not careful, can also lead to significant nausea and malaise.


Read more: - What You Should Know About Stress Talking

neck pain 1


Seasickness and "Roller coaster" symptoms


As mentioned earlier, some are more sensitive to movement than others. These people often react to abrupt seas and rapid turns (such as spinning teacups at the amusement park) by becoming unwell and nauseous. Sometimes it also ends up with vomiting and dizziness. No particularly pleasant experience.



sugar flu

A diet high in certain types of food - such as very spicy, sugary or fatty foods - can irritate the stomach and cause nausea. If you have sensitivity or food allergies, you can of course also react to this and the result can be a deep nausea in the stomach and a general feeling of unwellness.


Also read: - How To Recognize Signs And Symptoms Of Stroke!



Pain and Nausea

woman with back pain

In some cases, pain and tenderness can be so extensive that it makes you physically nauseous. This is because pain travels via nerve signals and nerve pathways - and when it gets too much, it can make you unwell.


Crystal Disease and Nausea


crystal flu is a very unpleasant diagnosis which, characteristically, is characterized by job-related dizziness that persists for less than one minute. The diagnosis is relatively common, but that does not make it any more pleasant - in fact, the dizziness is so severe that you risk becoming so nauseous that you vomit.


Nausea can also be a symptom of the following medical conditions:

  • meningitis
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Liver problems or liver cancer
  • Ulcer
  • migraine Headaches
  • Intestinal problems ("Intestinal loop")
  • Ear infections and inflammation


Also read: - 7 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia in Women

Fibromyalgia Female




A feeling of nausea can be a symptom of a number of different diagnoses. If you suffer from persistent nausea, we strongly recommend that you contact your doctor for further examination.


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Recommended self help

hot and cold pack

Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)

Heat can increase blood circulation to tight and sore muscles - but in other situations, with more acute pain, cooling is recommended, as it reduces the transmission of pain signals. Due to the fact that these can also be used as a cold pack to calm down swelling, we recommend these.


Read more here (opens in new window): Reusable Gel Combination Gasket (Heat & Cold Gasket)


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NEXT PAGE: - This is how you can know if you have a blood clot

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