Exercises and training for neck slings and whiplash injuries.

Exercises and training for neck slings and whiplash injuries.

Neck slings, also known as whiplash or whiplash (in Danish), can instantly change your health and life situation. A simple trauma can be enough to cause prolonged neck ailments, cervical headaches, nearby muscular myalgias and lowered quality of life. Fortunately, there are things you can do yourself, in addition to qualified treatment, to know yourself better. We are talking about specific exercises and training here, but first let us take a brief look at what necklaces really are.


The neck - back part

Neck - rear part



The cause of whiplash is the rapid cervical acceleration followed by an immediate deceleration. This means that the neck does not have time to 'defend' and thus this mechanism where the head is thrown backwards and forwards can lead to damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons inside the neck. If you experience neurological symptoms after such an accident (eg pain in the arms or a feeling of decreased strength in the arms), contact the emergency department or equivalent qualified health personnel immediately.


A study called The Quebec Task Force has categorized whiplash into 5 categories:


·      Grade 0: no neck pain, stiffness, or any physical signs are noticed

·      Grade 1: neck complaints of pain, stiffness or tenderness only but no physical signs are noted by the examining physician.

·      Grade 2: neck complaints and the examining physician finds decreased range of motion and point tenderness in the neck.

·      Grade 3: neck complaints plus neurological signs such as decreased deep tendon reflexes, weakness and sensory deficits.

·      Grade 4: neck complaints and fracture or dislocation, or injury to the spinal cord.


It is mainly those who fall within grade 1-2 who have the best results with musculoskeletal treatment. Grades 3-4 can, in the worst case, lead to permanent injuries, so it is therefore important that a person who has been in a neck injury gets an immediate check by ambulance personnel or a consultation at the emergency room.



Get treatment and diagnosis from a qualified healthcare professional, and then agree on the best way forward for you through proper training and specific exercises. Doctor Mark Frobb (MD) has written the book 'Surviving Whiplash: Saving Your Neck Without Losing Your Mind', which can be highly recommended if you want good exercises and good advice for the way forward. Click on the link above if you want to read more about that book.


Also read: - Pain in the neck