Articles on Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that typically provides the basis for a number of different symptoms and clinical signs. Here you can read more about the various articles we have written about the chronic pain disorder fibromyalgia - and not least what kind of treatment and self-measures are available for this diagnosis.


Fibromyalgia is also known as soft tissue rheumatism. The condition can include symptoms such as chronic pain in the muscles and joints, fatigue and depression.

7 Ways LDN Can Help Against Fibromyalgia

7 Ways LDN Can Help Against Fibromyalgia

LDN (low dose naltrexone) has aroused hope as an alternative painkiller among many with fibromyalgia. But in what ways can LDN help against fibromyalgia? Here we present 7 of them.

Fibromyalgia can be an exhausting diagnosis, as it characteristically causes extensive pain in the body that can hardly be relieved with painkillers. Fortunately, work is being done to develop treatment methods and drugs - and studies have shown that LDN has good potential. What do you think? Have you tried it? Feel free to comment at the bottom of the article if you have more good input.

As mentioned, this is a patient group with chronic pain in everyday life - and they need help. We fight for this group of people - and those with other chronic pain diagnoses and rheumatism - to have better opportunities for treatment and assessment. Like us on our FB page og our YouTube channel in social media to join us in the fight for an improved everyday life for thousands of people.

A major problem is that there is still no effective medication for this chronic pain disorder, but we hope that increased research can do something to give this patient group the help they need. At the bottom of the article you can also read comments from other readers, as well as watch a video with exercises adapted to those with fibromyalgia.

In this article we will discuss how LDN can help with the following:

  • Tiredness
  • sleep Problems
  • Pain
  • Fibro fog
  • Fibromyalgia Headaches
  • mood Problems
  • Numbness and sensory changes

LDN was first developed to combat alcoholism and withdrawal problems, so that it now sails up as a candidate for effective treatment of fibromyalgia is surprising to many - but LDN works by blocking certain receptors (opioid / endorphin) in the brain, which have been shown to be overactive and produce nerve noise in this patient group (which also provides a basis for fibrous mist).

There are already strong drugs to numb the pain and get some sleep, but unfortunately many of them have a long list of side effects. Therefore, it is important that you are also good at using self-care in the form of walks in the forest, hot water pool training and customized exercise exercises for those with fibromyalgia against sore muscles. LDN has virtually no side effects compared to stronger painkillers.

1. LDN Increases Production of «Natural Painkillers» 

natural painkillers

Research has shown that nerve noise in the brains of those with fibromyalgia can help reduce the production and occurrence of the natural painkillers in the group (for example, endorphins). In other words, this results in low levels of substances that will make us happy and happy. LDN increases the levels of these natural substances in the body and this makes us feel better and thus naturally blocks some of the pain.

The low-dose naltroxen works by blocking the endorphin receptors in the brain - which stimulate the brain to produce more of them. We know that a higher content of these natural painkillers in the body is extremely beneficial for those with fibromyalgia and chronic pain diagnoses - so this is one of several possible effects LDN can have for you.

Too many people are plagued with chronic pain that destroys everyday life - that's why we encourage you to Share this article in social mediaFeel free to like our Facebook page and say: "Yes to more research on fibromyalgia". In this way, one can make the symptoms associated with this diagnosis more visible and ensure that more people are taken seriously - and thus get the help they need. We also hope that such increased attention can lead to greater funding for research on new assessment and treatment methods.

Also read: - Researchers may have found the cause of 'Fibro fog'!

fiber mist 2

2. Regulates Inflammation of the Central Nervous System

Another exciting effect of LDN has also been seen - the drug seems to work on an autoimmune level in addition to the more direct analgesic effect it can have. The method of operation is somewhat technical, but we throw ourselves into it.

In the central nervous system we have some cells called microglia cells. These cells can produce pro-inflammatory responses (inflammation-promoting) and are suspected to be overactive in several chronic diagnoses, including fibromyalgia, CFS and ME (myalgic encephalopathy).

When microglia cells become overactive, they produce free radicals, nitric oxide and other components that are known to contribute to stronger inflammatory responses in the body. But it is this production that LDN can help to stop. Low dose naltroxen works, in this chemical reaction, by stopping a key receptor called TLR 4 - and by stopping it, it also prevents overproduction of pro-inflammatory. Pretty fascinating, right?

Also read: - Researchers Believe That These Two Proteins Can Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Biochemical research

3. Less nerve noise - better sleep

sleeping problems

Earlier in the article, we wrote about how LDN can help ensure that the nervous system works more normally by increasing the production of natural painkillers - this can have very positive consequences for your sleep. Among those with fibromyalgia, it is known that there is high sensitivity in the muscles, nerves and joints; which in turn can cause the brain and body to wear out of all the transmitted signals.

By regulating the number of nerve impulses that are emitted, LDN can also help ensure that your brain is not completely overloaded. Think of it as a PC that has too many programs running at the same time - it leads to impaired functionality compared to what you are doing right now.

A reduction in nerve noise in the brain also means that you have less electrical activity in your body when you go to bed - which in turn means that it takes less time to fall asleep, and that you hopefully have a less restless night than before.

Also read: - Research report: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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Click on the image or link above to read more about the correct diet adapted to those with fibro.

4. Suppresses mood changes and anxiety

headaches and headaches

Chronic pain can cause the mood to go up and down a bit - that's just the way it is. But what if LDN can help stabilize some of these mood swings?

As mentioned earlier, this drug can help regulate both chemical substances and nerve signals in the body. When we get a more even distribution of neurological responses, this will also result in us experiencing fewer changes in our mood - and that we can have a positive effect in the form that we feel happier.

Also read: This You Should Know About Fibromyalgia


5. Less pain sensitivity and higher activity tolerance

balance problems

Studies have shown that low-dose naltroxen can reduce daily pain and fatigue. A small study with 12 participants - using the VAS scale and physical tests (including cold and heat sensitivity) to measure their pain - experienced a significant improvement in terms of pain tolerance. That is, they gradually tolerated more pain as they had taken this drug.

After 18 weeks with a daily LDN dose of 6mg, the results showed that the patients tolerated a full 10 times as much. A follow-up study with 31 participants also concluded with daily pain reduction, as well as improved quality of life and mood.

If you have questions regarding treatment methods and assessment of fibromyalgia, we recommend that you join your local rheumatism association, join a support group on the internet (we recommend the facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: News, Unity and Research«) And be open with those around you that you sometimes have difficulty and that this can go beyond your personality temporarily.

Also read: - 5 Exercise exercises for those with Fibromyalgia

five exercise exercises for those with fibromyalgia

We are also actively working to create more free exercise videos on our YouTube channel for those with fibromyalgia and rheumatism. Watch our YouTube channel here - and feel free to subscribe so we can continue to create free training videos.

6. Counters allodynia throughout the body

Allodynia is defined as pain even with light touch - that is, things that should not result in pain do just that. This is a classic symptom of fibromyalgia due to their proven oversensitive pain and nervous system.

A small study of eight women went through eight weeks of so-called LDN therapy. The study measured inflammatory markers and especially those associated with pain and allodynia. At the end of treatment, there was a marked decline in reporting pain levels and symptoms, and no negative side effects had been reported.

Many people with fibromyalgia also seek physical treatment. In Norway, the three publicly authorized professions are chiropractor, physiotherapist and manual therapist. Physical therapy usually consists of a combination of joint mobilization (against stiff and unsteady joints), muscular techniques (which help to break down muscular tension and muscular tissue damage) and instruction in home exercises (such as those shown in the video further down in the article ).

It is important that your clinician tackles your problem with an interdisciplinary approach consisting of both joint treatment and muscle techniques - to help increase your mobility in dysfunctional joints and reduce muscle tissue damage. Feel free to contact us via our FB page if you want recommendations near you.

Also read: - 8 Natural Pain Relieving Measures For Fibromyalgia

8 natural painkillers for fibromyalgia

7. Relieves irritable bowel and stomach upset


Due to the imbalances in the body, those with fibromyalgia are often affected by irritable bowel and stomach ailments. This is a classic symptom of fibromyalgia due to their proven oversensitive pain and nervous system.

Research studies have shown a positive effect on both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In a smaller study (Bihari et al) involving eight Crohn's patients, the researchers treated them with LDN therapy. All eight cases improved markedly within 2-3 weeks and when checked after two months the condition was still stable and improved.

What we can conclude is that LDN is a very exciting drug that we look forward to following the research on. Could this be the drug we have been waiting for?

Also read: - How Training in a Hot Water Pool Can Help With Fibromyalgia

this is how training in a hot water pool helps with fibromyalgia 2

More information? Join this group!

Join the Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news»(Click here) for the latest updates on research and media writing about chronic disorders. Here, members can also get help and support - at all times of the day - through the exchange of their own experiences and advice.

VIDEO: Exercises for Rheumatists and Those Affected by Fibromyalgia

Feel free to subscribe on our channel - and follow our page on FB for daily health tips and exercise programs.

We really hope this article can help you in the fight against fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

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Again, we want to ask nicely to share this article in social media or via your blog (feel free to link directly to the article). Understanding and increased focus is the first step towards a better everyday life for those with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain diagnosis that can be extremely devastating to the person affected. The diagnosis can lead to reduced energy, daily pain and everyday challenges that are far above what Kari and Ola Nordmann are bothered with. We kindly ask you to like and share this for increased focus and more research on the treatment of fibromyalgia. Many thanks to everyone who likes and shares - maybe we can be together to find a cure one day?


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NEXT PAGE: - Research: This is the Best Fibromyalgia Diet

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These 18 sore muscle points can tell if you have fibromyalgia

18 aching muscle points

The 18 painful muscle points that may indicate fibromyalgia

Hypersensitive and sore muscle points are a characteristic symptom of fibromyalgia. 

There are 18 painful muscle points that are particularly associated with the chronic pain disorder fibromyalgia. In the past, these muscle points were directly used to make the diagnosis, but things have changed since then. Having said that, they are still used in investigations and diagnostics.

- Still used in diagnostics

A larger, more recent study (2021) looked more closely at the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.¹ They indicated that the diagnosis is still usually made by a rheumatologist based on these criteria:

  • Long-lasting, chronic pain
  • Widespread pain involving all 4 quadrants of the body
  • Significant pain sensitivity in 11 out of 18 muscle points (also called tender points)

But they also recognize how fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that consists of much more than optional pains. Among other things, they point out how this is a very complex diagnosis.

- Not emphasized as strongly as previously

Before, it was almost the case that if you had results on 11 or more of 18 tender points, you received the diagnosis. But we point out that since this article was first published, the diagnostic criteria have changed, and these points are given less weight than before. But considering how much hypersensitivity, allodynia og muscle aches it is among this patient group; then one can understand why it is still used as part of the diagnosis.

"The article has been written and quality checked by publicly authorized health personnel. This includes both physiotherapists and chiropractors at Pain clinics Interdisciplinary Health (see clinic overview here). We always recommend having your pain assessed by knowledgeable healthcare personnel."

Tips: At the bottom of the guide, you can see a video with recommended gentle exercises adapted to fibromyalgia patients. We also give good advice for self-help against muscle pain, including the use of foam roll og trigger point ball.

Are chronic pain and invisible illness taken seriously enough?

Unfortunately, there are clear indications that these are diagnoses and illnesses that are not being prioritized. Among other things, internal surveys have shown that this patient group is placed at the bottom of the list the popularity list. Is there reason to believe that this affects how healthcare personnel meet and treat these patients? Yes, unfortunately. This is precisely why it is so important that we stand together to fight for patient rights for these diagnoses. We thank everyone who gets involved in our posts and who helps us spread the message via social media and the like.

"Your commitment and dissemination of our issues is worth its weight in gold. Together we are (even) stronger - and can fight together for better patient rights for this neglected patient group."

List: Sore muscle points associated with fibromyalgia

We will go into more detail on where the various aching muscle points are located, but the areas involved include:

  • The back of the head
  • knees
  • hips
  • Top of the shoulders
  • Upper part of the chest
  • Upper part of the back

The 18 muscle points are thus well spread over the entire body. Other names for muscle points are tender points or allogeneic points. Again, we want to make it clear that these are not used exclusively to make the diagnosis, but they can still play an important role.

- Daily relaxation is important

Fibromyalgia patients and several other invisible illnesses have a very active nervous system. Precisely for this reason, it is important that this patient group takes time for themselves and makes use of relaxation techniques. Here there are different individual preferences, but what we can say for certain is that many in this patient group are troubled by tension in the neck and back. Based on this, measures such as neck hammock, acupressure mat, back stretch or massage ball, all come into their own. All links to recommended products open in a new browser window.

Tip 1: Stress down in the neck hammock

Many people report good relief when using what is called neck hammock. In short, it gently stretches the muscles and joints of the neck, while at the same time stimulating a natural and good neck posture. You can press the image or here to read more about it.

Tip 2: Stimulates circulation in the muscles with a massage ball

En massage ball, also often called a trigger point ball, is excellent self-help for sore and tense muscles. You use it directly on areas that are very tense, with the intention of stimulating increased circulation and dissolving muscle tension. This edition is in natural cork. Read more about it here .

Tender points 1 and 2: The outside of the elbows

Is it a tendon inflammation or tendon injury?

The first two points are on the outside of the elbows. More specifically, we are talking here about the area where the wrist extensors (the muscles and tendons that bend the wrist back) attach to the lateral epicondyle (the leg outside the elbow).

Tender points 3 and 4: The back of the head

Pain in the back of the head

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain diagnosis with highly sensitive muscles, tendons and nerves - which can be triggered by various factors. The next two sensitive muscle points can be found on the back of the head.

– Craniocervical region

More specifically, we are talking here about the area where the neck meets the transition to the skull, ie the craniocervical transition. In particular, a greatly increased sensitivity has been noted in suboccipital muscle - the four smaller muscle attachments that attach to this area.

Tender points 5 and 6: Inside of the knees

knee pain and knee injury

We find points 5 and 6 on the inside of our knees. We point out that when it comes to sore muscle points in the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, it is not a question of common muscle pain - but rather that one is highly sensitive to touch in this area and that pressure on the area, which normally should not hurt , is actually painful.

- Compression noise can provide relief and support

Fibromyalgia is categorized as a form of soft tissue rheumatism. Like many afflicted with rheumatic disorders, so can compression noise (for example knee compression support), exercise in hot water pool and warm pillows, help relieve knee pain.

Tip 3: Compression support for the knee (one size)

Having one knee compression support available is always a good idea. Even if you don't use it every day, it can be extra nice to have when you know you're going to be on your feet more than usual. In such situations, the support can provide both extra stability and protection. You can read more about this here .

Tender points 7, 8, 9 and 10: The outside of the hips

hip pain on the front

On the hips we find four highly sensitive muscle points - two on each side. The points sit more towards the back of the hips - one on the back of the hip joint itself and one on the back of the outer hip crest.

- Hip pain is a common fibromyalgia symptom

In light of this, it is also not surprising that hip pain is a recurring problem in those with fibromyalgia. Perhaps you have been affected yourself and recognize this? To calm the pain in the hips, we recommend adapted yoga exercises, physical therapy and - in certain, more severe cases that also include calcifications can Shockwave Therapy be favorable.

Tender points 11, 12, 13 and 14: Front, upper part of the chest plate 

Cause of chest pain

This area, like the hips, has four hypersensitive points. Two of the points are located just below each side of the inner part of the collarbone (known as the SC joint) and the other two are located further down on each side of the breast plate itself.

- Can be excruciating pain

Experiencing severe chest pain can be very daunting as it provides associations to heart and lung disease. It is always important to take such symptoms and pain seriously, and have them investigated by your GP. Fortunately, the vast majority of cases of chest pain are due to muscular tension or pain from the ribs.

Tender points 15, 16, 17 and 18: Upper back and top of shoulder blades

aches in muscles and joints

In the picture above, you see the four points we find in the upper part of the back. Rather, the therapist's thumbs are on two of the points, but we find these on both sides.

Summary: 18 tender points in fibromyalgia (full map)

In this article, we have gone through the 18 tender points associated with fibromyalgia. In the illustration above, you can see a complete map of the 18 points.

Feel free to join our support group

If desired, you can join our Facebook group «Rheumatism and Chronic Pain - Norway: Research and news». Here you can read more about various posts and make comments.

VIDEO: 5 mobility exercises for fibromyalgia patients

In the video below shows chiropractor Alexander Andorff five adapted movement exercises. These are gentle and adapted to people with fibromyalgia and invisible illness. In addition to these exercises, it has also been documented that Stretching can be good for fibromyalgia patients.

These five exercises can help you maintain mobility in a daily life filled with chronic pain. However, we are reminded to pay attention to the day's form and to adapt accordingly.

Help spread the knowledge

Many of you who have read this article may recognize yourself in not feeling heard in the healthcare system. Several of these bad experiences are rooted in a lack of knowledge about invisible illness. And this is precisely what we must do something about. We would like to send a big thank you to everyone who engages, motivates and spreads our posts in social media and links to us in the comment field and more. Over time, together we can contribute to a better general understanding of these diagnoses. Remember that you can also always ask us questions directly on our page on Facebook (The pain clinics - Interdisciplinary Health) - and we really appreciate all the commitment there as well.

The pain clinics: Modern investigation and treatment

Our clinicians and clinic departments always aim to be among the elite in the investigation, treatment and rehabilitation of pain and injuries in muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. By pressing the button below, you can see an overview of our clinics - including in Oslo (incl Lambert seats) and Akershus (Raw wood og Eidsvoll Sound). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or are wondering about anything.


Article: 18 painful muscle points in fibromyalgia

Written by: Our publicly authorized chiropractors and physiotherapists at Vondtklinikkene

Fact check: Our articles are always based on serious sources, research studies and research journals - such as PubMed and the Cochrane Library. Please contact us if you spot any errors or have comments.

Sources and research

1. Siracusa et al, 2021. Fibromyalgia: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options Update. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 9;22(8):3891.

Photos (credit)

Image: Map of the 18 tender points. Istockphoto (licensed use). Stock illustration ID: 1295607305 Credit: ttsz

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